annotation 2 « Annotation « Spring Q&A

1. Declarative Annotations?

I want to apply annotations for my code but do not want to modify the code. Is there a way to declare annotations to be applied as a separate configuration file? ...

2. Annotations not working

Annotations not working Hi all, I am new to spring. I am working on an existing project that uses spring 1.2.8 (old, I know), and java 1.5 so annotations should work. ...

3. Spring Annotation Question

Spring Annotation Question Hi everyone, I have a question on how to implement an annotation as I'm getting an error and I don't know why. In my spring application xml file ...

4. Annotation processors

We have been using lot annotations in spring, so where can I see the code for annotation processing. Like @Autwire, @Service, @Controller Regards Krishna

5. No inserts into my association table with annotations

No inserts into my association table with annotations I have a ShoppingCartImpl object that maps to SHOPPING_CART table (primary key SHOPPING_CART_ID) I have a PurchaseImpl object that maps to PURCHASE table ...

6. Annotations problems

Annotations problems Hi everybody, im creating and JSF2 + Spring2 (version 2.5) applications. The integration works. So my problem is: @Autowired annotation doesnt work. I read a lot of tutorials and ...

7. annotation handling not working when the application is deployed

We are using a similar approach to the batch admin project where each job is configured in its own spring configuration file. We use the AutomaticJobRegistar class to scan those files ...

8. can't get annotations to work.

can't get annotations to work. I'm trying to move some xml configurations to annotations but the annotations are not found. Specifically trying to get @Controller to work. Below is what my ...

9. AnnotatedGenericBeanDefinition and JSR250 annotation not work

Hi all, I have a spring app (using spring 2.5.6) which need to add Beans to the BeanFactory with a custom configuration. So I implemented BeanFactoryPostProcessor and added the bean to ...

10. Annotations not working

The @NotNull Annotiations arent working with Hibernate and Mysql they doesnt seem to get recognized. Changing @NotNull to @Column(nullable=false, length=128) is working, the database is created correct..

11. Use of Spring without Annotations

Would like to create a simple web project that will use the Spring MVC 2.5.6.SEC01 and Spring Webflow 2.0.8.RELEASE without Annotations.. it is still possible? for sure there's pros and cons... ...

12. Simple Annotation problem and search didnt help

Simple Annotation problem and search didnt help Even though there is a post on this page with the same problem I cant seem to figure out mine. web.xml Code:

13. Spring project uses annotations.. seeing nothing in Spring Explorer

Hi All, I am working on a project that is using Spring annotations in SpringSource Tool Suite IDE, but I see nothing in the "Spring Explorer" view. Do I have to ...

14. Spring Annotation Cheat Sheet

Spring Annotation Cheat Sheet Thought this could be helpful for newbies like me.. -- looks out for @Controllers, @Component -- enables @Autowire

15. how the annotation work in spring

can anyone please explain the process how the annotations work in spring framework.. what will happen if we use @feed in the class field variable

16. MultiResourceItemReader and @BeforeStep annotation

MultiResourceItemReader and @BeforeStep annotation If I add a simple method onto an ItemReader (extends MRIR with Resource initialisation code) -- it gets detected and called automatically during execution without any explicit ...

17. ParameterMethodNameResolver with annotation

who has an example using annotation to achieve param method resolver in multiaction controller ? for example, I have a url "", 'cmd' is ParameterMethodNameResolver. If we use annotation, how to ...

18. Annotations

Hi I want to start using annotated controllers. I've been through the documentation here and it jumps straight into the details without specifying whether or not additional libraries are required. ...

19. Using spring API's to simplify annotation creation

Using spring API's to simplify annotation creation Hi all, I'm using spring for the DAO tier of our project. We're integrating with Cassandra, so our tools for the DAO tier are ...

20. can't determine annotations ... when weaving ...

can't determine annotations ... when weaving ... Full error message: "can't determine annotations of missing type javax.persistence.Entity when weaving type com.djf.Audience when weaving classes when weaving when incrementally building with classpath ...

21. Annotation based startup never completing?

We are in the middle of migrating from xml defined beans to having as much autowired with the JSR-250 annotations (@Resource, @Service, @Repository, @Component, @Controller). However we are experiencing the container ...

22. Some problem trying to enable the annotation in my project

Jul 1st, 2010, 06:16 AM #1 AndreaNobili View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jun 2010 Posts 92 Some problem trying to enable the annotation in my project ...

23. @Managedxyz annotations and MXBeans

Hi, currently I'm working with Spring and JMX and I'm relatively new to this. I wrote an MBean and annotated it with @ManagedResource, @ManagedAttribute and @ManagedOperation to have an easy possiblity ...

24. @annotation stupid question

Hi folks, I want to be able to inject advice before destructive methods in my service layer. To this end I have an @Destructive annotation that looks like this: Code: @Retention ...

25. Why Spring likes annotations?

I've noticed that Controller's hierarchy had become deprecated. Why? Was it bad or what? For me XML is more intuitive and all in all it's the matter of tastes. So why ...

26. Having problems with annotations

Having problems with annotations So I am trying to use annotations instead of intercept-urls and I am running into so situations with my Spring MVC project. For example I have a ...

27. Is it possible to use annotations to wire DefaultInitialDirContextFactory?

I extended DefaultInitialDirContextFactory, and used an @Value annotation in the constructor like this: Code: public class MyInitialDirContextFactory extends DefaultInitialDirContextFactory { public MyInitialDirContextFactory(@Value("${my.ldap.url}")) { } } But when I tried to instantiate ...

28. Annotation Conversion Guide?

Annotation Conversion Guide? Is there an Annotation conversion guide of some kind out there? We just upgraded to Spring 3.0 and all our controllers are now deprecated. So I'm trying to ...

29. Logging Annotation calls

Logging Annotation calls In our application we need to log when a Controller is hit, when a form is submitted (including parameters), and when a form is displayed with errors (including ...

30. Annotation non gre

Annotation non gre Voici un bout de code @Component @ExceptionManagement @Logger public class ClientServiceAopImpl extends AbstractClientServiceImpl implements ClientService { @Autowired private LoggerService log; public ClientServiceAopImpl() { } /** * @see ClientService#deleteAll() ...

31. Annotation non gre

Annotation non gre bonjour tous, Voici un bout de code @Component @ExceptionManagement @Logger public class ClientServiceAopImpl extends AbstractClientServiceImpl implements ClientService { @Autowired private LoggerService log; public ClientServiceAopImpl() { } /** ...

32. Spring annotations conflicts with my design guidelines

Spring annotations conflicts with my design guidelines Originally posted at: Overview Using Spring 3.0.1 (annotation configuration) Current configuration is using CGLib as proxy creator but this is not my preference ...

33. JSR250 Annotations don't seems to work

JSR250 Annotations don't seems to work Goodmoring I'm trying to use JSR250 annotations I added the global method statement I added a RoleAllowed annotation over one methid in my class I ...

34. Is there a ROOIgnore type annotation

Is there any way to get roo to ignore a field? Sort of like commenting it out from roos point of view? @Transient doesn't do this, roo still complains about the ...