Annotation « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. configurable vs component with spring and aspectj

When using aspectj, why use @Component over @Configurable. I've got spring and aspectj setup for @Transactional support, aspects on self-invocation, and injection into JPA entities. This works great. I'm using @Component for ...

2. incompatible types found: required: default enums in annotations

[javac] C:\ws\galileo\test\ incompatible types
[javac] found   :
[javac] required:
[javac]  public CacheType id() default CacheType.COMMON;
I really don't get this one. I have a project where I'm custom building a caching ...

3. @AspectJ pointcut for all methods of a class with specific annotation

I want to monitor all public methods of all Classes with specified annotation (say @Monitor) (note: Annotation is at class level). What could be a possible pointcut for this? Note: I am ...

4. How do you use stereotype annotations in Spring 2.5.x?

When moving to Spring 2.5.x I found that it adds more stereotype annotations (on top of @Repository from 2.0): @Component, @Service and @Controller. How do you use them? Do you rely ...

5. annotation equivalent of

I am moving from an xml config to annoations. i want to convert a session scoped bean that is

can this be done with annotations, and if not, what can i ...

6. Need help creating a specific pointcut that utilizes a value from a method annotation

I have the following method

    @AutoHandling(slot = FunctionalArea.PRE_MAIN_MENU)
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String navigation(ModelMap model) {

7. Telling IntelliJ IDEA which methods not to identify as unused

IntelliJ IDEA has a handy feature to detect unused methods and show them in grey, hinting a potential warning for dead code. Some methods, however, are not executed directly but via reflection. ...

8. Spring AOP Aspect Annotation Logging

we are using Spring AOP for logging the application code.but i am not able to log the controller servlet or any domain object we are using a factory class and we are ...

9. Spring AOP with annotations Help Needed !

Can anyone help me with some sample code? I need to implement Spring AOP and Annotations to achieve a Db Audit or Logging, in a Services Level. Some code I found online, but ...

10. Using Aspect to annotate methods with @InsightOperation for Spring Insight

I wanted to instrument a large number of classes to use with Spring Insight and instead of adding the @InsightOperation manually to the methods, I wrote an aspect to ...

11. Creating Pointcut annotation in Spring aspectj in Java

I am using org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut. I have an interface com.home.learn.Try.

  • I want a pointcut annotation created to watch all methods of that class that implemets the interface (com.home.learn.Try)
I used @Pointcut("execution(com.home.learn.Try.*(..))") but i got ...

12. I need Spring AOP pointcut annotation that matches this

any public method, any return type, partial class name match, any method, taking session as the first arg. I came up with @Before(value="execution(public * *ServiceImpl.*(*.PlayerSession,..))") this doesn't work. but when I change it ...

13. Spring AOP and apache shiro configuration.Annotations not been scanned.

I've been struggling with a configuration which requires a knowledge in AOP. i must admit that AOP is that part i'm trying to get for a while without success. It seems ...

14. spring AOP with annotations issue

i have an annotation in my app

that i would like AOP to intercept and manage the transaction for. is there a tutorial out there that can tell me how to ...

15. AOP with Spring 3 using Annotations

I am trying to get Aspect working with Spring 3 and annotations.

public class AttributeAspect {

  public void process(){
    System.out.println("Inside Process ....");


16. spring aop not firing for annotation

I am using an annotation on a method. and whenever that annoation is present I want to intercept it using aop. What am i missing.

<bean id="emailAdvice" class="com.merc.spring.aop.advice.MultiThreadEmailAdvice"/> 


17. Reflection:get Object state from return type of method in runtime

Have annotated Java class with several methods:

public class MyService {

public List<MyObject> getMyObjects(){

public SomeObject getSomeObject(){

I should to log field values of MyObject and SomeObject instances. aspectj part,where MyService object got:
public void logg2(JoinPoint jp) ...

18. Spring AOP - pointcut for every method with an annotation

I am trying to define a pointcut, that would catch every method that is annotated with (i.e.) @CatchThis. This is my own annotation. Moreover, I'd like to have access to the ...

19. Aspect not excecuting at runtime (Spring 3, AspectJ)

I have created an Aspect but it doesn't seem to be working, I see nothing in the log, also no error messages or anything in the log that help me. The repository ...

20. using annotations in spring pointcut

I am using annotation to indicate that an advice needs to be applied to the method. I have the two methods in an interface called IMaintenanceDAOSupport

void insert(M domainobject, IntResponse ...

21. Spring AOP use AspectJ annotation doesn,t work

Spring AOP use AspectJ annotation doesn,t work In reference I do it like this. @Aspect public class AfterReturningExample { @AfterReturning( pointcut=" essOperation()", returning="retVal") public void doAccessCheck(Object retVal) { // ... } ...

22. System hang using Annotation and AOP

System hang using Annotation and AOP Hi, I have a strange issue with Spring AOP. We have done a monitoring annotation using Spring AOP to be put on a method to ...

23. Annotated method pointcut based: using Spring 3 and Aspectj 1.6.10

Annotated method pointcut based: using Spring 3 and Aspectj 1.6.10 Hi all, well i am experiencing real troubles to test an AspectJ annotated poincut to work on Spring 3. The goal ...

24. mode="aspectj" not supported by AJDT with meta-annotations

mode="aspectj" not supported by AJDT with meta-annotations Is mode="aspectj" supported when using meta-annotations and Eclipse AJDT for compile time weaving? I think not, but maybe I do something wrong. I have: ...

25. Can't Get Aspect to Fire using AspectJ Annotations

Can't Get Aspect to Fire using AspectJ Annotations I'm new to Spring and AOP and I have worked through examples and tutorials but I can't get my own to work. I ...

26. aspectj aspects and tx annotation driven

aspectj aspects and tx annotation driven Hi everyone, I hope you can help me with this one: I'm writing JUnit tests for a JPA 2.0 application. As you may know, when ...

27. AOP Using Annotation

AOP Using Annotation I've changed my logic to only log if the @logging annotation is included on a method. I thought I followed the example given to me, but the logging ...

28. Annotation equivalent of ?

Annotation equivalent of ? Hi, I'm kind of new to AOP, and have been trying to figure out the annotation equivalent of the xml bean option . I've looked ...

29.  doesn't work if I dont declare the attribute mode="aspectj"

doesn't work if I dont declare the attribute mode="aspectj" If I don't declare the attribute mode="aspectj" in the framework doesn't create the transaction. Without mode="aspectj" doesn't work. Someone could ...

30. AOP pointcut expression match the methods annotation @Requestmapping and param method

Hi everyone, I am new to AOP. I have some methods in controller with annotation @Requestmapping and param method=RequestMethod.GET Now I want to intercept these methods, meanwhile I wanna also bind ...

31. annotation problem with Pointcut in Logger

annotation problem with Pointcut in Logger Hi I have used a logger class with below snippet. @Pointcut("execution(* com.wqe.aaf.asas.*.*.*(..)) ") public void methodPointCut() { } @Before("methodPointCut()" and so on. but it is ...

32. 2.0 M3, AspectJ, and

2.0 M3, AspectJ, and I just upgraded to version 2.0 M3 of spring, and when I deploy my app, I'm getting this exception: Code: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with ...

33. AOP and POJO annotated

AOP and POJO annotated Hi, I want to know if exists a annotation within the springframework core that apply a chain of interceptors around the POJO annotated (the pointcut is specified ...

34. @AspectJ annotation style syntax

"As of Spring 2.0, it is possible to use the powerful AspectJ pointcut expression language and the @AspectJ annotation-style syntax for defining aspects, while still using Spring AOP for weaving." -- ...

35. Compilation problem in org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation

Compilation problem in org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation Hi! This may be related to a wrong setting in my IDE, but so far I couldn't figure out how to fix it. I am seeing the ...

36. Using custom annotations with Spring AOP

Using custom annotations with Spring AOP I am developing a web application that uses Spring MVC, Spring Services and Spring AOP. As a part of that, there is a logging aspect ...

37. annotation with AOP

Hello all, I want to use Single-Element annotation ( single-value type, not a marker annotations) to define the methods that i want to apply the aspect on them. I read in ...

38. Blog about Spring AOP and Annotations

Blog about Spring AOP and Annotations Hi all, I'm unsure if I should publish this here but it may be useful to someone so I'll do it. If it goes aganist ...

39. About Annotations and @PointCut expressions

Hi All, I have a pretty wierd problem with annotations. I've defined the following PointCuts: Code: @Pointcut("@annotation(") public void anotacionMandaAlerta() { } @Pointcut("within(*)") public void paqueteEjemplos() { } Are the following ...

40. problem using @Aspect annotations in Spring 2.0.5

annotationed Advice not able to run (need help) I have the following setup as a test, but somehow the annotated Advice isn't getting ran. Can someone give me a pointer? Currently ...

41. Compiling aspectJ 5 annotated aspects with Ant

Hi I have some aspects (plain java classes with the annotation @Aspect). I know how to do load time weaving, however is there a specific task definition that i need for ...

42. AOP loses non-spring annotations in proxied class?

AOP loses non-spring annotations in proxied class? Hi. I'm trying to get Spring AOP with annotations (@Before etc.) to work with my already annotated (@WebService) webservice classes (JAX-WS 2.1.2). Spring AOP ...

43. AOP using @annotation, argNames and returning

Hi I have setup my method as: @AfterReturning(value="@annotation(eventLogable)", argNames="eventLogable", returning="returnValue") public void log(EventLogable eventLogable, Object returnValue ) { } However I get the error: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expecting to find 2 ...

44. @ScopedProxy or annotation equivalent of

Yes, I found that too. However it's not really what I was looking for. That would require me to write a separate Java class similar to using the separate XML based ...

45. problem with custom annotation and AOP

problem with custom annotation and AOP Hello, my name is Mark. I'm a bit of a Spring newb and am having a hard time right now with what is probably a ...

46. AOP Vs. Annotations ?

Which transaction handling is the best ? Should I use AOP (with tx:advive + aop:config ?) or should I use Annotations in my service layer ?? What are the advantages/disadvantages ? ...

47. problem with pointcut="@annotation(..."

Hi, I am fairly new to spring My dao interface Code: @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS, readOnly = true) public interface VehicleDao { @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, rollbackFor = VehicleException.class, readOnly = false) public ...

48. Spring AOP AspectJ Annotations not working in JBoss

Mar 5th, 2008, 04:44 PM #1 JEE-Magician View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2008 Posts 2 Spring AOP AspectJ Annotations not working in JBoss We're ...

49. how to define aop:scoped-proxy using Annotation?

Can i somehow define following using annotations? I don't know hot to set that scoped-proxy.