parameter « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Pointcut matching methods with annotated parameters

I need to create an aspect with a pointcut matching a method if:

  • Is public
  • Its class is annotated with @Controller (Finally does not)
  • One of its parameters (can have many) is annotated ...

2. Spring AOP: Getting parameters of the pointcut annotation

Consider I have defined the following aspect:

public class SampleAspect {

    public Object display(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {

3. Spring @Configurable does not work if new method with domain classes as parameter was added to unit test

I need to inject dependencies into my domain classes, so I use @Configurable as follows:

class Company
   private long id;

   private transient ...

4. passing parameters to advice in AOP

passing parameters to advice in AOP Is there any way to pass parameters to advices? For example: Code: class MyEJB { String str="old value"; public void businessMethod() { str="new value"; // ...

5. is it possible to change value of a parameter using spring aop?

is it possible to change value of a parameter using spring aop? I need some tips and help on changing value of a parameter in my @Around advice. Here is the ...

6. How to create pointcut for binding @args parameters?

How to create pointcut for binding @args parameters? Hi, I've read through the spring docs on pointcuts, but cannot seem to find the solution to my question. I'm looking to pointcut ...

7. Configuring Proxy server parameters

Configuring Proxy server parameters Hi, I'm trying to test the Google WebService (based on code from ) and the bean is defined as below :

8. Formal parameters in schema based AOP?

Formal parameters in schema based AOP? As part of a VERY long stacktrace I see "::0 formal unbound in pointcut". I looked at the Spring reference and don't see an example ...

9. Capturing method parameter types with a shared pointcut definition

Capturing method parameter types with a shared pointcut definition I have the following class that needs to be advised: Code: public class TradeServiceImpl implements TradeService { public void trade(TradeableItem item, TradeableItem ...

10. How to distingish pointcut parameters in case of || expresion?

Hello I want my advise to be executed when target Class or method annotated with MyAnnotation. Also I want to access MyAnnotation attributes. Question: How to distingish pointcut parameters in case ...

11. Add parameter to proxied method

Add parameter to proxied method I'm currently proxying a class method using Spring AOP, using around advice. I'm wondering if it is possible to have the proxy method contain an extra ...

12. @Pointcut execution with Map parameter fails, use wildcard instead?

package foo; import java.util.Map; public class Service { public void methodWithString(String string) { System.out.println("methodWithString=" + string); } public void methodWithMap(Map map) { System.out.println("methodWithMap=" + map); } }

13. aop without parameter

14. Pointcut not matching if method parameter is a generic type

Pointcut not matching if method parameter is a generic type I have existing pointcuts working fine advising various methods in a class. I tried adding just one more, identically set up, ...

15. declaring parameter aop

hi i use aop to do some validation before executed a method in the xml spring configuration, i have Code:

16. AOP and parameters

AOP and parameters Hi everyone, I'm having some trouble setting up some AOP that works with an Aspect that takes a parameter as a method. Essentially what I want to do ...

17. AOP fails with defaulted method parameters

AOP fails with defaulted method parameters I don't know whether this is by design as I'm new to using Spring AOP, but thought it worth mentioning in case it's a bug; ...

18. Pass parameters to AOP using XML

Pass parameters to AOP using XML I can successfully call AOP if the method to be invoked does not take any parameter as argument. I am having problem in calling a ...

19. Using wildcard to honor any object type as parameter in AOP

Using wildcard to honor any object type as parameter in AOP Following configuration works. However, I have coded the method of AOP to take java.lang.Object as an argument. I would likle ...

20. Parameter names cannot be determined unless compiled by AspectJ compiler

I've implemented an aspect and I'm getting this exception when trying to get invoked method parameter names: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Parameter names cannot be determined unless compiled by AspectJ compiler Here is the ...

21. Pass parameter value / aop:after-returning

... Just as in the @AspectJ style, it is possible to get hold of the return value within the advice body. Use the returning attribute to specify the name of the ...

22. Pointcut matching methods with annotated parameters

Pointcut matching methods with annotated parameters I need to create an aspect with a pointcut matching a method if: - Is public - Its class is annotated with @Controller - One ...

23. howto aspect methods with optional parameters

howto aspect methods with optional parameters How do I write the aspect code that will work on a method with a optional parameter? The code below works if MyService.getFacilities() has either ...