intercept « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Intercepting method with Spring AOP using only annotations

In my Spring context file I have something like this:

<bean id="userCheck" class="a.b.c.UserExistsCheck"/>
      <aop:aspect ref="userCheck">
         <aop:pointcut id="checkUser"

2. spring and aspectj, intercept method of a non-proxy object

i want to intercept method from a non-proxied object. I have a class instance MyClass myClassInstance=new MyClass() and i want to intercept call of myClassInstance methods. I know all works good with proxies, ...

3. AOP Help: intercepting "this" calls

I'm fairly new to AOP but starting to use Spring for transactions. Just realizing that when a proxied/wrapped object calls a method on itself that it will not get intercepted. Doy, ...

4. Spring 1.2 AOP: Intercept object creation

Spring 1.2 AOP: Intercept object creation Hi, Does anyone know if in Spring AOP it is possible to intercept object creation? For example, if I have a singleton bean as shown ...

5. AspectJ intercept annotated methods not working in Spring but ok in Java App

AspectJ intercept annotated methods not working in Spring but ok in Java App Hi, My webapp runs with Spring2 on Tomcat5.5. I am trying to create an aspect that would pointcut ...

6. intercept handleRequestInternal by aop

8. pointcut to intercept "instanceof" instruction ?

Hello, I'd like to define an Aspect to detect use of "instanceOf" instruction in my business domain code. As I'm using Hibernate, the abstract @Entity class "Pet" cannot be casted to ...

9. How do i get aop:advisor to intercept the method of inherited classes?

I have a aop advisor on class B method using pointcut encode*. Class B has a method encodeBegin. Class B inherits Class A. Class A has a method encodeEnd. When class ...

10. AOP Proxy doesn't intercept equals or hashCode methods

Aug 19th, 2009, 03:47 PM #1 davija View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2009 Location Bremerton, WA Posts 7 AOP Proxy doesn't intercept equals or ...

11. Aspect not always intercepting

Aspect not always intercepting I have several servlets in my project. Each with it's own set of controllers. Each servlet starts with this: Code: