PropertyOverrideConfigurer « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Spring 3.x PropertyOverrideConfigurer insists on using set, not constructor

Trying to use Spring PropertyOverrideConfigurer or some such subclass, to help create the following bean:

public class Foo {
  private final String name;

  public Foo(String name) { = name; }


2. PropertyOverrideConfigurer use for non-bean configurations

Hi, Wanted to know if PropertyOverrideConfigurer could be used for something that is not a . For e.g. - Code: ...

3. PropertyOverrideConfigurer and Properties-type properties

... 25 localhost ...

4. PropertyOverrideConfigurer and Nested Beans

PropertyOverrideConfigurer and Nested Beans Hi - How do I setup a property (in the PropertyOverrideConfigurer properties file) to override the bean property 'period' in the example below?

10. PropertyOverrideConfigurer lifecycle?

PropertyOverrideConfigurer lifecycle? i've got a library that includes a spring config file. users of the library are expected to "import" the included spring config file that's shipped with the jar of ...

11. Using PropertyOverrideConfigurer to override value of Map property embedded in a bean

Using PropertyOverrideConfigurer to override value of Map property embedded in a bean Hi, I am trying to use PropertyOverrideConfigurer to override a couple of values in a java.util.Properties object that is ...

12. overrule PropertyOverrideConfigurer bean in code

overrule PropertyOverrideConfigurer bean in code I have a PropertyOverrideConfigurer bean in one of my Spring xml configuration files/contexts. In some cases, I want to reuse this Spring context, but overrule the ...

13. PropertyOverrideConfigurer to change ref?

PropertyOverrideConfigurer to change ref? Hello, is it possible to change a bean referenced in the beans configuration file programmatically? I've got the following reference in the beans configuration file

14. PropertyOverrideConfigurer Using Alias

PropertyOverrideConfigurer Using Alias Hi All, The PropertyOverrideConfigurer does not seem to resolve aliases correctly. I subclassed it to get the results I want. Spring is relatively new to me, so is ...

15. PropertyOverrideConfigurer and Wildcards

PropertyOverrideConfigurer and Wildcards I have a requirement to extend the PropertyOverrideConfigurer to allow wildcards in the notation, so that instead of having to write in the override properties file: ...

16. PropertyOverrideConfigurer questions

PropertyOverrideConfigurer questions 1. How can I override properties which are Lists, Maps, etc? If the answer is "write custom code"... why isn't there a built-in way to handle the simple cases? ...

17. Using PropertyOverrideConfigurer with bean reference

Using PropertyOverrideConfigurer with bean reference Can a PropertyOverrideConfigurer be used to override a ref property? Let's say I have the following bean definitions: Code:

18. PropertyOverrideConfigurer property with nested bean property

Does anyone know how to specify the property "schema" in a property file for the following bean definition: ...

19. Cannot inject properties using a PropertyOverrideConfigurer

DefaultListableBeanFactory defaultListableBeanFactory = (DefaultListableBeanFactory) prosocApplicationContext.getBeanFactory(); XmlBeanDefinitionReader xmlBeanDefinitionReader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(defaultListableBeanFactory); xmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(new ClassPathResource("applicationContext.xml" , ifacePlugin.getClass().getClassLoader()));

20. PropertyOverrideConfigurer does not work

PropertyOverrideConfigurer does not work Hello, I have a problem to define the connection properties for my data source. I have defined the properties for the data source in the spring context ...

21. PropertyOverrideConfigurer variables

The variables from the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer are very handy since they can also be inserted in attributes of tags other than beans (i.e.: ). I was wondering if there is a way ...

22. PropertyOverrideConfigurer VS PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

Hi, I have a class like this, Code: import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.springframework.web.context.ServletContextAware; public class InnovationContext implements ServletContextAware { private String _snDate; public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) { servletContext.setAttribute("snDate", _snDate); } public String ...

24. Spring 3 PropertyOverrideConfigurer with AnnotationConfigApplicationContext

Hi there, I wonder if anyone could clarify the way PropertyOverrideConfigurer works with the spring 3 @Configuration. Here are is my @Configuration class: Code: @Configuration(value = "defaultConfig") public class DefaultConfig { ...

25. PropertyOverrideConfigurer - minor bug?

PropertyOverrideConfigurer - minor bug? I noticed that when you use the PropertyOverrideConfigurer and set Code: it works correctly but still puts a WARN message in the log ...

26. PropertyOverrideConfigurer constructor-arg

Hi, I have a class that is generated via xfire that needs to use a constructor to initialize end points etc. In my applicationContext I have the contructor-args set. I want ...

27. PropertyOverrideConfigurer for bean references

I want to configure some beans collection-properties using PropertyOverrideConfigurer, along the lines of Code: class Garage { List cars } Code: applicationContext.xml: ...

28. Configuring a PropertyOverrideConfigurer from a PropertyPlaceholderProperty

Hi, I want to be able to override bean config properties with system properties. For example, Code: is the default and I want that ...

29. PropertyOverrideConfigurer impacts ApplicationContext.getResource?

PropertyOverrideConfigurer impacts ApplicationContext.getResource? I am using Spring Framework 3.0.2.RELEASE. Code snippets: Bean definition Code: classpath:* ...