request « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Singleton Object created for each request

i want to create a sinlgetom object whose scope is basically only the request.this will be used to collect the errors and we need to send error when ever we send ...

2. is it possible to make a @Aspect request scope in spring

is it possible to make a @Aspect request scope in spring? Because it seems that it doesn't work, and it kind of makes sense; the proxy object isn't actually injected anywhere, ...

3. Request for urgent help on Spring AOP

Request for urgent help on Spring AOP Friends I am new in Spring. In my project I have to use the Spring AOP to capture the Exception throws by any method ...

4. Request scoped aspects

I have an aspect defined with @Aspect annotation. In this aspect I need to inject the current HttpServletRequest. I have the following definition: Code: @Aspect public class SecurityInterceptor implements RequestHolder { ...

5. Reading request params in scoped-proxy

Each user in it's request should contain data necessary to download proper xml file with configuration to it's FTP (in this configuration there should be also more data that is not ...

6. Request Interception using AOP

Request Interception using AOP I'm trying to implement request interception using AOP (annotations flavored). I have declared a aspect with the following pointcut: @Around("execution(* org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller+.ha ndleRequest(..))") public Object checkHolding(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws ...

7. Proxying HTTP requests?

Proxying HTTP requests? Hi all, We have an ancient web server running some archaic web-based programs with no built-in security layer. (All in PL/SQL.) I want to set up some HTTP ...