Lifecycle « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Define a destroy-method in annotation-based bean?

I'm looking for a way to tell spring which method on an annotation-based bean it should call when it's destryoing that bean. What I'm actually trying to achieve is, to be notified ...

2. Spring singleton bean lifecycle

I was wondering how the lifecycle of a singleton bean (annotated with @Scope(value="singleton")) in Spring is exactly defined. Specifically, is it guaranteed that within the same ApplicationContext consecutive lookups of that bean ...

3. How can i remove a singleton spring bean from ApplicationContext?

I want to develop a module control system so that every spring bean can be managed by my own LifeCycle Controller. But I can not figure out how can I remove a ...

4. Confused!! Bean's lifecycle method chain

public class Life implements BeanNameAware, BeanFactoryAware,  
    ApplicationContextAware, BeanPostProcessor, InitializingBean,  
    DisposableBean {  
private int counter; // counter  

public int getCounter() ...

5. Confused!! Bean's lifecycle method chain.

Confused!! Bean's lifecycle method chain. Code: public class Life implements BeanNameAware, BeanFactoryAware, ApplicationContextAware, BeanPostProcessor, InitializingBean, DisposableBean { private int counter; // counter public int getCounter() { return counter; } public void ...

6. Bean Lifecycle Help

Bean Lifecycle Help My beans load when the app starts obvisously. My app will modify while running some beans definition in the xml files. I need to then kill the bean ...

7. Scoped bean lifecycle management

Scoped bean lifecycle management I am reading, with interest, about request & session scoped beans. They seem to promise a better solution to the one that I'm currently employing, but I ...

8. BeanFactory lifecycle?

BeanFactory lifecycle? Do BeanFactories have explicit lifecycles? The documentation (1.1 RC2) on Bean Lifecycles in Section says that "Implementing the ...DisposableBean interface allows a bean to get a callback when ...