form « Annotation « Spring Q&A

1. spring3 - change the action method

On Spring with annotations, is there anyway that i can change the form action without changing the action using javascript? For example on submit1 method invoked on the controller = method1
on submit2 ...

2. Form validation using Annotation

How to validate override validate method if I need more validations other than Empty,blank etc. I need to validate if a particular name exists in the database before I submit the ...

3. How Can validate a form using Annotaion

For normal validation I suggest you take a look at the samples shipped with Spring. they provide an example which includes validation. Also the reference guide has some information on the ...

4. form example with spring 2.5 annotations?

/* * The BindingResult parameter must come after the ModelAttribute * parameter (here it's Command2) otherwise you get a useless ...

5. Web Form validation and annotations

Web Form validation and annotations Hi all, I've been looking through the documentation and a number of web resources but I haven't found any good answer (and preferably: examples) to the ...

6. Clean form after success request with BindingResult und Annotations

Clean form after success request with BindingResult und Annotations Hello, I have the following problem: My Controller is based upon annotations like @Controller,@ModelAttribute and @RequestMapping. In the corresponded view (JSP) I ...

7. NotReadablePropertyException Problem in using Annotations

NotReadablePropertyException Problem in using Annotations Hi everyone, im new on Spring MVC and begin using annotations and jsp to my application. My entity Code: @Entity @Table(name = "TBL_USER_TYPEUSER_FIELDS", schema = ...

9. Annotated form and setBindEmptyMultipartFiles

Annotated form and setBindEmptyMultipartFiles Hi all, I'm hoping a member can help me. I am using the Spring Framework (in particular their Web MVC annotations) for an application I am working ...

10. Help with Creating Custom Annotation for Form Validation

Help with Creating Custom Annotation for Form Validation Hi, I am currently making a form for user account creation and two of the fields are for password and the confirmation of ...

11. Form inputs; setting disabled vs enabled via annotations?

Form inputs; setting disabled vs enabled via annotations? I have a form that is reused in several different states, such as update, delete, insert. Depending on which state it is in ...