CustomNumberEditor « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Validation ignored w/CustomNumberEditor; Q? on my solution.

Validation ignored w/CustomNumberEditor; Q? on my solution. Hi all, I've noticed that my custom validator is ignored on form input fields which accept numeric values. Instead of displaying my custom error ...

2. DecimalFormat on CustomNumberEditor

DecimalFormat on CustomNumberEditor I need a numeric field on a form to edit the product's price. I want it only shows 2 decimal digits. I've register a custom editor to assign ...

3. Binding Long Values with CustomNumberEditor

Binding Long Values with CustomNumberEditor Please help, I'm going nuts trying to get a Long Id value to bind using a SimpleFormController. I have tried the initBinder() to register the CustomNumberEditor ...

4. Null values into CustomNumberEditor for BigDecimal.class

Null values into CustomNumberEditor for BigDecimal.class I may be having a duh! moment here, but I'm confused by the behaviour of the CustomNumberEditor when handling a BigDecimal conversion. I'm registering the ...

5. allowEmpty for CustomNumberEditor fails on primitives

I have a CustorNumberEditor defined for a primitive int. I set the allowEmpty property to true. I would expect an empty String to be bound to the primitive int as a ...

6. CustomNumberEditor, spring:bind and status.value

CustomNumberEditor, spring:bind and status.value I use a SimpleFormController with a CustomNumberEditor: Code: protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception { Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); NumberFormat nfDouble = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale); nfDouble.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); nfDouble.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); ...

7. CustomNumberEditor Percentage

Hello, I'm registering a CustomNumberEditor like so: Code: registry .registerCustomEditor( Float.class, "myPathName", new org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.CustomNumberEditor( Float.class, NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(), false)); This works fine except I'd like to get the whole number without the % ...

8. CustomNumberEditor for BigDecimal

Failed to convert property value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [java.math.BigDecimal] for property 'iznos'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unparseable number: "asdf"

9. binding exceptions with CustomNumberEditor

Hi, I'm using a CustomNumberEditor to allow for empty form entries by the user, however I still get binding exceptions. Is there an issue with the way I am using it? ...

10. CustomNumberEditor leading zeros

CustomNumberEditor leading zeros I have stumbled across an issue when using the CustomNumberEditor class to parse numeric form data. I am not sure if this will be classed as a bug ...

11. Binding Strings using CustomNumberEditor + Validator

Binding Strings using CustomNumberEditor + Validator Hi, My JSP form has 2 String textboxes that need to be bound to an int and a double in my bean. This works fine ...