Action « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Spring AOP with Struts2 Action

I tried to apply AOP to Struts2 action classes. My configurations are:

<aop:aspectj-autoproxy proxy-target-class="true"/>
<bean id="actionClassAspect" class="com.rpm.application.profiling.ActionClassAspect"/>
<aop:pointcut id="actionClassPointcut" expression="execution(public * com.rpm..action.*.*(..))
    and !execution(public * com.rpm..action.*.get*(..))
    and !execution(public * ...

2. Struts Action classes with Spring and AOP

hello all, i have integrated Struts with Spring by using DelegatingActionProxy for my Action classes. I have written a generic Logger Advisor that logs method calls etc.., but i don't know ...

3. Issue to have AOP work with Struts actions in Spring

Issue to have AOP work with Struts actions in Spring Hello, I'm facing the following issue when trying to perform AOP with Struts actions. I have integrated Spring into an existing ...

4. schema aop spring 2 struts actions

May 3rd, 2007, 04:29 PM #1 wwsmithms View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2007 Posts 6 schema aop spring 2 struts actions I am trying ...

5. AOP working with struts action, but not working with DispatchAction

AOP working with struts action, but not working with DispatchAction After many coffees, I think that Ive found what is happenning to Spring AOP when working with my struts actions classes. ...

6. Spring AOP & Struts Actions

Spring AOP & Struts Actions Hi, I would like to advise some methods of my Struts actions with Spring AOP. I'm using the org.springframework.web.struts.DelegatingTilesRequ estProcessor as Struts controller. The problem is ...

7. Spring In Action 2nd Ed AOP!!

Spring In Action 2nd Ed AOP!! This example isn't working for me. I typed it in exactly how it is in the book: Code: ...

8. Spring AOP and Struts Action

I'm trying to use the annotation method (@Aspect) to create an aspect that will intercept a method in my Struts Action. How do I do that?

9. AspectJ AOP and Struts Action

AspectJ AOP and Struts Action I'm trying to create aspect (advice) that will intersect a Struts Action class method. I've tried EVERYTHING and NOTHING works. Here's my struts-config.xml fragment: Code: ...

10. AOP Proxy for Struts Action.execute(...) methods

Thanks for your response. I had seen the link you have included in your response earlier. However, I have a problem taking that approach. I have a large and existing Struts ...

12. AOP + struts2 + redirect-action

I am trying to implement logger using aop aspects. It is working well in most of the cases, But throwing a classcastException in case of redirect-action in struts. Ex: request comes ...

13. AOP for Struts2 Actions

AOP for Struts2 Actions Dear All, I have tried several things so that my struts actions are intercepted by spring AOP, but could not succeed. I get a error saying can't ...

14. How to use Spring 2.5 AOP inside Struts 2.1 Action classes.

Hi Everyone, How Can we use Spring 2.5 AOP features inside our Struts 2.1 Action classes. i am using following versions of Struts & Spring : Spring 2.5 Struts 2.1 Hibernate ...

15. How to apply Spring AOP to Struts2 Action?

16. Spring AOP with Struts2 Action

Spring AOP with Struts2 Action Hi all, I tried to apply AOP to Struts2 action classes. My configurations are: Code: