SpringJUnit4ClassRunner « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. SpringJUnit4ClassRunner initialize beans for each test?    stackoverflow.com

The following test illustrates that this test bean is initialized twice by Spring. I'm hoping someone can tell me why this is so, since it should only be once. ...

2. How to configure log4j.properties for SpringJUnit4ClassRunner?    stackoverflow.com

Suddenly this happens during the jUnit test. Everything was working, I wrote new tests and this happened. If I revert it, it didn't go away. Why is that?

log4j:WARN No appenders could ...

3. Customize BeanFactory with SpringJUnit4ClassRunner?    stackoverflow.com

The slow autowire by type problem has finally been solved by creating a caching bean factory. I would really like to be able to use such a CachingByTypeBeanFactory together with ...

4. SpringJUnit4ClassRunner forces the use of context beans' annotations    forum.springsource.org

SpringJUnit4ClassRunner forces the use of context beans' annotations Hi all, I have a set of classes that are annotated with Spring's context stuff (e.g. @Repository, @Service, @Autowired, etc). I'm also using ...