pattern « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. How to implement Abstract Factory pattern in Spring-AOP?

Is implementing the Abstract Factory pattern for a spring-based project with AOP should be any different than in a normal project?

2. How to implement the Strategy Pattern in AOP

Can anyone tell me how to implement the Strategy Pattern in AOP? An example using Spring-AOP or AspectJ would be very helpful.

3. Spring AOP vs AspectJ

I am under the impression that Spring-AOP is best used for application specific tasks such as security, logging, transactions, etc. as it uses custom Java5 annotations as a framework. However, AspectJ ...

4. spring 3.0 aop Pointcut is not well-formed: expecting 'name pattern' error

The following is my pointcut and advise declaration

//PointCut on A method which takes two parameters and is in a DAO
@Pointcut("execution(backend.repository.QuestionsRepository.AnswerQuestion (..))")
public void answerQuestionPointCut() {}



5. AOP and pattern design

AOP and pattern design Currently I'm doing some basic reading about the "extension object" pattern. This pattern involves a lot of technical stuff like castings from A to B, asking for ...

6. spring solution to observer pattern..maybe aop?

spring solution to observer pattern..maybe aop? I have a problem that i think points to an observer like pattern. I would appreciate input as to a good way to solve the ...

7. Command Pattern with Spring AOP

8. Pointcut is not well-formed: expecting 'name pattern' at character position 116

Pointcut is not well-formed: expecting 'name pattern' at character position 116 I am using Jboss 4.2.1, I create an aspect and have the followling exception when deploy in JBoss and compiled ...

9. Pointcut pattern not matching

package; public interface MyService { public String getValue(); } package public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService { public String getValue() { return "str"; } }