annotation « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Instantiating multiple beans of the same class with Spring annotations

With an XML configured Spring bean factory, I can easily instantiate multiple instances of the same class with different parameters. How can I do the same with annotations? I would like ...

2. Adding Spring bean using annotations : placing it & initializing properties values

I've gleaned that adding the context:component-scan will enable adding any jar with bean annotated as @Bean to the spring configuration, but , while getting lost in the Framework reference...

  • How can ...

3. inject default values into Spring bean with annotation

I'd like to set default values for a list in a bean using annotations. For example, if it's not a list you can do:

String test;
But, in my case i want to give ...

4. Spring @Value annotation not using defaults when property is not present

I am trying to use @Value annotation in the parameters of a constructor as follows:

public StringEncryptor(
    @Value("${encryptor.password:\"\"}") String password,
    @Value("${encryptor.algorithm:\"PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES\"}") String algorithm,

5. How can I make Spring identify beans without using xml or annotations?

I'm trying to integrate Spring framework into an existing project that contains thousands of pojos.
Writing an xml configuration file or going through each file and annotating the classes will be a ...

6. How to signal Spring that Bean property must be populated?

Let's say that I have a Java class like this:

public class PersonGrabber {
  private PersonDAO dao;

  public void setDao(PersonDao dao) {
    this.dao = dao;

7. When annotation a class with @Component, does this mean it is a Spring Bean and Singleton?

being fairly new to Spring i have a question about annotating a class. When annotating a class with @Component does this mean that this class will be a Spring Bean and ...

8. Spring component detection without xml bean definitions

Is it correct that one can create spring beans using just the @Component annotation as long as context component scanning is configured? Using spring 3.0.5 with Java 6. My test case is:


public class ...

9. Creating a collection of beans in Spring using @Configuration

How can I create a collection of beans that will be properly managed by Spring using a class with a @Configuration annotation. I would like to do something like this:

public Config {

10. @Qualifier("unique_name") in spring to identify a bean uniquely in application context not working?

I have the following scenario:

class A  with "bean-a" in wireup.xml  

class B extends A  with "bean-b" in wireup.xml  
Since B is also A, which means ...

11. Find annotation in Spring proxy bean

I have created my own annotation for classes: @MyAnnotation, and have annotated two classes with it. I have also annotated a few methods in these classes with Spring's @Transactional. According to the ...

12. Spring: how AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext could not overwrite later beans?

I have a web application that use Sring IoC framework. I use the Java configuration for Spring, and I only use @Configuration annoted module definition (no DI related tags elsewhere in ...

13. Populate Spring Bean's File field via Annotation

Is it possible to do something like this :

<property name="template" value="file:/some/resource/path/myTemplate.txt" />
via annotations without creating custom annotation and populate the field via reflection ? It cannot be done with @Value, cause ...

14. spring beans annotations not working

I've read that in order to use annotations to configure spring beans, i've to configure my web.xml like the following:


15. Name conflicts between explicit bean names and annotated classes?

I'm facing a strange problem regarding spring bean naming. I'm working on a refactoring of a piece of code, which involves rewriting new classes in new packages. Some of the classes have ...

16. set property of base class in derived class with spring annotations

I've a base class with a property that should be set in the derived class. I've to use annotations. How's that possible? I know how do this with xml spring configurations, but ...

17. Will Spring 3.5 abandon IoC or XML Bean Configurations?

I have heard that Spring - after establishing annotations with version 2 - might be abandoning IoC and XML bean definitions altogether in Spring version 3.5. Is that a known fact or ...

18. Reading from a properties file Spring 3

I've tried looking for an example of using the @Value annotation in Spring 3 to read values from a properties file using Spring EL but I haven't found a good example. ...

19. Spring @Value annotation not using defaults when property is not present

Spring @Value annotation not using defaults when property is not present I am trying to use @Value annotation in the parameters of a constructor as follows: @Autowired public StringEncryptor( @Value("${encryptor.password:\"\"}") String ...

20. Annotation-specified bean name conflicts ...

Annotation-specified bean name conflicts ... Hi! I have developed a web app that uses Spring annotations for some time. (Windows7 + Jetty) But when deploying it to a webserver I encountered ...

21. How to accomplish in a @Configuration bean?

I am trying to have a totally XML-free config (using a AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext). How how do I create a @Configuration bean that will trigger the logic and add support for ...

22. Annotation based configuration parent bean configuration equiavalent

I would like to figure out how to configure a parent for a bean so that the container takes care of injecting the dependencies automatically without having to overwrite the setters ...

23. Combining Annotations and beans config

Combining Annotations and beans config Is it possible to combine annotations and beans config? I just started playing with annotations and I like how they simplify configuration. However, I would prefer ...

24. Is it possible to use property placeholders in Pre and Post annotations?

Hi. I'm trying to use property placeholders in @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize annotations inside of a custom function call, with no luck. Something like this: @PreAuthorize(#matchesIp(${})) I've tried with different formats but ...

25. Find annotation in Spring proxy bean

Find annotation in Spring proxy bean [Cross-posted from] I have created my own annotation for classes: @MyAnnotation, and have annotated two classes with it. I have also annotated a ...

26. Is there a way to configure bean inheritance using annotations?

Is there a way to configure bean inheritance using annotations? Hello,everyone! I'm new to spring, and find it very useful. In a web project, I annotated the DAOs, sevices and actions ...

27. Best way to inject properties in a parent object via annotations?

Best way to inject properties in a parent object via annotations? My question from using the Spring "SqlMapClientDaoSupport" class as a parent object. So yes, I know this question could be ...

28. Best practices for annotation-based beans?

Best practices for annotation-based beans? Hi, I've look at the maven project that I built and decided to break things down into smaller modules to facilitate code-reuse. Conceptually, it is fairly ...

29. Programatically register new bean based on annotation

Programatically register new bean based on annotation I have a need to programatically create a new bean based on an existing bean. I would like to have an annotated bean class ...

30. Loading a list from properties file using @Value annotation

Hello, I couldn't find what I need in other topics so I hope someone could help me... I'm trying to load a list of String using @Value annotation and a properties ...

31. Generate beans definition XML from annotations?

Generate beans definition XML from annotations? I have an existing annotated Spring project (i.e., @Service, @Repository, @Controller, @Component, @Autowired, etc.). It uses and to load the annotated ...

32. Generate beans definition XML from annotations?

Generate beans definition XML from annotations? I have an existing Spring application configured with annotations (@Serive, @Autowired, etc.). The XML configuration uses and to load the application's ...

33. XML Beans Fully in XML, Stereotyped beans fully in Annotations

XML Beans Fully in XML, Stereotyped beans fully in Annotations Let me explain a little about my design choices before I get to the problem because then it will make more ...

34. Custom Annotation and Bean Instantation

Hi, I have a bean annotated with custom annotation that extends @Component stereotype. I want the bean is not instantiated directly, but in its place a wrapper is instantiated and registered ...

35. File properties injection with annotation

Could not autowire field: private java.lang.String com.web.MyClass.myProp; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: could not resolve placeholder 'file.prop'

36. Loading spring beans from ClassLoader using JDK5 annotations and no XML file

Loading spring beans from ClassLoader using JDK5 annotations and no XML file I have been using spring now for a year and a half using JDK1.4, XDoclet generated XML Spring descriptors ...

37. Annotation for injecting beans with other beans from factory

Annotation for injecting beans with other beans from factory just wondering if this is already being done or in the works - annotating things beans such as controllers and service classes ...

38. Double-proxied beans and annotation visibility

[UPDATED] Double-proxied beans and annotation visibility Hi folks, I have some beans that are proxied twice; once for declarative transaction purposes, and another time for security policy enforcement. The bean implementations ...

39. Error instantiating bean which uses the @Required annotation

Error instantiating bean which uses the @Required annotation First, I should mention that I've been using the @Required annotation successfully for a while now, so I thought I knew what I ...

40. Have beans automatically created using annotation

Have beans automatically created using annotation I have briefly looked at the 2.0 docs and didn't see this in there, so I'm hoping I missed it and it is in there. ...

41. A new approach to the @Bean annotation

I've submitted some code to the Spring Annotations project. It handles the @Bean in an easier way. This annotation is used to declare beans directly in the source code avoiding the ...

42. Load new annotated spring bean

Hello, As I have seen the spring 2.5 supports the annotated dependency injection. I have an interesting question: I have a running application. The application generates a new bean and compile ...

43. Parent bean when using annotations

44. Bean Ambiguity When Using Annotations

Bean Ambiguity When Using Annotations I have a Service implementation: Code: public class ElectionServiceImpl> implements ElectionService { protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); @Autowired protected D ...

45. How to get the external properties injected into annotated class?

How to get the external properties injected into annotated class? Hello there, I've been playing a lot with the new @Controller and @Autowired annotations and it all seems nice and dandy ...

46. Reading properties from property-placeholder with annotations

Hi all, I am looking into this exact same question. Any pointers? Is is possible at all? It seems that it would be a nice feature to have. John

47. Annotations config: simple String properties

Annotations config: simple String properties Hi all, I'm migrating my Spring configuration from XML bean definitions to class annotations. It's going well (and I like the result) but there's one issue ...

48. abstract beans and @Component Annotations

I have a abstract DAO bean that has some properties set, and all my concrete DAOs extend this abstract DAO. In my applicationContext.xml this abstract bean is declared as the parent ...

49. Annotation for injecting properties

Hello, I'm configuring my beans using the stereotype annotations and I've come across a strange issue when I need to inject a property from a property file. I can't find a ...

50. Setting properties in annotated beans

I have a service bean that I discover with component-scan and the @Service annotation. The bean in question has a List property and I'm wondering whether there is a way to ...

51. property/value annotations

Hi everybody, I'm new so please be patient. I have to translate this from the xml file in annotations: Code: ...

52. Config Annotation Error - No bean named xxx is defined

Code: account

53. How to use annotation for bean property

Hi, I am new to Spring. Is it possible to use annotation for this bean config in xml: Code: This works fine if we ...

54. Annotation configuration: how to add to collection before bind

In the old world (with the SimpleFormController) if I added items to a collection on my JSP I would add code to the formBackingObject method like: if (post) { add as ...

55. How do you unit test annotated bean?

How do you unit test annotated bean? I'm in the course of re-writing all my spring beans by annotations. So far so good except there's a huge number of Spring beans ...

56. injecting a bean with annotation

57. Can the "bean" PCD be used in both annotations and XML?

Can the "bean" PCD be used in both annotations and XML? I haven't tried this, but I noticed the documentation for the "bean" pointcut designator, and the description of it in ...

58. Only a subset of beans with annotation for

Only a subset of beans with annotation for hi I would like to define/use Tx Annotations using on only a subset of beans in my application. As per my ...

59. checking annotation properties at run time

In the README for 1.6.0: This concept is described, it is called annotation value matching. However it is not yet implemented for all variations of annotation value kinds. As the ...

60. Required annotation and bean inheritance

Required annotation and bean inheritance Hi, I have two bean classes Parent and Child, where Child extends Parent. Parent has a field -- parentField -- with a public getter/setter marked as ...

61. How to get beans that are defined through annotations

How to get beans that are defined through annotations I get my WebApplicationContext, which is of type XmlWebApplicationContext, and I take a look at the bean definitions and none of the ...

62. @Value annotation mixed with property-placeholder

Hi all, I have the following problem. we use contextroperty-placeholder to load two properties. The is part of the war file. The files is retrieved using as ...

63. Is there any way to specify creation of a bean using a factory via annotations?

Is there any way to specify creation of a bean using a factory via annotations? Consider a singleton factory FooFactory, which has a getFoo method that takes a single String paramter ...

64. get annotated bean

Hello, I have an application where I use annotation to define my beans. I have some clases that are not beans ins spring. How can i acces a bean in this ...

65. set name for bean when using annotation

set name for bean when using annotation Hello, I am very new in spring, so maybe it is very easy question. When we use xml configuration file for mapping beans there ...

66. parent properties to Annotation

Hy, I'm actually developping a new j2ee application using Spring MVC 3. Developping some DAO extending an AbstractDao, I wonder if the parent properties existing when you declare your bean in ...

67. Annotation: config class with properties

Hello, I would like setup an AppConfig class that makes all beans but with external properties. I like annotations, but i still want some properties files. I tried this: Code:

68. Using collections of annotated beans

Hi, I'm trying to create a collection of beans, without defining them in XML (actually, XML is set to search and automatically register). I have an annotated bean that contains List. ...

69. How to convert "parent" property in xml to Spring Annotation?


70. How to use @Property annotation on class defination

I saw some code with @Property annotation on the class defination. I doesn't how that works, how that means. I only see @Property on setXX method. But on class defination, why? ...