autowire « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Is it possible to partially autowire a spring bean?

I want to autowire a bean partially - that is, I want some args to be autowired but other to be explicitly set. For example: public MyClient(Service svc, boolean b) In the case ...

2. Spring list beans by type

Is there a way in Spring that I can auto populate a list with all of beans of a type AND any of its subtypes? I have a setter method that ...

3. Can't I use annotation to indicate a bean is a primary bean

We know in Spring, <bean> has an attribute "primary" to indicate a bean is the first candidate if there are multiple beans are available to be autowired to a property. But now ...

4. When using Autowire, where do you set the bean you want wired up?

When you mark something with the Autowire annotation, you are saying you want this particular e.g. class to be automatically wired for DI. Now where exactly do you set the target class ...

5. In Spring, can I autowire new beans from inside an autowired bean?

I normally just @Autowire things into spring objects. But I've encountered a situation where I need to dynamically create some objects which require values that could be autowired. What should I do? ...

6. Problem with Autowiring & No unique bean

I have 2 classes (B,C) extends class A.

public class A  extends AbstratClass<Modele>{

    A(MyClass  br) {

7. inject a mockups to a bean that has @Autowired annotations

I have a bean that has a couple of beans injected with the autowire annotation (no qualifier). Now, for testing reasons I want to inject some mocks to the bean instead ...

8. injecting derived property for @Repository bean without @Autowired in super class

I would like to use @Repository spring annotation to avoid adding bean in context.xml. I use ibatis integration, so my repository class looks like this

public class UserDaoMybatis extends SqlMapClientDaoSupport implements UserDao {

9. Spring @Autowired with 2 beans of the same type

I have the following defined.

DaoType1<object1> someDao;

DaoType1<object1> someListDao;
and in my bean definitions I have two beans of the same type
<bean id="someDao" class="com.example.DaoType1" />
<bean id="someListDao" class="com.example.DaoType1" />
The second bean is imported from another ...

10. Does Spring autowire by name if more than one matching bean found?

  • Am using Spring 3.0.3.RELEASE.
  • Following classes "USA" and "UK" implements Country and declared in the config file with only one difference that "UK" has the id.
  • In the following code "UK" is autowired ...

11. Autowiring two different beans of same class

I have a class which wraps a connection pool, the class gets its connection details from a spring configuration as shown below:

<bean id="jedisConnector" class="com.legolas.jedis.JedisConnector" init-method="init" destroy-method="destroy">

12. How to autowire a bean inside a class that is not a configured bean?

Forgive me if I don't get the terminology correct. My situation is thus: I have a class, let's call it TheClass. Inside this class is a TheData object. I have XML to set up ...

13. How can I qualify an autowired property with a variable from a config file using annotations?

My specific problem is that I have configured two beans that implement the same interface and I have a third bean that has a property of that interface's type. I inject ...

14. Spring 3.0.5 doesn't evaluate @Value annotation from properties

Trying to auto-wire properties to a bean in Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE, I'm using:

<context:property-placeholder location="" />
public class MyClass {

    private String username;
As ...

15. Can @Autowired by type produce a bean definition?

When you use @Autowired in a spring @Component, spring determines autowire candidates for every instantiation of the component, which is really not good when you use @Request/@Session scoped web stuff. Why ...

16. Spring bean primitive properties when using @Component and @Autowired?

How to set value for primitive properties of a bean? Since we have @Component annotation and also @Autowired annotation also is for binding instance dependencies, so what about primitive properties?

class Person{
Address address;

int ...

17. Creating @Autowire like annotation for injecting properties

I am using Spring 3 and also heavily utilize the well known @Autowire annotation. I would like to create a new annotation, let's call it @Property that autowires Java properties from ...

18. How to create spring bean that can be autowired using annotations?

I've got a small MVC web app with the Controller configured using annotations. The xml setup is simple.

<beans xmlns=""

19. Inject primitive properties to Spring bean when using @Autowired?

try to inject myInt of the following through Spring

public class MyBean {
@Resource (name="myValue")
private int myInt;
Any idea? I have got the following post. But it don't work for me. I still ...

20. Can't get@Autowired to work with beans

I'm currently just starting out with Spring and trying to get the hang of it. But I've run into a problem: My @Autowired keeps failing. In my spring.xml I've got this:

<!--Handle @Autowired-->
<context:annotation-config ...

21. Autowiring beans

I've created a few beans for validation of an object:

<!-- RES rules engine -->
<bean id="rules-execution-server-engine"
    <constructor-arg index="0" value="util.res.rulesengine.log" />

  <bean id="rio-object" class="UROImpl">

22. Mocking Spring beans

I'd like to continue this question. These answers foo and bar are exactly what I would need. But for the bar example spring doesn't infer the type of bean ...

23. Spring not autowiring a collection via the load-time weaver

As per this question, it seems that you can declare something like the following and have it "work":

public class Target {

    private List<Dependency> dependencies;


24. Spring Autowiring of Parameterized Collection

Hello everyone and thanks for the help in advance. I am having a problem where Spring cannot autowire a parametirized member variable of type ArrayBlockingQueue. Here is the java code:

public class SomeController

25. Spring: how to ignore @Autowired property if bean is not defined

Situation: I have I class with property annotated with @Autowired:

public class MyClass {
    protected MyAutoWiredBean myAutowiredBean;
Is there any possibility to made wiring this bean ...

26. Spring:autowired field is null

I need to wire external lib class to my bean,in order to use it as singleton.
.xml config:

<bean id="myBean" class="">
 <property name="someLib" value="com.ExternalBean" />
java bean:
public class MyBean {


27. Injection of collection doesn't work when using @Autowire

Injection of collection doesn't work when using @Autowire Hi, I'm trying to inject to one of my beans a Queue. I've written the following code in a factory class: Code: @Configuration ...

28. Bean declaration in context files vs autowire annotations

Bean declaration in context files vs autowire annotations Hi, Im going to upgrade my web application from Spring 2.5.4 to Spring 3.0.5. Also, were going to start a new application in ...

29. How to autowire an alias bean?

How to autowire an alias bean? Hi, I am trying to figure out if/how I can autowire a bean that has been aliased. For example: Code: ...

30. Autowiring of beans in parent context not working

Jul 12th, 2011, 06:42 PM #1 bebop View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2011 Posts 2 Autowiring of beans in parent context not working Hello ...

31. Property not autowired

Property not autowired Hi I'm new to annotaion based spring, so this might be a silly question, so please forgive me I've got a vaadin portlet for liferay. The main class ...

32. autowire and parent bean

autowire and parent bean Hi, Posted this question on the mailing list but got no response so I'm trying here (sorry if you've already read this). Should autowire try to wire ...

33. Autowiring with multiple beans

Autowiring with multiple beans Hi all, I'm new to spring so maybe some of you spring gurus can answer this question that has been bugging me. From what I can tell ...

34. Autowiring with multiple matching beans

Autowiring with multiple matching beans Hi all, I'm new to spring so maybe some of you spring gurus can answer this question that has been bugging me. From what I can ...

35. Scripted Beans autowire byName not working

I can't get autowiring byName to work for Scripted Beans. I'm trying to auto-inject dependencies into my Spring Controllers and don't want to have to explicitly define them for each controller. ...

36. autowire causes beans to b instantiated twice

I ran across a situation where setting default-autowire to byName cause some beans to be instantiated twice. I have several ApplicationContexts in a hierarchy, and it is one of the leaf ...

37. autowire values from properties files

Hi there, we're dealing with the new annotation autowiring possibilities of 2.5 and have a question regarding the injection of values from properties files. This means we want to have a ...

38. Autowiring create bean problem

Autowiring create bean problem Hi guys, I have some problem when using autowiring. I would like to enjoy autowiring feature in some classes and I added context:annotation-config in my XML. However, ...

39. Annotations: autowiring properties from property file

Hi, I'm trying to autowire a bean that has a property thats filled in from a property file in the following way: (at least, thats how it was before I started ...

40. autowiring or tests ignoring propertyplaceholderconfigurer

Jan 27th, 2008, 08:34 PM #1 lumpynose View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date May 2005 Location California, US Posts 735 autowiring or tests ignoring propertyplaceholderconfigurer In ...

41. Bean Populate Collection using autowire (byType)

Hi. I my project, we need to populate a collection with all beans referring to same class means byType. So could any one please send me bean entry i need to ...

42. Autowiring superclass properties using annotations

Autowiring superclass properties using annotations I have a class that extends NamedParameterJdbcDaoSupport. This superclass has a final setDataSource method on it. Using XML configuration I can easily wire in my datasource, ...

43. Autowiring and property placeholder

Helo, All. I decided to use annotation configuration instead of XML configuration. If previously I had bean, which should have some property from property placeholder, I did as follows: Code:

44. Bean not injecting with Autowire

Bean not injecting with Autowire Hi Guys, I wonder if anybody can help me on this one... I want to inject a "SimpleAccountManager" bean into two objects. One is a Controller ...

45. How autowiring of strongly-typed collections works?

As far as I know erasure is done on the bytecode (runtime) level, not on the reflection level - in other words, information is there but ignored for compatibility reasons.

46. Is it possible to partially autowire a bean?

I want to autowire a bean partially - that is, I want some args to be autowired but other to be explicitly set. For example: public MyClient(Service svc, boolean b) In ...

47. Autowiring Property Values

Hi, I have a property file named app.peroperties and it is defined in spring configuration file as below: ... waitInterval=200 ... Context-Main.xml ... ... ...

48. Extending bean from another project using autowiring

Extending bean from another project using autowiring Hi, My company provides several softwares based on a core module. This module is separated in a project so we used it as a ...

49. Is there an easier way to autowire inherited final properties?

Is there an easier way to autowire inherited final properties? Specifically, how to autowire sqlMapClient in subclasses of SqlMapClientDaoSupport. I have a package of DAO Components that I detect by scanning, ...

50. Retrieve beans created with @Autowired

Retrieve beans created with @Autowired I have two servlets contained within one war. One is the DispatcherServlet, the other we'll call the StoreServlet (StoreServlet is not Spring-managed). Urls are routed to ...

51. autowired collection with multiple types

Hi, i want to autowire a collection, whose objects have to be related to different types. Is that possible? If yes, how? May be with a qualifier? Thx, Ray

52. Autowiring only certain beans by type

Autowiring only certain beans by type Hi all, I was looking into auto-wiring recently and while I generally prefer to have explicit dependencies specified in XML there are some beans that ...

53. List all autowired beans

Hi, Im attempting to list all the beans that have the @Service annotation on them. I have tried using getBeanDefinitionNames(), but this only returns the classes with @Controller annotation. Is there ...

54. Interceptor to invoke Beans through @Autowired annotation

Interceptor to invoke Beans through @Autowired annotation Hi Friends, I am coding Interceptor to check some security authentication, the code look like: Code: public class MaxInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter { private static ...

55. autowire beans from factory-method or postconstruts

Hi, i have a factory and factory-method to generate a bean (@Component). Depending on a configuaration (property file), i need to return a @Component bean from the factory-method (or may be ...

56. Possible to autowire to two different beans?

57. Autowiring a Bean into an Aspect

I'd like to autowire a spring-managed bean into an Aspect. The following works like a champ: Code: @Aspect @Configurable public class PointWrapper { @Autowired private JobSupport job_support; (point-cuts-here) } I realized ...

58.  undocumented feature

Feb 24th, 2010, 09:47 PM #1 bytor99999 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Senior Member Join Date Jan 2009 Location Seal Beach, CA Posts 223 undocumented ...

59. How to programmaticly set spring autowired properties without Spring config?

public class MyServiceTest { .. @Test public void doTest() { MyService myService = new MyServiceImpl(); MyDao myDaoMock = Mockito.mock(MyDao.class); .. // How to wire myDaoMock to myService without making setMyDao(..) method ...

60. Partially setting and partially autowiring a Bean in @Configuration

Partially setting and partially autowiring a Bean in @Configuration Hi, I've been playing a lot with porting all of my apps to Spring 3 with almost fully Java-centric configuration. I actually ...

61. Problems Autowiring in PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

Problems Autowiring in PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer Hello. I have an interesting problem that I was hoping somebody could help me with: Situation: I've built a custom configuration API on top of Apache Commons ...

62. Regarding autowiring @VelocityConfig bean

Regarding autowiring @VelocityConfig bean Hi Can anyone please help me in understanding whether the following approach is fine: In our application we actually needed an instance of VelocityConfig bean within the ...

63. @Autowired doesn't work with non-spring bean

Jun 8th, 2010, 09:49 AM #1 framar97 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2010 Posts 5 @Autowired doesn't work with non-spring bean I'm trying to ...

64. Autowiring non-spring beans

Jun 9th, 2010, 05:57 AM #1 framar97 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2010 Posts 5 Autowiring non-spring beans Hi, I'm trying to upgrade my ...

65. One @Autowired bean works, the other does not

One @Autowired bean works, the other does not I'm at a loss as to why one bean I've created is having a property set properly and another is not. The only ...

66. Howto autowire bean properties without addin bean to context?

Using this code I can autowire bean properties: Code: PersonService foo = new PersonService(); context.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory().autowireBeanProperties(foo, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_AUTODETECT, false); but autowireBeanProperties() adds bean to context. How can I autowire properties without adding bean ...

67. Can a Autowired bean can be explicitly destroyed

Hi I have a class SurrogateKeyGenerator in which i have autowired DBCP's BasicDataSource object. There may be a scenario in which BasicDataSource object holding database connections may become stale, if the ...

68. autowiring properties values

autowiring properties values I have a bean that has a getter/setter for a String attribute called serverBase. I have a properties file that is configured in my spring context. I would ...

69. @Autowired with @Qualifier and PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [java.util.ArrayList] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier(value=${})}

70. Switching autowire candidates via properties

Hi, Today I have to beans in my context that implement the same interface and I use the "primary" property to specify which one should be picked up by Spring. I'd ...

71. Spring - property not autowired