Interface « Annotation « Spring Q&A

1. Annotation visibility on interface vs class

Annotation visibility on interface vs class The Spring docs (section 9.5.6) make it fairly clear that all annotations should be placed on the class instead of the interface, so that JDK ...

2. AirlineService interface's use of Annotations?

AirlineService interface's use of Annotations? I just started working with the spring-ws stack and first off I'd like to say thanks and a big hats off to Arjen for putting together ...

3. How to define interceptor interface for annotation

Hi All, Currently we use BeanNameAutoProxyCreator with a list of beans that we want to intercept. The problem with this solution is that we have to handle the list in out ...

4. detect Annotations from interfaces?

i know that annotations on interfaces cannot be detected by implementing classs like: @Hel public interface Hello{ } public class World implements Hello{ } Hello h=new World(); h.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(Hel.class) // false is ...

5. Annotation/Interface Conflict?

Annotation/Interface Conflict? I've encountered strange behavior which I can't explain. I have a DAO class, defined as a normal Spring bean. I get an instance of it by caling ApplicationContext.getBean(). This ...

6. Newbie: annotate abstract methods of interface or concrete methods of implementation?

Newbie: annotate abstract methods of interface or concrete methods of implementation? Hi, I am working on a web app using Spring 2.5 and Spring security 2.0. I wish to add method ...