SingletonBeanFactoryLocator « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. SingletonBeanFactoryLocator redundancy?

SingletonBeanFactoryLocator redundancy? I'm trying to access the BeanFactory outside the context of a ServletContext so i can use "getBean(BEAN_NAME)" It seems that this should be possible using the "classpath:applicationContext-*.xml" parameter somehow, ...

2. SingletonBeanFactoryLocator and Junit Test

SingletonBeanFactoryLocator and Junit Test I would like used the SingletonBeanFactoryLocator to bean access. I try to execute a Junit Test with SingletonBeanFactoryLocator but I have an Exception. org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDepen dencyException: Error creating ...

3. Classpath problem using SingletonBeanFactoryLocator

Classpath problem using SingletonBeanFactoryLocator Hi all, I'm experience problems using the SingletonBeanFactoryLocator, which I suspect are coming from my packaging. My EAR contains many JAR files: core.jar, server.jar, web.jar and all ...

4. SingletonBeanFactoryLocator Spring 2.0 xsds

SingletonBeanFactoryLocator Spring 2.0 xsds Hi, I am using the SingletonBeanFactoryLocator to locate my classpath*:beanRefFactory.xml, and I just changed my beanRefFactory.xml to use the xsds: But now ...

5. Flat ApplicationContext with SingletonBeanFactoryLocator

Flat ApplicationContext with SingletonBeanFactoryLocator I am looking for some advice on a scenario for loading ApplicationContexts. The project I am working on requires that we develop the application in a modular ...

6. SingletonBeanFactoryLocator

SingletonBeanFactoryLocator Hi, I understand that the singletonBeanfactorylocator looks up beanRefFactory.xml and this looks up the applicationContext.xml and any other related file and makes a reference to what is loaded. I would ...

7. How to shutdown parent contexts when using SingletonBeanFactoryLocator

How to shutdown parent contexts when using SingletonBeanFactoryLocator I'm using the SingletonBeanFactoryLocator along with a slightly custom ContextLoaderListener (mostly for custom error handling). I'm using the pattern described in the JavaDocs ...

8. SingletonBeanFactoryLocator and String[] constructor

SingletonBeanFactoryLocator and String[] constructor Ran into an exception trying to upgrade our app from 2.07 to 2.53. We are using SingletonBeanFactoryLocator with the beanFactoryDefinition: Code: classpath*:/com/mycompany/**/applicationContext-*.xml ...