expression « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Avoiding in-place pointcut expression in Spring AOP

I'm using Spring AOP. I'm giving my pointcuts like:

@Pointcut("execution(* com.demo.Serviceable+.*(..))")
public void serviceMethodCalls() {
Is it possible to avoid the in-place pointcut expression in Spring AOP? Thanks, Veera.

2. Spring expression language not working with spring aop

<bean id="eddie" class="com.springinaction.Instrumentalist">
    <property name="instrument" value="#{violin}"></property>
    <property name="song" value="#{}"></property>


<bean id="violin" class="com.springinaction.Violin">

<bean id="kenny" class="com.springinaction.Instrumentalist">
    <property name="song" value="Kenny is a star,kenny is a star"></property>

3. MethodInvocation always returns null from pointcut expression

I defined one pointcut like below:

<aop:pointcut id="getAllDataCut" expression=
   "execution(* com.example.test.getAllData(com.example test.User)) and args(usr)" />
When i call
final Object[] methodArgs= methodInvocation.getArguements();
i am getting always null. Please give some hints. Thanks in Advance ...

4. AOP expression problem

I need to do few things before any method on org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean getting called. Hence I'm using an expression @Around("execution. (*org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.*(..)"). But I get an exception saying that

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating beanwithname 'org.springframework.transaction.annotation.AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource#0': ...

5. Make a check on AOP pointcut expression

I need to make a check in my pointcut expression like. I have this bean:

<bean id="logConfig"
    <property name="logDetails" value="STANDARD" />
    <property name="logLvl" ...

6. AspectJ expression for join points

AspectJ expression for join points Hello, I would like to intercept my "toDTO()" methods to close Hibernate Session before execution, so that lazy loading can't be triggered by Dozer. I've tried ...

7. Bug in AspectJ expression pointcut execution?

Bug in AspectJ expression pointcut execution? version: Spring 2.0 M3 Candidate advisor [PointcutAdvisor: pointcut [AspectJExpressionPointcut: () execution(* *..HelloBean.*(..))], advice [org.aop.DummyAdvice@1343ed0]] accepted for class [org.aop.HelloBean] but the DummyAdvice is never executed here ...

8. pointcut expression problem

pointcut expression problem I have an aspect with the following pointcut expression defined: @annotation( er) || (execution(public * find*(..)) && @target( roxy)) The way I read this the aspectj autoproxy should ...

9. Advance Pointcut expression using @AspectJ

Advance Pointcut expression using @AspectJ Hi, I require some assistance writing an advanced Pointcut expression. I tried using &&, ||, ! operators in my pointcut expressions in different combinations but I ...

10. Combining pointcut expressions doesn't work

Why this pointcut doesn't work? Note that I'm not combining pointcut expressions by name... Code: ...

11. complex pointcut expressions

complex pointcut expressions There is an issue I came across when trying to combine pointcut expressions and I want to see if anyone else has experienced anything similar or there is ...

12. pointcut expression for exclude

Hi, is it possible to define a pointcut and exclude something here? eg. execution (**.*(..) and not*.*(..)) every method in but not in If this is possible, ...

13. Howto write the expression in a ?

Hi, I can write a like this: Code: I want to specify some particular methods of the NodeDaoImpl class in the expression (the method names ...

14. Changing pointcut expression at runtime with JMX

Changing pointcut expression at runtime with JMX I used AOP support for audit logging in my application. Username, timestamp, classname, method name and method parameters (as XML) are logged by an ...

15. Pointcut expression problem

Dear Spring Framework Support Forums Audience, I'm working with Spring AOP and have some problems creating correct pointcut expression to satisfy my goals. Please advice me what I'm doing wrong or ...

16. Confused about the pointcut expression.

Confused about the pointcut expression. Hi, I am a bit confused about the pointcut expression. I have the following aop.xml Code:

17. Pointcut expression??

@Pointcut("execution(**.*(..))") is the path to a specific package I want to advise. How can I optimize module.detail to get a more common pointcut that advises all calls in packages who ...

18. AOP expression explanation

20. Bad pointcut expression?

Bad pointcut expression? I am trying to create a pointcut expression to select the methods of all beans annotated with @Repository. Here is one of the beans I am trying to ...

21. combining pointcut expressions?

combining pointcut expressions? Hello there! I have the DAO interface, which provides the method of getting an entity by ID. Earlier there was the requirement: the user can not load the ...

22. Pointcut Expression for Inner Classes

Pointcut Expression for Inner Classes Hi, I am working on my first Spring Project. We are using Spring 2.08 with oralce 10g. I have a requirement to log each stored procedure ...

23. Combined pointcut expression does not work?

Hi, I have the following spring configuration Code: What I want to do is to intercept all getConnection method from any class inheriting javax.sql.DataSource ...

24. need help with pointcut expressions

need help with pointcut expressions I thought it seemed straight-forward, but I don't know why I am having such trouble with this one ... Code: ...

25. AOP Pointcut Expression Matching

I am afraid i do not follow your logic. I was not aware that either of my proposed expression matchers where catching exceptions. I also do not see how your expression ...

26. use of within pointcut expression

use of within pointcut expression hi. here's my scenario: serviceA.method1 -- may be called on its own or may be called from serviceB.method2 i have two after returning advices i want ...

27. Advised method not called for pointcut expression

Advised method not called for pointcut expression Hello, I'm new to Spring AOP but have read all the online reference guides and Spring In Action book and am stuck on something ...

28. Question about Pointcut expression

Please review the following classes: The pointcut below are too generic and I was expecting an infinite recursively loop when triggered. But to my surprise it didn't happen when I ran ...

29. Question about pointcut expression mechanics

Question about pointcut expression mechanics Hi, i have a problem with pointcuts not advised. I think it has something to do with how aspectj is matching pointcuts. This is how my ...

31. Problem matching java generics in pointcut expressions

As stated in docs, using + sign match any subclass of the given one, so an expression like this Code: execution(SomeInterface+ somepackage..*(..)) will match any method returning an instance of any ...