cglib « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Spring - Weird Error in Bean Creation

Any idea why I am getting this exception?

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'myService' defined in class path resource [context.xml]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed ...

2. How to know the line of a bug in a spring generated bean?

I've got a website build with Spring and jpa (by hibernate). I've got a bug and I don't know how to identify the line where the bug appears. I can't debug it ...

3. Performance problems when using lots of AOP request scoped beans

I'm working on a semi-large application using Spring 3 and am running into performance problems when throwing hundreds of users at it at once. I'm using several request scoped beans ...

4. Gson serializing Spring beans

I am using Gson 1.6 and Spring Framework 3.0 for a Java web app on WebSphere 6.1. I have some Spring beans for which the ...

5. Spring: Is CGLIB required for injection of a concrete class using @Resource

I have configured Spring 3.0.6 with AspectJ LTW using spring-instrument.jar and:

<context:load-time-weaver aspectj-weaving="on" weaver-class="org.springframework.instrument.classloading.InstrumentationLoadTimeWeaver" />
When removing CGLIB from dependencies, I'm getting the following exception even after MyBean is created (and its @PostConstruct ...

6. spring bean initialization problem after including CGLIB

spring bean initialization problem after including CGLIB Hi I'm having problems initializing spring beans while using CGLIB. When I didn't have CGLIB in my classpath, beans were getting initialized properly and ...

7. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CGLIB generated proxy on advised bean.

Sep 11th, 2007, 01:57 AM #1 jacmorel View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2007 Posts 2 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CGLIB generated proxy on advised bean. Given ...

8. Ensuring CGLib Proxies When Defining Beans Programmatically?

I'm programmatically defining some beans and adding them to my app context like so: Code: BeanDefinition beanDefinition = new RootBeanDefinition(SomeType.class); beanDefinition.setScope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE); genericApplicationContext.registerBeanDefinition("beanName", beanDefinition); SomeType bean = (SomeType) genericApplicationContext.getBean("beanName", type) The classes ...

9. Bean Validation Framework and CGLIB enhancement

Bean Validation Framework and CGLIB enhancement I am using the Bean Validation Framework to validate an object one of whose member variables is a hydrated hibernate object. The object is of ...

10. Accessing cglib proxied bean from application context

Accessing cglib proxied bean from application context I'm trying to access a cglib proxied bean from a quartz job bean where I only have reference to application context. Cglib is used ...

11. The bean's property is null which is adviced by CGLib

The bean's property is null which is adviced by CGLib Help, I ran into a problem when using Spring AOP with CGLib. the configure file is something like:

12. Constructor called twice when using CGLIB proxy beans.

Why is the constructor called twice when using CGLIB proxy beans. I have a System.out.println in the constructor: Code: System.out.println("*** inside constructor : " + this); I can see the following ...