PropertyPlaceHolder « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. @Autowired and PropertyPlaceholder

Is it possible to add a property from PropertyPlaceholder to a bean via @Autowired? I can't inject it in the xml-context-config because the beans are loaded this way:

<context:component-scan base-package="..."/>

2. PropertyPlaceHolder in spring

We access a java property in spring like this:

<property name="fileSizeLimit" value="${someProperty}" />
The bean declares
int fileSizeLimit = 9999;
How can I set a default if "someProperty" is missing in the properties-file? ATM, we get ...

3. PropertyPlaceholder - Import via Property

Can I use a property loaded from property-placeholder to make a context import dynamic? jdbc.ctxType=JTA So this way I could change the type of context file that ...

4. PropertyPlaceholder in Java Config HOWTO

PropertyPlaceholder in Java Config HOWTO I'm investigating moving from Spring xml config to a Java config. Currently we use PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer like Where ${} comes from system property. ...

5. Refresh PropertyPlaceholder data at runtime

You need to refresh the whole context, since the replacement happens at the time of the context load/reload. The configurer is a bean factory postprocesor, which runs at that time.

6. @Qualifier and PropertyPlaceholder

... or at least I don't understand the Javadoc in the QualifierAnnotationAutowireCandidateResolver class... Code: * {@link AutowireCandidateResolver} implementation that matches bean definition qualifiers * against {@link Qualifier qualifier annotations} on the ...

7. PropertyPlaceHolder and integers

PropertyPlaceHolder and integers What does one need to do to allow the property post processing to work correctly with integer properties. If I define a bean that has an integer property ...

8. PropertyPlaceholder system property in resource location

PropertyPlaceholder system property in resource location I'm trying to define a propertyPlaceholderConfigurer that will load properties from a database. I see that the following will work: Code:

9. Multiple configuration files and PropertyPlaceHolder

Multiple configuration files and PropertyPlaceHolder Hello, I'm currently working on my first Portlet with Spring-MVC. In my web.xml file, I've declared a ContextLoaderListener with context parameter 'contextConfigLocation' pointing at my applicationContext.xml ...

10. Injecting Map via PropertyPlaceHolder

Ups sorry, the bean property must be java.util.Properties, not java.util.Map. Then it works out-of-the-box: ... $(foo) ... foo=key1=value1\nkey2=value2

11. PropertyPlaceHolder-Bean Name Substitution

I'm guessing you've tried it and it didn't work? The problem here is that you would need to replace all references as well, e.g. all the beans it's injected into. Do ...

12. PropertyPlaceholder and refresh

Hi, when someone chances my properties files I want to apply these chances to my beans. Is ConfigurableApplicationContext.html#refresh() the way to go? Any issues with this? How is this refresh implemented? ...

13. PropertyPlaceholder & ApplicationContext

PropertyPlaceholder & ApplicationContext I have declared a PropretyPlaceholderConfigurer in the definition of a beans file I'm loading. Documentation claims ApplicationContext's will automatically notice and apply these objects. Why does this not ...

14. PropertyPlaceHolder loading properties from inside a jar file

PropertyPlaceHolder loading properties from inside a jar file Hi All, I have one web app that is packaged using two other core projects.I am using property place holder to configure properties ...

15. PropertyPlaceHolder with in-xml default value

PropertyPlaceHolder with in-xml default value i implement a new feature for the PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer. With this customization we can define a default value for a non existing property in the place holder ...

16. ConfigurationAdmin, PropertyPlaceholder, Chicken and Egg

ConfigurationAdmin, PropertyPlaceholder, Chicken and Egg There is a little gap in the osgix:cm-properties support in spring-powered bundles, and the ability to get configuration injected into ConfigurationAdmin. This is particularly true for ...

17. Using propertyPlaceholder in import element

I'm trying to get something like this to work: ... I want to decide which file to import based on a ...

18. PropertyPlaceHolder.processProperties(...) does not pass along cause exception

Line 272 of 3.0.2.RELEASE. The exception is caught, but the exception cause is not passed along; making difficult to understand and correct the error. I had to debug the application to ...