Destroy « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. when is a spring beans destroy-method called?

I have put a sysout statement in the "destroy-method" for a bean. When i run a sample code, the sysout is not getting output. Does that mean the destroy-method is not ...

2. Would destroy-method property make sense for this case?

Would destroy-method property make sense for this case? I have a singleton bean which when called spawns a thread to do some potentially long work. But I'd like for the thread ...

3. Destroy & re-initializing a bean....

Destroy & re-initializing a bean.... Hi, All the Services (beans) in my application context are defined as Singleton. And some of the services are being injected in another service, thus having ...

4. When will the bean's destroy method be invoked?

My bean implements the DisposableBean interface. I want the destroy() method to be called before my application shutdown. I call the GenericApplicationContext.close() and hope that the destroy() will be called, but ...

5. how can I control bean destroy sequence?

Dear All: As I mentioned at subject,my bean A use another bean B that all controled by spring container,and all of them have destroy method. the point is when I call ...

6. Newbie | Spring destroy/dispose beans

Hi, I need to get this cleared as to what dispose a bean and destroy a bean have in common? We are using ClassPathXmlContext to get the bean defined as scope=prototype. ...

7. Spring beans automatically destroyed after startup

Spring beans automatically destroyed after startup Hi, I developed a Java application which is started as a Windows service and initializes some beans with the spring framework. If I run the ...