dependency « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Spring dependency injection or aspect programming

I have a need for methods in several classes that must always follow a specific pre and post pattern. public void method(X x, Y y ) { // ********Repeating Part begin ...

2. Spring Dependency Injecting an annotated Aspect

Using Spring I've had some issues with doing a dependency injection on an annotated Aspect class. CacheService is injected upon the Spring context's startup, but when the weaving takes place, ...

3. How to automatically create and inject a proxy of a missing dependency?

Given the following classes:

package com.acme;

public class Foo {
  private Bar bar;
  public void setBar(Bar newBar) { = newBar;

public interface Bar {}
and a Spring ...

4. SPRING: What is AOP, Dependency Injection and Inversion Of Control in Simple English

I have tried to understand AOP, Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control SPRING related concepts but I am having hard time understanding it. Can anyone explain this in simple English ? ...

5. Are Annotations generally realized with AOP and can they "do" Depedency Injection?

How are annotations in Spring Framework realized? Are they realized by using Dependency Injection or Aspect Oriented Programming? I thought they use AOP, well, because something annotated will do something which is ...

6. The importance of design in a spring app

I've been taking a look into using the spring framework for my java apps. It is such a different way of looking at programming in general, i'm talking about DI and AOP! The ...

7. Dependency Injection in every aspect of a spring app?

I am taking a look into Spring as a web framework, however I am needing a bit of help getting my head around DI. The concept of objects getting constructed in the ...

8. New to Spring - Missing AOP libraries in STS, help!

I'm getting my feet wet with Spring. I downloaded STS and I'm following basic examples from Spring in Action Second Edition. I'm stuck when trying to implement basic AOP and I ...

9. AOP: basic ideas - keep objects simple?

I work with Spring Framework 3.0.5 and Id like to understand the basic principals of Spring. One of it is AOP. One basic idea of the spring framework is to keep ...

10. Will Spring support CDI?

Spring has been a good framework for DI and AOP for Java developers. Now, there comes a standard specification for DI and AOP which is CDI. Any good product can no longer stays ...

11. AspectJ compilation dependencies

AspectJ compilation dependencies Hi, I have just read this blog entry that explains 2 different techniques to inject plain POJOS into EJB3 beans using Spring and AspectJ. (The blog is ...

12. Spring 2.0 AOP: ASM Dependencies

I am trying to run Spring 2.0RC2 with Hibernate 3.1.3. Spring uses one set of the .ASM jars: asm-2.2.2.jar asm-commons-2.2.2.jar asm-util-2.2.2.jar while Hibernate uses its own set (lacking version numbers): asm.jar ...

13. AspectJ Weaver Dependency

AspectJ Weaver Dependency I am trying to use Spring 2.0rc3 and defining an aspect and some declarative transactions. The docs state that there is no dependency on the AspectJ runtime but ...

14. Using AspectJ to dependency inject domain objects with Spring - simple question

Hi, I've been looking through AspectJ + Spring integration documentation, and can't quite figure out the solution for my problem. Must be very easy to do, but just can't figure it ...

15. aop dependencies

aop dependencies Can I use spring(2.0.3) aop without aspectj? I dont want to use aspectj at all and I dont want to include it on my classpath. When I dont include ...

16. proxying AOP dependency runtime issue with spring 2.0.6 for after-returning advice

proxying AOP dependency runtime issue with spring 2.0.6 for after-returning advice Hello, I am a newbie at Spring AOP and it appears that I am having compatibility issues with dependencies. I ...

17. Dependency to AspectJ (that should not be?)

Dependency to AspectJ (that should not be?) Hi everyone, I am getting an "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/aspectj/util/PartialOrder$PartialComparable" (wrapped into a BeanCreationException) when trying to load the following context: Code:

18. Injecting Dependencies Into Aspects

Jan 12th, 2008, 02:23 PM #1 bdangubic View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Nov 2007 Posts 415 Injecting Dependencies Into Aspects I have an Aspect like ...

19. Dependency Issues while using AOP for logging

Dependency Issues while using AOP for logging Hello, I have implemented logging using AOP point cuts definitions. The point cuts have been applied at a package level , so that when ...

20. Inyecting dependencies on an AspectJ defined aspect

Inyecting dependencies on an AspectJ defined aspect I am learning about load time weaving possibilities. I know it is possible to inject dependencies in woven beans, but is it possible to ...

21. Dependency problem for AOP

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'orgAddressCtrl': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectweb/asm/Type

22. AspectJ dependencies on schema based config

A simple question: Is aspectjrt.jar required with the schema based configuration when only AspectJ style pointcuts are used and aspectjweaver.jar is in the classpath?

23. Spring AOP not working with Autowired Dependencies

Spring AOP not working with Autowired Dependencies I encountered weird problem. I have defined a Proxy for intercepting all service methods to apply some logic.