RefreshablePagedListHolder « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. nextPage problem with RefreshablePagedListHolder

nextPage problem with RefreshablePagedListHolder Hi im new at Spring, I have been using the RefreshablePagedListHolder ok, when a jump to the nextPage one time it does it ok, but when i ...

2. Problem with RefreshablePagedListHolder

Problem with RefreshablePagedListHolder Hi all, Iam having a problem with pagination. Problem is: I have total of records 30 and need to display 10 per page. My JSP is displaying first ...

3. updating data in RefreshablePagedListHolder

updating data in RefreshablePagedListHolder hi, I'm wondering if there is a good/right way of updating data that is shown using a RefreshablePageListHolder. I've got a controller (AbstractController) that is using a ...

4. RefreshablePagedListHolder deprecated

I think RefreshablePagedListHolder was used "only" for the sample application 'countries' (last seen in Spring 2.0.8). I used the RefreshablePagedListHolder and PagedListSourceProvider too and migrate them to my Source. If you ...

5. Problem using spring:bind with RefreshablePagedListHolder and form submission

simplified hi all, so sorry for the long post up thr.. here is a much more simpler version of it. plz help me out.. I just started working with the spring ...