proxy 1 « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Getting the caller to a Spring AOP Proxy

I'm searching for a way of developing a MethodInterceptor which prints the caller class. Is there any way of getting the caller object into the method interceptor?

2. The Spring AOP Proxy that isn't

I have two Spring proxies set up:

  <bean id="simpleBean" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">
    <property name="target">
        <ref local="simpleBeanTarget"/>

3. retrieve proxied instance from spring

I am interested in getting the class being proxied from spring, rather than the proxy. ie:

public class FooImpl<KittyKat> {

    public void doStuff() {

4. Spring - How 'multiple' AOP behaviors to sevices are resolved?

I want to know that whether we can apply 'multiple' AOP behaviors to our service classes or not? Lets just say, i do this to my BankServiceImpl class:

  • @Transactional on top of one ...

5. Nibernate, DynamicProxy, and Spring AOP

We have an Spring IOC managed application that uses NHibernate in its persistence layer. We have use the Spring AOP and understand its terminology and capabilities. We have some investment ...

6. Why proxy class is required for Spring AOP?

What is the responsibity of the proxy class in AOP? What is the role of that?

7. Spring AOP proxy

My code:-

    <bean id="arthmeticCalculator" class="com.manoj.aop.test.CalculatorImpl" lazy-init="true"/>
    <bean id="stubCalculator" class="com.manoj.aop.test.StubCalculator" lazy-init="true"/>
    <bean class="org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy.BeanNameAutoProxyCreator">
      <property name="beanNames">

8. creating custom proxy

creating custom proxy Hi, I am newbie in side.I have gone through its Documentation on AOP. I realize that spring only support Advice on object which has base class type ...

9. null class fields when switching to proxy-target-class="true"

null class fields when switching to proxy-target-class="true" For various reasons I need to switch my transaction manager to use class-based AOP rather than the default interface AOP: Code:

10. Any proxy servlet available in spring

Hi I have created a servlet Code: class MyServlet extends HttpServlet{ public void doPost(HttpservletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res){ ... } } this servlet is my controller that handles all the request and ...

11. Network proxy configuration

I am behind a proxy. In the browser I am using a script to determine what proxy server to use. In firefox this is called "automatic proxy configuration url" and it ...

12. Can't get proxy-target-class to work

Can't get proxy-target-class to work In one configuration where I defined my writer I have the following Code: ...

13. AOP Proxying not applied correctly

AOP Proxying not applied correctly Hi, I have several aspects with following two pointcuts in my Spring configuration: 1. execution(* com.mycompany.myproduct.core.*Manager.*(..)) and not @annotation(org.springframework.transaction.annota tion.Transactional) 2. @annotation(authorized) And I also have ...

14. Weblogic JMS Proxy Issue

Weblogic JMS Proxy Issue Hi guys, I'm having a problem writing code to do a JNDI look-up and send JMS messages to Oracle Weblogic queues. The problem is this: We don't ...

15. LocalDataSourceConnectionProvider hangs if I use a proxy server to connect.

Hi, I tried to search but have not found anything of value. I connect to the Internet through a proxy server. My application stops at the start of the line ... ...

16. Confused by proxying

Confused by proxying I have written a small Tomcat web application with spring 2.5.6, spring web services 1.5.9 and spring security 2.0.5. And all works well. I am now trying to ...

17. Custom AOP proxy and messaging provider for ZeroMQ

Custom AOP proxy and messaging provider for ZeroMQ Quick comment - this question is not addressed to Spring Integration forum, since I need to implement a really lightweight solution. Options about ...

18. TCP outbound gateway no proper end of line, only works through a proxy in my case

TCP outbound gateway no proper end of line, only works through a proxy in my case Hello I came across an issue, I am connecting to a third party, sending a ...

19. OutOfMemoryErrors - Possibly caused by proxy generation?

OutOfMemoryErrors - Possibly caused by proxy generation? Hi all. I am working on something relating to performance and memory problems relating to Spring AOP. My concern has arisen as our system ...

20. Manual Proxy prototype strangeness

Manual Proxy prototype strangeness Why is it not possible to create a proxy'd prototype while setting a target, with the proxyfactorybean, but it works if you don't set a target and ...

21. Behavior of proxying concrete classes

Code: ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(); pf.addAdvice((MyInterceptor) ClassFactory.getInstance().getObjectById("myInterceptor")); pf.setTarget(concreteObject); ObjectIF returnObject = (ObjectIF) pf.getProxy(); We're using this method, because we want to be able in some cases to: Code: ConcreteBase base ...

22. Getting the real class name from proxies

Getting the real class name from proxies I have a simple beans with interceptors bound to them. My code is : Person person1 = (Person) beanFactory.getBean("person1"); Person person2 = (Person) beanFactory.getBean("person2"); ...

23. Using ChannelEntryPoint with proxy server

Using ChannelEntryPoint with proxy server I'm using ProxyPass on apache in front of my tomcat server. When I turn on secure channels, the redirect request has the host of my tomcat ...

24. Spring AOP using Proxy

Spring AOP using Proxy Hello, As Spring documentation states "Spring defaults to using J2SE dynamic proxies for AOP proxies". The other alternative is to use CGLIB proxies. However I'm a bit ...

25. Why does Spring make it such a pain to proxy non-singletons?

Why does Spring make it such a pain to proxy non-singletons? Hello, I am using Webwork, Spring and Hibernate, and I am using Spring to instantitate my webwork actions and proxy ...

26. DataIntegrityException thrown by Tx Proxy?

DataIntegrityException thrown by Tx Proxy? Hi all, I have an application whose architecture follows the following sequence: Struts Action -> Service Method -> DAO Method I use Spring's declarative Tx facility ...

27. Proxy Problems Using XmlBeanFactory

Proxy Problems Using XmlBeanFactory I am loading a few classes that I want to proxy (either with AutoProxy or the ProxyFactoryBean) from my application with an XmlBeanFactory. MyObject obj = xmlBeanFactory.getBean("myObject"); ...

28. proxy factory

proxy factory Hi there I am writing my own proxy factory for some stuff I need to prototype. I am wondering if I get it correctly I can see in the ...

29. how to configuring a remote client proxy

how to configuring a remote client proxy A little assistance with defining a remote client proxy would be appreciated. if there is a small but complete example app using mbeanserverconnectionfactorybean, and ...

30. Problem in wiring proxy

Problem in wiring proxy Hi guys, I have a problem: Spring seem to wire the not-proxied instance of a service class, instead if i get it from the factory each time, ...

31. Proxy Map Returning null

Proxy Map Returning null I have an applicationContext that creates a number of beans, each behind a proxy, and stores these beans in a map by their (original) class names as ...

32. (probably wrong forum) is there an automatic Composite COR Proxy?

(probably wrong forum) is there an automatic Composite COR Proxy? Hi all, First off; not sure where this question should go, so apologies Anyway, I find myself time and time again ...

33. Problem using mutiple proxies for single target

Problem using mutiple proxies for single target Hi, I have three proxies acting on a single target "GetVehicleDetailCmd" called in the following order. 1. CommandACLProxy 2. CommandApplicationCacheProxy 3. CommandSessionCacheProxy //3

34. Circular references with Spring proxies.

Circular references with Spring proxies. We have a common scenario in our server Spring config: we apply aspects to our services using Spring (transaction, security, etc). As we all now know, ...

35. class is closed

class is closed Hi guys, Im getting the following exception after calling a stored procedure on a Ms SQL Server 7.0 from a Websphere application server. org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException : (executing ...

36. Does Spring proxy and wrap EJBExceptions/CreateException?

I can see that the documentation and code says that any RemoteExceptions are captured and wrapped with a RemoteAccessException through: Code: RmiClientInterceptorUtils.convertRmiAccessException Since Spring wraps RemoteExceptions, I was wondering if Spring ...

37. RMi Proxies and serialization

Hello! My problem is the way serialization serializes references to other objects. If I get a serialized object on the server, accessing its members modifies copies, not the original object. I ...

38. Proxy Factory

Hi everyone, I am new to Spring framework. Can anyone plz let me know what is this proxy thing (proxy bean factory) and what is its exact use? Thanx Gaurav

39. Problem with geBeanNamesForType(java.lang.reflect.Proxy.class)

Problem with geBeanNamesForType(java.lang.reflect.Proxy.class) Hi, In my ApplicationContext I'm creating a client for calling a Jax-RPC web service using JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean. Then in a Listener called after the context gets created I want ...

40. SSH Proxy for JMX?

Is it possible to tunnel all JMX packages via SSH? It would be nice to setup such a tunnel directly in java so that the client can connect via SSH and ...

41. Configuring work around for "delegating proxy effect"

Aug 21st, 2006, 04:22 AM #1 svenbovin View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2006 Location Belgium Posts 4 Configuring work around for "delegating proxy effect" ...

42. Any hack to cast proxy to class?

Does anyone know of a way to cast a JdkDynamicAOPProxy to the class it is proxying? I know, I know - use CGLIB. But this is just for a test, and ...

43. AOP proxy mechanism!

AOP proxy mechanism! Hello! I have some questions about the proxy-based AOP mechanism. Do the sheme-based approach and the @AspectJ approach still use the proxy-based mechanism? I think they are. When ...

44. Scripting Support: Proxy Strangeness

Scripting Support: Proxy Strangeness I have the following Groovy bean: Code: package groovyworks; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; class MyAction extends ActionSupport { MyService myService; String message String execute () throws Exception { message ...

45. Cannot proxy target class because CGLIB2 is not available

Cannot proxy target class because CGLIB2 is not available I'm going through the Hello World AOP example in the prospring book using eclipse as my IDE and when I try to ...

46. exposing the current proxy (exposeProxy)

The aop.xsd doesn't expose "exposeProxy". Maybe there is a better (preferred) way but here is one way. Get a hold of the application context with (e.g. implement ApplicationContextAware) and ...

47. Casting MyService to MyServiceImpl while proxied

Code: MyServiceImpl myService = (MyServiceImpl) getApplicationContext().getBean("myService"); This code throws a ClassCastException: $Proxy17. Since the bean returned is a proxy and only implements MyService (but contains a target of type MyServiceImpl). The ...

48. How to make calls to this.txCreate() invoke on the proxy?

How to make calls to this.txCreate() invoke on the proxy? Hi, I know this has been brought up before - I definitely remember reading something about it, but I can't find ...

49. GenericSignatureFormatError when Proxy is used?

May 3rd, 2007, 07:36 AM #1 kariem View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2007 Posts 29 GenericSignatureFormatError when Proxy is used? I have a problem ...

50. IntroductionInterceptor is matching Proxies

IntroductionInterceptor is matching Proxies Hi, I am posting this thread in continuation to the previous thread I posted namely "Problem with IntroductionAdvisor". But, here I am emphasizing on a different point. ...

51. Mixing proxying mechanisms (SPR-3459)

Mixing proxying mechanisms (SPR-3459) Hello, Please consider SPR-3459, especially Juergen's comments at the bottom. I think I found Rick's update to the documentation here, but it hasn't made its way to ...

52. how to proxy a single class using aop

I have a web.xml which does the following Code: com.common.LoadImage My LoadImage is something like this Code: public class LoadImage implements ServletContextListener { private ServletContext context = null; public ...

53. Cannot proxy target class because CGLIB2 is not available

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationExce ption: Error creating bean with name 'securityService' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-service.xml]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigExcepti on: Cannot proxy target class because CGLIB2 is not available. ...

54. AOP Proxy

Hi there, I'm new to Spring framework, I have read the definitions of aop proxy from various books but the concept is still not clear to me. Plz can anyone help ...

55. Jdk Proxy

I got the following exception: MetadataNamingStrategy does not support JDK dynamic proxies - export the target beans directly or use CGLIB proxies instead This occurs because I use dynamic proxies in ...

56. Creating a proxy to a

Creating a proxy to a Hello all, I attempting to create a proxy to a MemoryMXBean. The interface is: and the object name is: java.lang:type=Memory. This is per the ...

57. Spring RMI - How to pass client proxy to server?

Spring RMI - How to pass client proxy to server? Hi I was not able to find a solution to the following problem within this forum, even though it had been ...

58. Listeners proxy class

59. Spring AOP get target from proxy

Hello, dear community. I am trying to get target object from its proxy. I do the following: Code: