ProxyFactoryBean « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. ProxyFactoryBean in Spring

Can someone explain ProxyFactoryBean in simple terms? I see this being quoted lot of places.

2. ProxyFactoryBean returning null class object for Target class

I am facing problem in ProxyFactoryBean class, We want to get the class name of the targetBean of the ProxyFactoryBean . When we invoke getType on BeanFactory giving the bean name , ...

3. How to Debug ProxyFactoryBean Interceptor not firing

I'm trying to use the MethodInterceptor and ProxyFactorBean to be able to produce audit information on a particular method. I can see that the bean interceptedOpMethod is initialized, but it never gets ...

4. Help: ProxyFactoryBean + non-singletons

Help: ProxyFactoryBean + non-singletons Hi, Using Spring 1.1. I'm using a ProxyFactoryBean to add advices to my target, which is required to not be a singleton. After reading the docs I ...

5. ProxyFactoryBean

ProxyFactoryBean I'm reading section that gives an example on how to configure ProxyFactoryBean Code: com.mycompany.Person myAdvisor debugInterceptor ...

6. Newbie question about configuration of a ProxyFactoryBean

Newbie question about configuration of a ProxyFactoryBean I want to know how to get access to methods in an implementation class via her interface with the utilisation of a ProxyFactoryBean. I ...

7. how to inject proxyfactorybean?

If you like to reference a factorybean in your beans, you'll have to prepend the bean reference with an ampersand: If you leave out the ampersand, ...

8. ProxyFactoryBean proxying singleton

ProxyFactoryBean proxying singleton I have a ProxyFactoryBean proxing a bean which is created using a MethodInvokingFactoryBean. MethodInvokingFactoryBean works fine. However, when I wrap it in a ProxyFactoryBean the latter creates a ...

9. ProxyFactoryBean question

ProxyFactoryBean question Hello, I created a proxy that will implement interfaces of getters and setters by intercepting the get and set method calls and putting/getting the values from a Map. I ...

10. Help Creating non singleton using ProxyFactoryBean

Help Creating non singleton using ProxyFactoryBean Hi I am trying to use ProxyFactoryBean to create non singleton instances of bean. But it seems to ignore the non singleton flag and i ...

11. Dynamic settings for ProxyFactoryBean-created objects

Dynamic settings for ProxyFactoryBean-created objects Hi, I originally posted in the EJB forum, but it's kind of a general issue, so I end up here. I work with Spring on the ...

12. Optional targetsource for a ProxyFactoryBean

Optional targetsource for a ProxyFactoryBean Hi, I have a use case that I would like to implement but am at a loss as to how to do it. I have a ...

13. Configuration required without ProxyFactoryBean

Configuration required without ProxyFactoryBean Hi All, I want to intercept a code in my action class .So i will not be having any interface call that action.(obvious). For using service call ...

14. Getting instance of a ProxyFactoryBean

Hello there! New to Spring. How do we get instance of a ProxyFactoryBean in java. The usual way is context.getBean("BeanId"). What if i have a constructor? How do we get the ...

15. ProxyFactoryBean overrides equals() method

ProxyFactoryBean overrides equals() method I am introducing a new interface (Markable) to my object. In my object's implementation, I have overridden the .equals() method to do custom comparison. However, after I ...

16. Return a new instance from ProxyFactoryBean

Return a new instance from ProxyFactoryBean Hi, I m new to springframework. I just wanna to implement the springframework at my business layer tier. I use the ProxyFactoryBean to lookup my ...

17. cglib ProxyFactoryBean ClassFormatError

cglib ProxyFactoryBean ClassFormatError The following proxy works fine: org.persapiens.openerp.model.OpenerpFacad e openerpFacadeTarget ...

18. Problems using ProxyFactoryBean for tx mgmnt

Problems using ProxyFactoryBean for tx mgmnt I am having trouble creating prototype beans that use declaritive transaction management. I having been reading about using the ProxyFactoryBean but I am having trouble ...

19. ProxyFactoryBean and non-singleton

ProxyFactoryBean and non-singleton What I want is to get a new "Main" object containing a new "Sub" object each time I call context.getBean("main") 1. I tried this spring config : Code: ...

20. ProxyFactoryBean Problem with Before Advice

ProxyFactoryBean Problem with Before Advice I'm trying a simple example of injecting before advice into a method call. I'm using ProxyFactoryBean to do this and am following an example/tutorial. I should ...

21. why am I still getting a singleton from ProxyFactoryBean?

why am I still getting a singleton from ProxyFactoryBean? I want to get an instance from ProxyFactoryBean(or new an instance of defaultMemDataBaseImpl everytime I try getbean("memDataBase")) below is my xml,but everytime ...

22. Problem with ProxyFactoryBean

Apr 3rd, 2006, 05:29 AM #1 Melli View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2006 Posts 2 Problem with ProxyFactoryBean I have tried to implement method ...

23. ProxyFactoryBean != DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator ?

ProxyFactoryBean != DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator ? Hi, i am on the way migrating all my manual ProxyFactoryBean definitions to annotation based autoproxying definitions. But there seems to be a difference how the proxy ...

24. Problem in using AOP-ProxyFactoryBean

Jun 6th, 2006, 12:42 PM #1 venu.s View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2006 Posts 7 Problem in using AOP-ProxyFactoryBean Hi all, I struck up ...

25. ProxyFactoryBean interceptorNames

ProxyFactoryBean interceptorNames Hi, I am using spring AOP 1.2.5 to implement security, by intercepting method calls. The ProxyFactoryBean.interceptorNames property is a String[], meaning that I have to define the interceptor/advisor beans ...

26. ProxyFactoryBean with MessageEndpoint

ProxyFactoryBean with MessageEndpoint Before I updated to the 6-30-2006 snapshot build (I was using pre-M1) - I had a proxy in place to dump out the raw SOAP messages in XML ...

27. How do we create a prototype of a ProxyFactoryBean

I have a simplePOJO class which has been decorated using an introduction advisor. Each time I need a reference on my decorated simplePOJO, I want a different instance. Is it possible??????? ...

28. ProxyFactoryBean and MethodSecurityInterceptor

ProxyFactoryBean and MethodSecurityInterceptor hi, i want to protect some methods of my service. So I create a MethodSecurityInterceptor bean and a ProxyFactoryBean. When I run my application, I have these well ...

29. ProxyFactoryBean optimization behavior

We've noticed that setting optimize on org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean causes a difference in org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor.invoke (MethodInvocation methodInvocation) behavior. Specifically, calling: String className = methodInvocation.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().g etName(); returns the proxied interface class when optimization is false, ...

30. AspectJ Pointcut Expression and ProxyFactoryBean(s) with Spring 2.0.1

AspectJ Pointcut Expression and ProxyFactoryBean(s) with Spring 2.0.1 Hello, I've tried to upgrade a Spring 2.0.0 project to Spring 2.0.1. One problem occured with some of my ProxyFactoryBeans which should be ...

31. Possible bug - autoproxy & ProxyFactoryBean

Possible bug - autoproxy & ProxyFactoryBean JDK1.5 / Spring 2.0 final I can't really believe this is a bug but I've distilled the problem down to the essentials so it should ...

32. ProxyFactoryBean can not proxy target class when targetSource=JndiObjectTargetSource

Code: org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigException: TargetSource cannot determine target class: Either an interface or a target is required for proxy creation. at org.springframework.aop.framework.DefaultAopProxyFactory.createAopProxy( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyCreatorSupport.createAopProxy( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean.getSingletonInstance( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean.getObject(

33. Error creating ProxyFactoryBean

Error creating ProxyFactoryBean Hi all. Could you please help me with the following exception: In the context xml file I have the following bean Configuration: Code: ...

34. Error creating ProxyFactoryBean

Error creating ProxyFactoryBean Hi all. Could you please help me with the following exception: In the context xml file I have the following bean Configuration: Code: ...

35. Mixing ProxyFactoryBean and @AspectJ

Mixing ProxyFactoryBean and @AspectJ Hi, I'm new to Spring-AOP and I have an issue with @AspectJ. My Spring application embeds the repository component of the Alfresco CMS ( My application-context.xml looks ...

36. ProxyFactoryBean doesnt intercept calls.

ProxyFactoryBean doesnt intercept calls. hi everybody, i`m building a demo which integrates myfaces, spring 2.0.6 and tiles, i want to spring manages the bean proxy between the view and the controller, ...

37. Problem with ProxyFactoryBean

Problem with ProxyFactoryBean I am getting Null pointer exception at $Proxy0.getAll(Unknown Source) while trying to access Bean through ProxyFactoryBean. However if I directly use Impl class then I am getting all ...

38. Accessing the target object of an ProxyFactoryBean

Accessing the target object of an ProxyFactoryBean This topic has a little mix of different subjects, some Data Access and some AOP with a touch of Transaction. I am using Hibernate ...

39. ProxyFactoryBean duplicates interceptors on circular dependency

ProxyFactoryBean duplicates interceptors on circular dependency There's a scenario in which a ProxyFactoryBean duplicates its interceptors, i.e. includes each one twice in the interceptors list (which results in each interceptor being ...

40. Regression on ProxyFactoryBean from 2.0.x to 2.5

Regression on ProxyFactoryBean from 2.0.x to 2.5 Hello, I've got a strange issue migrating an application running Spring 2.0.x to 2.5.2 : The application uses ProxyFactoryBean to setup a bean : ...

41. A running sample of CommonsPoolTargetSource & ProxyFactoryBean...

A running sample of CommonsPoolTargetSource & ProxyFactoryBean... Hi, I'm trying the example of pooling (found in the documentation here I have this context: Code:

42. ProxyFactoryBean does not use proxyInterfaces, why JDKProxy is used?

Hello All, I disable proxyInterfaces. according to document then ProxyFactoryBean should use CGLIB proxy instead of JDK Proxy. but why JDK proxy is used in runtime? see screenshot (I used debugger ...

43. using protytype proxies with ProxyFactoryBean

44. Problem with ProxyFactoryBean based Spring AOP

Jul 22nd, 2008, 05:21 AM #1 saikiran View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jun 2007 Posts 58 Problem with ProxyFactoryBean based Spring AOP hi, I am not ...

45. Can the inteceptor be applied to ProxyFactoryBean

Can the inteceptor be applied to ProxyFactoryBean Hi, Can I apply my interceptor to the proxy generated by some sort of ProxyFactoryBean? For example, on WebServices client side, I have this ...

46. Clash between schema based aop and ProxyFactoryBean

Clash between schema based aop and ProxyFactoryBean I use aop for transaction management, using the aop schema for configuring the context. I also have a bean that I proxy with a ...

47. ProxyFactoryBean problem

ProxyFactoryBean problem Hi Hopefully a simple problem, I've got a web service, but I don't want it initialised on startup (in case the web service is unavailable). So I've used a ...

48. Mixing ProxyFactoryBean, DefaultIntroductionAdvisor and aop:config Problem

Mixing ProxyFactoryBean, DefaultIntroductionAdvisor and aop:config Problem Hi, i have an application which already uses aop for generic (hibernate) daos. For the generic daos I use ProxyFactoryBean and an IntroductionInterceptor. The xml-configuration ...

49. ProxyFactoryBean & aop:config

ProxyFactoryBean & aop:config I have read in this forum that you cannot mix ProxyFactoryBean and aop:config in your server context. Since I'm using a ProxyFactoryBean with CommonsPoolTargetSource in my app, I ...

50. Circular references with ProxyFactoryBean

Circular references with ProxyFactoryBean I'm about at my wit's end. Hopefully somebody can help me out here. I'm doing the typical: (forgive the crudeness of the xml, I don't have the ...

51. Use ProxyFactoryBean programmatically

Use ProxyFactoryBean programmatically Hi there! Is it possible to use the ProxyFactoryBean programmtically? I have to write an "DB Entity Interceptor": A proxy should filter entities by security aspects (e.g. User ...

52. Spring 3: ProxyFactoryBean alternative with Spring 3 AOP ?

Spring 3: ProxyFactoryBean alternative with Spring 3 AOP ? Hi, I have a question regarding the use of ProxyFactoryBean in Spring 3. At home, I make a small exercise using Hibernate ...

53. ProxyFactoryBean returning null class object for Target class

public class TestSpring { public static void main(String args[]){ TestSpring ts = new TestSpring(); ts.process(); } private void process() { BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(new FileSystemResource("E:\\beans.xml")); Class c=factory.getType("scor.imagedev.action.imageDevServerTaskActions"); System.out.println(c); }

54. ProxyFactoryBean intercepterNames set is bug???

ProxyFactoryBean intercepterNames set is bug??? version:3.0.2.RELEASE in initializeAdvisorChain method, bellow code is just apply to interceptNames without * // If we get here, we need to add a named interceptor. // ...

55. ProxyFactoryBean is not working in Tomcat

Nov 30th, 2010, 11:51 PM #1 Odex View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2010 Posts 1 ProxyFactoryBean is not working in Tomcat I have defined ...