JMX « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Exporting Spring @Bean objects using JMX

I'm using Spring's @Configuration, and I noticed that a @Bean does not get registered using JMX. The bean is wired as

protected CountingHttpInterceptor countingHttpInterceptor() {

    return new CountingHttpInterceptor();
and the ...

2. spring jmx change property files

Is there a Spring JMX example to change configuration properties dynamically. Thanks in advance

3. spring JMX : How to change configuration properties dynamically using JMX in Spring?

My requirement is like to change configuration properties dynamically using spring JMX. I implemented the code and able to read & change the properties in jconsole JMX. But the changed values ...

4. manage system properties using JMX

Hi, I would like to manage the properties using JMX in my application. How can i implemnent this? i was able to expose the properties successfully but not able to save ...

5. JMX / Tomcat / ClassLoader problem?

JMX / Tomcat / ClassLoader problem? I've been trying to get the new 1.2 JMX stuff working in Tomcat 5.5.7. I've run into some problems when invoking mbeans that load resources ...

6. My JMX beans no longer work in RC2?

Apr 20th, 2005, 06:17 AM #1 charlesb View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2005 Location Sydney, Australia Posts 29 My JMX beans no longer work ...

7. Wire a JMX bean in Spring

Hi, I'm new to Spring and I just learned that the 1.2 release has implemented JMX support. Anyone kind enough to explain how it suppose to work from the server backend ...

8. Exception registering bean in JMX

Exception registering bean in JMX Hi I'm trying to use the exporter bean to manage my beans in JMX and I get the following exception: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationExce ption: Error creating bean with ...

9. JMX and persisting bean properties

Marius, JMX itself supports basic persistence (see the ManagedAttribute and ManagedOperation annotations). However, this scheme is quite basic and is not suitable for use in high volume apps. In forthcoming versions ...

10. JMX beans and prototypes

I know I can use the jmx exporter to expose spring managed singleton beans. How do I export prototypes (with unique mbean name) via spring? Dino

11. unregister JMX bean fails on redeployment

unregister JMX bean fails on redeployment Hi, I have an EAR-file which contains a .sar file that starts the Spring context. It contains a JMX bean defined as:

17. Managing custom properties using JMX.

Managing custom properties using JMX. Hi.. We are new to JMX technology , however we tired to use JMX for as a POC for a sample web application . we have ...

18. Exception Talking to JMX Beans

Exception Talking to JMX Beans Hello. Sorry if this is a newbie question, I'm new to JMX but not to Spring. I'm having trouble getting some of my beans to work, ...

19. Control Spring Beans with JMX

Hello, Ive a timer bean configured with spring:

20. ConcurrentConsumer property and JMX

Hi, i have a problem with DefaultMessageListenerContainer . I want to change the concurrentConsumer property dynamically using JMX. Initially, the property is set at 1. Later, I change the property calling ...

21. Registering JMX Beans on the same JVM

Registering JMX Beans on the same JVM Hi Guys, I have come across a strange error today. I am using a Spring JMX bean to change logging level at runtime. Now ...

22. JMX for proxied beans

How do you imagine jmx monitoring of the session-scoped bean? Suppose you have two different sessions at the application - that means that you have two target bean class instances, however, ...

23. Using JMX to source properties for Spring beans

Using JMX to source properties for Spring beans This may be something that cannot possibly work because of my JMX newbiness, but... Is it possible to source Spring bean properties from ...

24. how to extract Bean ID in java for JMX

how to extract Bean ID in java for JMX All, Is there a way to extract a Bean ID once the list of beans has been passed to another bean I ...

25. Problem exposing beans though jmx after upgrading to 2.0.0.RELEASE

Nov 26th, 2010, 05:43 AM #1 jettro View Profile View Forum Posts Visit Homepage Senior Member Join Date Aug 2004 Location The Netherlands Posts 160 Problem exposing beans though jmx after ...