Struts « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. How to have a class use applicationContext beans?

I'm working on my first java struts2 webapp and want to be able to inject bean parameters into any arbitrary class that is called. But I find that I can ...

2. Struts 1 ActionForm - retrieving a collection from pure HTML

Hi all I have (just like the rest) inherited some struts 1 code. I have had need to add a few more pages to this project. What I cannot figure out ...

3. Why is this JavaBean XML code written like this?

In the source code for a project I'm working on, there are many definitions of java beans of the form:

  <bean id="BeanName" parent="BeanName-parentBean"/>

  <bean id="BeanName-parentBean" abstract="true" parent="RealParentBean"> 

4. How to refer to Spring beans in struts.xml file?

I have a strange problem. When I want to refer to Spring beans in my struts.xml file I just type the name from applicationContext.xml. However, I have an action that handles ...

5. How to integrate spring beans and struts2?

Given below is the stack trace and I have been stuck with this problem for long time now, from the trace i could just make out that there was some problem ...

6. Is it possible to inject Struts actionMapping, actionForm, etc.. to Spring beans???

Hello! I'm using ContextLoaderPlugIn to use Struts 1.1 with Spring together. Everything is OK, I can use Spring IOC to manage my beans and to inject them into my Action classes. ...

7. Inject into a Struts form bean?

Inject into a Struts form bean? I've got a struts form bean defined like this: And struts creates an instance of ArtForStruts ...

8. Bean Factory prematurely closing under Tomcat with Struts

Apr 13th, 2005, 04:42 PM #1 neodem View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2005 Posts 6 Bean Factory prematurely closing under Tomcat with Struts I ...

9. Spring - Struts - Form bean life cycle problem

Spring - Struts - Form bean life cycle problem Hi Spring Team I'm on a little problem today. I'm using Spring for IoC on a logical architecture as describe here : ...

10. Howto use Groovy bean as Struts action

Howto use Groovy bean as Struts action Hello, I'm using Struts and DelegatingTilesRequestProcessor to get my Actions created by Spring. I'd like to use a groovy to script them for quick ...

11. Accessing Struts action bean whilst using DelegatingActionProxy

Accessing Struts action bean whilst using DelegatingActionProxy Hello, 1) I have been trying to get handle to the bean defined as DelegatingActionProxy in a class.I am not able to understand by ...

12. Struts DelegatingActionProxy Classloader problem

Struts DelegatingActionProxy Classloader problem Hello, i am trying to set up Spring dependency injection on an existing Struts app. The application is packaged as an EAR, including a EJB module (Session ...

13. Struts 1.x with Spring 2.5 Statefull beans

Struts 1.x with Spring 2.5 Statefull beans Hello all, I tried to look this forum for the solution to a problem I am facing, but couldn't find. I am also very ...

14. Prototype bean not created right when using TestNG with Spring & Struts2

Hi, I'm write an struts2 action test with TestNG, but Autowired annotation in setter method didn't work right(Singleton not Prototype), so I have to using applicationContext to get bean for each ...

15. bean scope in struts 2 help

bean scope in struts 2 help hi, im working on a project with spring and struts2 and having trouble about the bean scope issue. i have a tabcontainer and what i ...

16. Bean must be of type [org.apache.struts.action.Action]

Bean must be of type [org.apache.struts.action.Action] Bean named '/activityPoint' must be of type [org.apache.struts.action.Action], but was actually of type [$Proxy157]. I'm using Spring 1.2. I've followed the example on the IBM ...

17. Struts with Spring, bean with no class

I am looking for a solution where I have a Struts action that is just a forward to a Struts Tile (seen in the first example below). I am trying to ...

18. Struts application context is null during the spring bean initialization

Struts application context is null during the spring bean initialization Hi, I have a spring bean having a @PostConstruct method that would set one or more attributes in the Struts2 application ...

19. Struts 2 + Tiles 2 + Spring 3, Tiles ViewPreparer bean not found.

Struts 2 + Tiles 2 + Spring 3, Tiles ViewPreparer bean not found. I'm trying to integrate these technologies, I'm having problems with the "ViewPreparer" classes that list the results from ...

23. read property file in spring

24. S2 Spring Bean DI to an i18n ListResourceBundle

25. Spring constants in

26. TypeConverter needs Spring Bean

27. Where to put bean.xml (spring configuration)?