ProxyFactory « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Spring ProxyFactory ignore interface?

Using an org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactory is there a way to have the proxy implement an interface (via setInterface()) but not actually proxy that interface? I only want it to proxy the target source ...

2. ProxyFactory target not autowired

ProxyFactory target not autowired Not sure if AOP, Security, or general Spring group is best for this question... so here it goes. I am using Struts2, Spring 3.0.5 and Spring Security ...

3. ProxyFactory and the setFrozen(true) method

ProxyFactory and the setFrozen(true) method I had a quick glimse of the article on TSS about the AOP performance benchmark and also saw a few postings on the dev mail list. ...

4. Memory leak in ProxyFactory ?

Memory leak in ProxyFactory ? Hi, I'm certainly wrong, but I can't understand why I have a memory leak when using the ProxyFactory ... This has been tested with the following ...

5. ProxyFactory keeps creating new instances, despite SingletonTargetSource

hi all I have a problem with the following piece o'code: Code: ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(); pf.setProxyTargetClass( true ); pf.addAdvisor( advisor ); pf.setTargetSource( new SingletonTargetSource( object ) ); Object proxy ...

6. Sharing contextual object from ProxyFactory caller to interceptor

Sharing contextual object from ProxyFactory caller to interceptor I am using the ProxyFactory to create a proxy with a list of method interceptors. One of these interceptors needs to access an ...

7. setTarget on ProxyFactory

Hi, If I set more than one target on the same ProxyFactory, does the old target get overridden? Code: ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(); factory.addAdvice(someAdviceObj); // Set a Target and Proxy ...

8. Widening return type with ProxyFactory

Widening return type with ProxyFactory I have a requirement to generate a proxy for a target object, but with the return type of the target's methods widened out to Object. This ...

9. Why Factory & ProxyFactory

Hi All, I am new to Spring Framework. I got a little confused as to: 1) What is the benefit of using the Factory Pattern in Spring? 2) Why is FactoryProxyBean ...

10. Cost of new ProxyFactory()?

Cost of new ProxyFactory()? (title is incorrect, should read "Cost of Proxies") I have an ExecutorService that I submit jobs to. The jobs need to access a hibernate loaded domain object ...