solution « text file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Java: Save objects in a textfile? Are there readymade solutions?

I want to save the objects I generated in a program. After restart the App should load automaticly all Objects in an Array. I want to write them in a file ...

2. A good solution to include some template text into a source file using SVN?

I have a Java project in a SVN repository, with a bunch of .java files, each of those files has a licence agreement flower box at the top of the file ...

3. A solution to highlight some parts of a text file in java ? How to implement a simple DSL editor?

I'm trying to find a solution to highlight part of a text file in Java. Basically, what I'm doing is lexing and parsing a text file respecting a certain grammar, storing some ...

4. How do i store a bunch of text in a file so that i can retrieve it for late use whenever i want? Can someone please expand on my solution

How do i store a bunch of text in a file so that i can retrieve it for late use whenever i want? Can someone please expand on my solution.

try {

5. What is the best solution to create a script for importing a text file in excel?

I want to know what is the best way to create a script in any language for importing a text file in excel. I use to code in java but I'm interrested ...

6. Reg: text file into java(Solution)

Solution to read the CSV file , store the data in Java Object. Response to the question private List getLogs(URL aFile) { //...checks on aFile are elided List logs = new ArrayList(); String [] lineData = null; String tempStr = null; if (aFile != null){ try { //use buffering, reading one line at a time //FileReader always assumes default encoding ...