Theme « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Java, Spring hooking themes properties file to css file

this is how I intialize theme beans:

<bean id="themeSource"
    <property name="basenamePrefix" value="resources.theme-" />

<bean id="themeChangeInterceptor"
    <property name="paramName" value="theme" />

<bean id="themeResolver"

2. Theme properties in dynamics directories

Theme properties in dynamics directories Hello everyone, I have a doubt that I can not solve with google or forums. "ResourceBundleThemeSource" loads themes properties file from WEB-INF/classes directory. I would like ...

3. Spring hooking themes properties file to css file

this is how I intialize theme beans: Code: ...

4. theme properties location

Hi, I would to have my theme files in the directory /WEB-INf/config/ All theme files are prefixed with theme- My configuration : Code:

5. Theme property file

I'm having problems when the properties are rendered to my html page it's inserting extra spaces. The thing is they are not spaces they are line-breaks. How can I remove these ...