aspectj « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Autowiring Unmanaged Beans Annotated With @Component

I want to use @AutoWired to inject a non-managed bean configured with @Component into a managed bean. I'm pretty sure I have the configuration right, but for some reason I ...

2. Spring load time weaving not detecting class annotated with @configurable

I'm having trouble getting AspectJ to perform load time weaving on a class annotated with @configurable in my main project. No fields get set and none of the setters are ...

3. How to create an aspect on class, that is not a bean using Spring AOP?

I work on an legacy application, where Spring AOP (namely ProxyFactoryBean) is used. I need to add an aspect around a method of a certain class. This class is not a bean ...

4. Reading annotation property in aspect

How to read annotation property value in aspect? I want my Around advice to be executed for all joint points annotated with @Transactional(readonly=false).

@Around("execution(**.*(..)) "
+ "&& @annotation(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)")
public Object myMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable ...

5. AspectJ Load time weaver doesn't detect all classes

I am using Spring's declarative transactions (the @Transactional annotation) in "aspectj" mode. It works in most cases exactly like it should, but for one it doesn't. We can call it Lang ...

6. Retreiving bean in AspectJ class using Spring

i am using aspectJ class for Exception Handling aspect in Spring. i need to read values from properties files which is defined in spring bean. Presently i am reading property file using the ...

7. Can I use inter-type declaration to add a property?

We have domain objects that extend an abstract base class to support a timestamp

abstract class TimestampedObject {
    private Date timestamp;
    public Date getTimestamp(){return timestamp;}

8. ClassLoader does NOT provide an 'addTransformer(ClassFileTransformer)' method

I'm using Spring and AspectJ to do some nice weaving and I just ran into this issue after inserting <context:load-time-weaver/> into my application context:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ClassLoader [sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader] does NOT provide ...

9. Spring ignoring AspectJ @Autowired property.

Spring ignoring AspectJ @Autowired property. Hi, I'm trying to enhance a class functionality via aspects but I can't get @Autowired to work. If I add the spring-aspects library to the "aspect ...

10. aspectj/spring again: will aspectj work with proxied bean?

aspectj/spring again: will aspectj work with proxied bean? hello all, i have tried one experiment at home (just for sake of trying..). I have an app that is wrapping a DAO ...

11.  and Abstract Beans

and Abstract Beans I have a set of Spring config files that work just fine, until I add: Note, this is without adding any pointcut or advisor definitions, I ...

12. Cannot register non aspect: org$springframework$beans$factory$aspectj$Annotati onBea

Sep 23rd, 2006, 09:10 AM #1 pdelahun View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2005 Posts 9 Cannot register non aspect: org$springframework$beans$factory$aspectj$Annotati onBea Anyone have any ...

13. Recognizing bean properties added by an AspectJ inter-type member declaration?

Recognizing bean properties added by an AspectJ inter-type member declaration? I'm using AspectJ to provide a default interface implementation with inter-type member declarations. SpringIDE thinks there is an error in a ...

14. Could not instantiate bean class[org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJPointcutAdv i

Could not instantiate bean class[org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJPointcutAdv i Hi I am Manjunath I am facing a issue while passing a userdefined argument through spring aop. this is my context xml. HTML Code:

15. Retrieving a Spring Bean in @AspectJ classes?

Need help here. How to retrieve a Spring Bean from @AspectJ classes? I use AspectJ instead of Spring AOP. I need to write a simple Audit Trail Aspect that write to ...

16. spring osgi with aspectj dependency injection on a prototype bean

spring osgi with aspectj dependency injection on a prototype bean Hi! I posted a question on a spring DM server forum ( and they suggested that I ask here. Let me ...