method « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Crosscut concerns in middle of methods

it's convenient for AOP (e.g. AspectJ, SpringAOP) to deal with(advise on) crosscut concerns at pointcuts around methods below, "Sandwich" code

methodA {
    crosscut code
    user code A

2. Spring AOP count number of times a particular method is called from another

I have an Interface with the method rangeQuery() which I am trying to profile across all subtypes, using Spring AOP. In particular, for any call to rangeQuery() I'd like to ...

3. Getting the java.lang.reflect.Method from a ProceedingJoinPoint?

The question is short and simple: Is there a way to get the Method object from an apsectj ProceedingJoinPoint? Currently I am doing

Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[joinPoint.getArgs().length];
Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs();
for(int ...

4. aspect for internal method call

I have a requirement where in I need to place an aspect around an internal method call, by internal I mean

class Person{ 
        public ...

5. How should I specify AOP aspect for overloaded methods?

I develop application in Java and Spring AOP. Anything is good, but I've created overloaded method and want to set up AOP. Simple duplication with changing aop:pointcut id doesn't help.

6. Second invocation of Aspectj-adviced method in is ignored

I am in the process of adding some AspectJ advices in my Spring-based Java project. When I run an intercepted method once, it all works fine (i.e., the advice is executed). ...

7. Spring AOP setAdvice only on one specific Method

I have the following class:

package x.y.z;

public class MyClass{
public void someMethod(SomeObject object){
//do somethinng

public void {
//do somethinng

Now I would like to set @PointCutonly on method someMethod(SomeObject object, int param1) How can I do it? Update ...

8. Proxying Only Base Class Methods

Proxying Only Base Class Methods I have a Spring Web Flow AOP configuration as follows: Code: ...

9. Why AOP method call is no longer working?

For a method, Code: public void createNewObj(Obj1 obj1, Obj2 obj2, String path){ //... ; } The AOP class is something like Code: @Aspect @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, isolation = Isolation.DEFAULT, readOnly = ...

10. Solution for Proxies and method calling in same instance

Solution for Proxies and method calling in same instance I think I have a solution for the above problem. Problem : public class MyService { public methodA() { //do something methodB(); ...

11. What is a reason of prohibiting of proxying protected class methods?

Hi, What is a reason of prohibiting of proxying protected class methods (the case when class, not interfaces are proxied)? Spring 1.2.5 is concerned. I tried to proxy class using Spring ...

12. Can AOP help me with boiler plate equals() & hashCode() methods

Can AOP help me with boiler plate equals() & hashCode() methods AOP newbie question. Having spent the afternoon cleaning up equals() and hashCode() methods, I'm looking for a better way to ...

13. Invoking a different method on proxy target

Invoking a different method on proxy target I am trying to implement an interceptor where I sometimes need to call a different method on the proxy target. I currently implement only ...

14. Aspects not firing when method invoked from within same class

Aspects not firing when method invoked from within same class I know that Spring AOP uses some kind of proxy class for its aspect implementation. The problem I'am having, is that ...

15. JpaDaoSupport in 2.0.1 is final -- unable to proxy method warning

Upon upgrading to Spring 2.0.1 I am getting a series of warnings due to JpaDaoSupport.setEntityManagerFactory() being final. I am seeing the following errors: WARNING: Unable to proxy method [public final void ...

16. AOP not working if method is called within another method inside the same class

AOP not working if method is called within another method inside the same class I have a class that has 2 methods as show below: public void doSomething(Object object) { //execute ...

17. introduction proxy object with the method of the target AND the aspect

public class IntroductionDriver { public static void main(String[] args) { ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( "/introductions/introductions.xml"); Car car = (Car) ctx.getBean("car"); PaintColor carColor = (PaintColor) car; .... } }

18. creating new methods with aop

creating new methods with aop I've never used aop so I was wondering if the following scenario would be a good place to use it. I want to apply logic to ...

19. Aspect not getting called if method is called by another method within the same class

Aspect not getting called if method is called by another method within the same class Can someone please help? The logUsage() is not getting called if execute() calls processOrder(). Thanks.

20. final methods cuts off any use of spring-aop

I too like to make my methods final when they are framework methods that define policy. However doing so means that there is no possibly of using spring-aop (ala ) for ...

21. again: final methods cuts off any use of spring-aop

The specific instance I ran into was ultAnnotationExceptionResolver. I wanted to add an aspect around the method getFaultDefinition(..). The related jira issue is -barry

22. Aop does not work for the method called in the same instance

Aop does not work for the method called in the same instance I tried to use AOP to proxy LoggingInterceptor to all the method in a class. Class sampleClass { public ...

23. Can I use an AOP in a method called by a method of same Object ?

Can I use an AOP in a method called by a method of same Object ? Hi, I've got an object A which implements an interface (RohanSequencer). This interface has 2 ...

24. AOP on nested method invocations

AOP on nested method invocations I have a quick question on getting AOP to work on nested method invocations (if this is even possible). I have the following example: Code: public ...

25. proxying final methods

26. AOP + init-method

Hi people. I've a baean demarcated with transaction around its methods. The init-method defined by me needs this transaction too, but when called by BeanFactory the transaction isn't created, houever calling ...

27. Using Reflection to Invoke Private Methods and the Interaction with AOP

Using Reflection to Invoke Private Methods and the Interaction with AOP This received no action on the core container forum. On reflection (pun) I should have posted it here since it's ...

28. problems with AOP and lookup-method

problems with AOP and lookup-method Hello! Maybe my problem is pretty weird, but I have no idead how to get rid of it. On container startup I have an exception with ...

29. Cannot get aspect to work with java.lang.reflect.Method in signature

Cannot get aspect to work with java.lang.reflect.Method in signature Hi, I'd appreciate any help with a problem I'm having with an aspect. I've read the Spring documentation and Spring In Action ...

30. Easiest way to block methods call with AOP

Easiest way to block methods call with AOP Hi, I'm developping a tool to test EJB and MDB in our application. The application doesn't use Spring, but I massively use Spring ...

31. AOP within methods

AOP within methods Hi Spring community. I want to enable aop by logging all methods calls. I want to log all method calls including the one that is currently called by ...

32. Spring AOP - method's returned object's class

Spring AOP - method's returned object's class Hi I have encountered the following road block. I just want to clarify early-on that this is purely Spring AOP issue..though I mention about ...

33. Pre-method (maybe aspect related)

Pre-method (maybe aspect related) Hi all, I am writing a web application using annotated controllers (@Controller on the class and @RequestMapping("") on methods). But almost all methods I have put the ...

34. Problem with proxied methods

Problem with proxied methods Hi Community'guys: I have the following case: Code: class A implements IA { void saveTxC(C c) { B b = getTxCurrentB(); c.setB(b);; } B getTxCurrentB() { ...

35. How to Advise Aspects to all the method chai?n

How to Advise Aspects to all the method chain? Hi, My requirement is to capture the time taken for each method call. Code: public class Sample { public static void method1() ...

36. An approach for "call" Aspectj method

Then i ask you: how to intercept a method call and how to intercept a bean initialization using Spring Framework AOP module ? You cannot as stated in the reference guide. ...

37. Add our own aspects to the methods in the WebScaffoldMetadata

Add our own aspects to the methods in the WebScaffoldMetadata I have been analysing the org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.controller.W ebScaffoldMetadata class and the aspects that it generated when you Refactor > Push-In Refactor. So ...

38. Aspects and local method calls

Hello everyone, I have a simple question, that I didnt find quickly an answer on the net. And because of its simplicity I think that the majority of you will know ...

39. method call not routed through proxy

method call not routed through proxy Hi, I'm porting a programm to Swing and have the first problem which I can't solve without help: I have an instance of a class ...

40. Changing method signature through AOP

Is it possible to change a methods signature (add an optional argument) using AOP. I need to wrap by service methods in an advice that requires an additional argument that is ...

41. AOP, Proxies, and method calling in same instance

AOP, Proxies, and method calling in same instance Spring can use JDK's Proxy mechanism to apply AOP. However, is it not true that an object instance that has an aspect applied ...