Reference « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Referencing beans in xml config created via Annotations

This must be possible but I can't work out how or see it in the docs. I need to reference a bean which has been created via an annotation @Service and context:component-scan, ...

2. What is the best way to get a reference to a spring bean in the backend layers?

I have two spring config files and I'm specifying them in my web.xml as in below.

web.xml snippet 


3. References between Spring beans when using a NameSpaceHandler

I'm trying to use a Spring context namespace to build some existing configuration objects in an application. I have defined a context and pretty much have if working satisfactorily - however, ...

4. Why would Spring be trying to use the properties variable reference string instead of the value?

Here's the problem in a nutshell:

<bean id="handlerFactory" class="com.westfieldgrp.audit.jdklogging.cpm.CPMHandlerFactory">
    <property name="schemaName" value="${env.audit.databaseSchema}" />
    <property name="bufferSize" value="${env.audit.bufferSize}" /> 
    <property name="threaded" value="${env.audit.threadedAuditHandler}" />

5. Optional Spring bean references

In my application I am using ContextLoaderListener to load context files from many jars using:

This means I can reference beans from other jars ...

6. Spring:define bean's property(ref to other bean) as optional

Have two bean definitions: file a.xml

<bean id="A" class="com.A">
 <property name="bClass" ref="B"/>
file b.xml
<bean id="B" class="com.B"/>
In some cases file b.xml does not contain definition of bean B.
And from other side,file a.xml always contains link ...

7. Can I have a reference to a nested bean in Spring?

I want to have a bean of type com.a.A which has several addressable properties of type com.a.B.

<bean id="myCompound" class="com.a.A">
    <property name="first">

8. Spring: reference all beans of type Foo

I know that in Spring you can load all beans of a certain type with:

ClassPathResource res = new ClassPathResource("spring_foo.xml");
XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(res);
Map<String, Foo> beans = factory.getBeansOfType(Foo.class);
How can I do this ...

9. Spring properties file and spring reference

How to make reference link in properties file. For example, I have spring config:

  <property name="velocityProperties">

10. Autowire reference beans into list by type

I have one class that has a list of objects of Daemon type.

 Class Xyz {    
       List<Daemon> daemons;

11. how to reference a bean of another xml file in spring

I have a bean defined in an xml. and I also wanna reference it in another xml. how to do it?

12. Does correct in Spring make reference in property to another bean by variable?

I need create some fork for project. So for some beans that depends from configuration I need to add some fields. For this purpose I use DI like:

<bean id="MainBean" >

13. Bean cross reference

Given a bean, how to know which beans refer it in Spring IDE or STS without scanning all xml files? Bean Graph show what beans will be used by this bean, ...

14. BeanFactory reference in config?

BeanFactory reference in config? Is there a way to pass the beanfactory as a reference into an existing object? Let's say I have a class that I want to use as ...

15. Passing bean reference to the view

Passing bean reference to the view Hello! I'm new to Spring and this might be the wrong way to do it, but here it goes. I have a bean, newUser, that ...

16. Why two beans (with the same type) poin to the same reference?

Why two beans (with the same type) poin to the same reference? So I want to have two separate manager classes managing two sets of data which have the same schema ...

17. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer referencing a Bean

PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer referencing a Bean Hi all, I'm trying to use the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer trying to use a bean depending upon a system property. The setup looks alike this: Code: ...

18. Referencing bean in other XML file

Referencing bean in other XML file I have two configuration files, applicationContext.xml and dispatcher-servlet.xml. I'm referencing a bean defined in one file from the other. I'm using the "ref bean=" syntax ...

19. Cannot resolve reference to bean

Jul 6th, 2011, 10:18 PM #1 samsam007 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jul 2008 Posts 91 Cannot resolve reference to bean Hi, During the deployment process, ...

20. Obtain StandardEvaluationContext reference from a bean defined in a xml file

I want to extend and register my own function as detailed here: see section: 6.5.11 Functions. However, I wish to use this expression from a spring xml file and not ...

21. Spring XML: how to use a bean reference in a String field?

Hello, In a project powered by Spring 3.0, we are using an in-memory Derby database (only) in development. The datasource is configured in the Tomcat context (JNDI). The database is initialize ...

22. Bean Cross Reference and Autowired

Hello, Does anyone know if the bean cross reference view is _supposed_ to work with @Autowired and @Resource dependenices? This would be useful, but I can't seem to get it to ...

23. HELP!!not-null property references a null or transient value

Dec 27th, 2004, 12:53 PM #1 serkandemir View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Dec 2004 Posts 1 HELP!!not-null property references a null or transient value I ...

24. Allowing a bean to reference its parent

Allowing a bean to reference its parent I'm a bit new to Spring, so i apologize if this question has already been dealt with. I looked through the docs and the ...

25. Getting reference of factory bean in context file?

Is there a way to get the reference to a Factory bean from within the context file? I know there is programmtically a way by prepending '&' to the bean name, ...

26. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and bean references

another one, is it possible to reference a bean with a property placeholder? sample bean definition: Code: ${propertyToBeReplaced} ...

27. reference to spring-bean in faces-config.xml doesn't work

reference to spring-bean in faces-config.xml doesn't work Hello, I set up the variable resolver of spring in faces-config.xml: Code: org.springframework.web.jsf.DelegatingVariableResolver I defined a dataSource bean in the spring-config: Code: ...

28. Different bean reference been returned based on runtime attr

Different bean reference been returned based on runtime attr Hi guys... See the following code: Code: public class User{ String login; String center; //gets and sets } public abstract class MyBean{ ...

29. Referencing beans by regexp

Recently within my application context, I needed to reference a list beans following a certain naming convention. I was able to accomplish this using a custom FactoryBean which returned a list ...

30. Referencing/Injecting a bean defined in a different config file (newbie)

Referencing/Injecting a bean defined in a different config file (newbie) Hi, I've got a few applicationContext.xml files in my first web app (eg applicationContext-biz.xml and applicationContext-db.xml), and I've got a newbie ...

31. Error in Bean references

Dec 13th, 2005, 12:26 AM #1 sasikanthn View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Dec 2005 Posts 49 Error in Bean references Hi, I am pretty new to ...

32. Is there a way to get a reference to the BeanFactory

Hi, I asked a similar question in the remoting forum ( but the important part I want to know fits better in here. Is there a way to get the reference ...

33. Lost References to Beans

Lost References to Beans Hello, I have a Spring based web app that queries a server side database and returns the results to the web browser. In the web app, there ...

34. Getting a ServletConfig reference from Spring-managed beans?

Getting a ServletConfig reference from Spring-managed beans? Let's say I've got the following in web.xml. ... contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/foo-applicationContext.xml org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoade rListener ... And let's say I've got a ...

35. Referencing beans in context in

I had read that i can place .(ref)= in my file. Am I mistaken on this, or am I just doing something wrong? Thanks.

36. Problem referencing beans in other xml files

Problem referencing beans in other xml files Hi I have two xml files: 1 called application-servlet.xml and the other called application-security.xml. Application-security.xml defines all of my acegi beans and my UserDetailsService ...

37. How can a bean reference back to its context

For a bean which is instantiated via the context.getBean() method, how can it reference back to its parent context? I want to use the context to create additional beans, from within ...

38. Resolving bean references without instantiating

Resolving bean references without instantiating I have a situation where I am creating a new XMLBeanDefinitionReader with a new GenericApplicationContext, using a URLClassLoader pointing to a newly installed jar file on ...

39. not-null property references a null or transient value

not-null property references a null or transient value Hi guys, I am using latest versions of Spring and Hibernate + JOTM Have a problem when I try to persist a parent/child ...

40. Can't reference beans across multiple config files

Can't reference beans across multiple config files Hi, I'm playing with SpringIDE for the first time! Thank you for this nice plugin! Unfortunately I have a problem: After adding for example ...

41. DataIntegrityViolationException: not-null property references a null or transient val

Not sure if I should ask this in Hibernate Forums or here but as Im driving this through Spring MVC, since you guys are really good, Ill try my luck here ...

42. getting reference to the bean

getting reference to the bean I have to admit I'm pretty new to the Spring. Recently I've stumbled upon situation which seems like a dead end, at least for now. I've ...

43. non-singleton bean re-references

I have a bean A which cannot be a singleton. I need to inject it into B. no problem. I also need to inject it into C, which is in turn ...

44. Bean Cross References is empty

Bean Cross References is empty Hello, I went to the Spring One last week and saw the new features of the Spring IDE. So I installed the new version today, but ...

45. Referencing beans that may not exist.

Referencing beans that may not exist. I am trying to write a simple plugin system for the core of our application so that client modules can supply their own implementations. I've ...

46. setting properties inside a reference object

setting properties inside a reference object Hi, I would like to know the best approach to setting properties inside a reference object. Lets say I have a User Object and inside ...

47. Referencing beans in external XML config files

Referencing beans in external XML config files Hi, I'm relatively new to Spring. I have a web application that is configured by two files: myapp-servlet.xml (for the beans in the servlet) ...

48. Reference Bean Property within Reference

Reference Bean Property within Reference Hi there, Hoping someone can help on this one. I want to pass intercept a password and decode it, from a properties file, at runtime. I've ...

49. Self-referencing Bean

Self-referencing Bean Hi, after searching this site an the internet for some time, I still have not found a solution for the following problem: is it possible, to inject a self-reference ...

50. Adding Beans to VelocityConfigurer so we can reference them in templates

Adding Beans to VelocityConfigurer so we can reference them in templates Hi, I have velocity configured to use in my app for my views. I have some helper classes that I ...

51. Referencing another bean from a prop element

This example makes no sense to me. There is no String constructor that takes a DataSource element, so I do not get what you want. Joerg

52. Is it possible to reference properties in another bean ?

Hi, suppose I have the following : can I do this : or this :

53. How to reference a bean from a bean?

Hello all, I know this may sound like a stupid question but for some organizational reason I am trying to reference a bean from a bean (instead of a class) as ...

54. Obtain reference to containing bean

Is it possible from within a nested bean definition to get access to the containing bean? How can BeanInner get a reference to ...

55. How to reference a class as a Map value in a property

Dear colleagues, I have the following XML config for a Bean: Code: Is there some spring XML syntax that ...

56. When to and not to reference a properties file in a configuration file

When to and not to reference a properties file in a configuration file Hello, I have a case where I have a configuration file with a bean definition for a datasource, ...

57. Cannot resolve reference to bean 'myForm'

Cannot resolve reference to bean 'myForm' Dear all, I get an error message when loading up an application to display a simple form. The message: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationExce ption: Error creating bean with ...

58. referencing bean from application context in another context

Hi guys, can you help me configuration of contexts and beans? I have application context with bean id='beanFromAppContext', which I would want to use in another context. But when I try ...

59. Reference to bean prevents weaving

Reference to bean prevents weaving I have a scenario where a REFERENCE to a bean within TransactionCallbackWithoutResult in a test causes the bean not to get weaved. Basic aspectj transaction setup: ...

60. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer reference file

Hi I use a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to inject some settings like the database url. Is it possible to reference a file which is located at C:\? Because all the examples I found ...

61. Reference Bean in another BeanFactory

Reference Bean in another BeanFactory Hi, I have two Eclipse projects, one for persistence and one webapp. When starting the webapp in Tomcat, I load 1 BeanFactory in each project. They ...

62. PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient value

Hi All, Context: I am trying to run an application that has a parent (one) and child (many) relationship. When trying to add the parent, I give the ability to add ...

63. Getting reference to a bean without injection

Hello, we are setting up a web project with spring as a foundation framework. We already have several beans as services, they get their DAOs injected. How can we get a ...

64. Reference Assignment in bean wiring

Reference Assignment in bean wiring I had seen this is manning in spring book.However am not sure why this is done like being a ooops Concept wanted to check it ...

65. Properties file configuration : cross references

Hello all, I wonder whether it's possible to cross reference properties in different files using PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer and PropertyOverrideConfigurer : Code: some.prop.1=property n1 some.prop.2=property n2 Code: # bean.props[0]=${some.prop.1} bean.props[1]=${some.prop.2} Code: ...

66. Referencing collections - props

67. reference problem between singleton beans

reference problem between singleton beans Hey, I have the following definition in my application context: Code:

68. Getting reference from property definition

Getting reference from property definition In my app config I have; Code: At runtime I want to replace "some.bean" by "some.other.bean". So when "test" is ...

69. Referencing bean properties

public class MyBean { private String prop; public void setProp(String val) { this.prop = val; } public String getProp() { return this.prop; } }

70. Referencing a bean based on the contents of another bean

Hi, You may use the PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer to set developer and production properties in includes or in class attribute of bean definitions. And ant to chage the property file. cheers

71. Referencing beans abstractly?

Referencing beans abstractly? I've searched the forums and documentation for a while and I can't find anything that fits what I'm looking for: My program has three projects with three separate ...

72. Injecting reference to beans when using NS configuration

When using namespace configuration, is there a way to inject 'references' to other beans? For example, when I want to make a connection to an LDAP, I would do this: Code: ...

73. A problem about Beans Cross Reference

A problem about Beans Cross Reference Hi all,I have a Spring IDE problem bother me for some days. The problem is describing as following: In Spring IDE, I found a function ...

74. Handling missing bean references

Handling missing bean references Hi, Im using Spring in a web environment and use the contextConfigLocation to load different config files. Depending on the web application configuration some of the XML ...

75. Get BeanFactory Reference is resulting null

Hi There, Im trying to assign a BeanFactory reference to a property when container sets the BeanFactory on a class that extends BeanFactoryAware. but im getting the reference as null always. ...

76. Parent Context Bean References Missing

Parent Context Bean References Missing Hello, Hopefully this is a simple question. I have a configuration that sets up several jobs. My infrastructure code sets up a job registry which then ...

78. problem resolving references to 3rd-party-beans in configuration

We are using apache camel for integration-functionality. We have a camel-bean defined with Code: . The defined id is referenced in a (normal) spring-bean. Spring IDE shows an error ...

79. Getting control when reference bean creation fails

I have following scenario: i have a bean that refers to a service created by some other bundle: Now i want to send custom exceptions to ...

80. passing properties to osgi reference

Hi all, I want to reference activemq as a osgi service like: Code: My problem is: how to pass the connection factory to the service. What I need ...

81. Cannot resolve reference to bean 'userCache' while setting bean property 'userCache';

Dec 2nd, 2009, 01:06 PM #1 kingsxfan View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2009 Posts 7 Cannot resolve reference to bean 'userCache' while setting bean ...

82. How to obtain a reference to a bean in a different bundle

How to obtain a reference to a bean in a different bundle Hi, I am new to Spring/OSGI and the question I have is: Is there a programmatic way to obtain ...

83. Spring EL: resolution of bean reference in indexer

I'm trying to use Spring EL for solving a configuration problem and need an EL expression containing a bean reference as index of a map bean. Code:

85. not-null property references a null or transient value

Mar 30th, 2010, 04:19 PM #1 ibtissem07 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Mar 2010 Posts 77 not-null property references a null or transient value Hello I'm ...

86. Obtaining reference to a bean in backend layers

Obtaining reference to a bean in backend layers I have multiple spring config files and I'm specifying them in my web.xml as in below. web.xml snippet Code: .. contextConfigLocation WEB-INF/classes/domain-context.xml ...

87. Obtain Spring bean reference without DI

I have a class that can not be configured as a spring bean that need to have a reference to a spring bean instance. How do I obtain that spring bean ...

88. Issue with Dashboard Tutorial: Creating inter bundle bean references

Issue with Dashboard Tutorial: Creating inter bundle bean references Hi I've run all the previous tutorials successfully, hence I assume that my environment is setup properly. Nevertheless I get this error ...

89. Referencing beans in different config files

Referencing beans in different config files Woo first post in this category, go me I'm trying to setup a standalone that uses database connections. What I wanted to do was seperate ...

90. Find all beans that reference my bean

I have about 5 different eclipse projects and I have a bean id="datasource". I would like to know all of the different beans that refer to my bean. However, I would ...

91. Problem in Macromedia JRun 4 when I got bean reference.

Aug 27th, 2004, 04:44 AM #1 sunfmin View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2004 Posts 15 Problem in Macromedia JRun 4 when I got bean ...