pointcut 2 « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Applying new pointcut programatically    forum.springsource.org

Applying new pointcut programatically Hi, I am running into a situation where I need to create new AOP pointcuts programatically and apply on the beans in my application context already created ...

2. @within pointcut primitive support in ProtectPointcutPostProcessor    forum.springsource.org

Dear all, is there any reason why the ProtectPointcutPostProcessor used to process the pointcuts defined via does not support all pointcut primitives, i.e. not the @within one? Is ...

3. AspectJ Pointcut definitions    forum.springsource.org

AspectJ Pointcut definitions Hi, I am having problems with pointcuts definitions using AspectJ. This does work: @Before("execution(public * *(..))") public void printMessage() { System.out.println("in printMessage"); } Yet this does not: @Pointcut("execution(public ...

4. Why pointcut.matches(String.class) return true    forum.springsource.org

Hello. I am new to spring AOP and I write a small test of aspectJ AOP pointcut, public void test1() { AspectJExpressionPointcut pointcut = new AspectJExpressionPointcut(); pointcut.setExpression("execution(public * java.util.*.*(..))"); System.out.println(pointcut.matches(String.class)) ; ...