search « text file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Logic for Searching *.* from text file using J2ME Application

I have a one textField in J2ME. I want to search from a textfile using that textField Value then what will be the logic for that ? Suppose if i enter abc in ...

2. Java newbie: infinite loop searching for specific text in a file

I'm needing to locate a string on a particular line in a text file that is composed of several lines of strings. However, my loop to find the text or the ...

3. How to search for duplicate values in a huge text file having around Half Million records

I have an input txt file which has data in the form of records (each row is a record and represents more or less like a DB table) and I need ...

4. How do I index and search text files in Lucene 3.0.2?

I am newbie in Lucene, and I'm having some problems creating simple code to query a text file collection. I tried this example, but is incompatible with the new version ...

5. Txtfile search not working

Ok so i have inputted a number of records to a text file and i can both write to and read from this file, but i am now attempting to search ...

6. Searching text files to get specific double

I am writing a bank account program for my Comp Sci class, and need to search a .txt file for a account number a user enters (which is an int) and ...

7. How can I do a text search in a file

8. Reading txt file and Searching for records

I have text file with many fields like below (21 Fields): A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W The file is bigger in size (10MB). I have to find a record from this file. The records in the file are duplicated. The searching of record by any ...

10. Fast indexing / searching of a text file

Reading data from a file is something different than searching an index of the file, because the index typically does not contain the full text of the indexed documents. So whether an index would help depends on what exactly you need to do with the text. I don't understand what you mean by "jump from one index to another" - random ...

11. Searching Strings in a textfile

Hi, I've been working on this project for a couple days now, and it seems like I am getting no where. I have written data to a textfile and I am trying to read it from the textfile and compare two Strings from it to a users response. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. This is the portion that I ...

12. I/O: searching an address book text file

Howdy all...confused newbie cowpoke here.... I'm stuck on how to proceed with this...any guidance would be appreciated...see my code so I on track? Thanks in advance! import*; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * Create a file called "addrbook" * File should contain names, addresses and telephone numbers separated by commas * * Write a Java class that would search the addrbook ...

13. String Searching in huge Text file

Unless the word can be broken over two lines (using the - character to break), simply read each line one by one (using BufferedReader perhaps), then use indexOf. Unless you want a case insensitive search, then perhaps a java.util.regex.Pattern (declared outside the loop) with the Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE flag set and a Matcher inside the loop can be used. In pseudo code: // ...

14. How to search in a text file?

Hi all. I am trying to read a text file and set its input into some particular JLabels. Have a look at my code. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import*; public class report extends JApplet implements ActionListener { JLabel lAdmission, lSchool, lProgram, lApplicationNumber, lRollNumber, lApplicantName, lAddress, lScore,lTotal; JLabel tAdmission, tApplicationNumber, tApplicantName, tAddress, tScore,tTotal,tRollNumber; JComboBox bSchool, bProgram; JButton button1; GridBagLayout ...

15. Read and search for text in a file

Hi, I have a file like this ABCD 123 blah blah int varx; string varb; xyz = varb; blah blah What I need to do: search in the file for xyz and find varb and then find string varb; and extract what it is a string. so the definition of varb is before it is used, so I need to find ...

16. Help with reading / searching a .txt file

import*; import java.util.Scanner; public class SearchWord { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; String write; String read; String keyword; int count = 0; int countword = 0; File input; File output; System.out.println("Enter the name of the file you would "); System.out.print("like to search(include .txt): "); read = sc.nextLine(); File searchs = new File(read); ...

17. searching through text file

Hi guys, I want to search for a string in a file then copy everything after it into a string array i guess, basically the requirement is that where i work we get letters they are usually a paragraph long what i want to do is just just copy those paragraphs into a variable and save them to a database with ...

18. Searching for string in text files on XP

19. searching for a text file

hi i want to search for a file in the same folder as my project and read the contents of that file ... i know how to read from text file but i just need to know how i can search in the folder to look for a txt file called me.txt and open it for reading.. any suggestions? thanks in ...

20. Help Searching text file

You have two things that read the file. One's the scanner, one's the line number reader. Both don't advance simultaneously... while the scanner moved to line 3, your reader is still at 2 since its only invoked if you found your word. My hint: srcap the scanner and use plain old String.indexOf on the line read by the LineNumberReader.

21. Help searching a text file with LineNumberReader...

How do I make it search EACH word? Also, how would I implement the LineNumberReader? I would love to get the line number also. Something like... Total number of words found: 4 Line 1: java is a great tool, that's why I use java, java is amazing, and it is great. I love java

22. Search For Specific File Type (eg .txt)

23. Searching through a text file

24. Searching for a string in given text file

Hi, I have two strings and i need to search the entire file for the strings and highlight the lines between the strings say, for example, hi this is xyz i am a begineer in java can i have some help in this issue please i gave 'hi' and 'can' i need the three lines to be highlighted can you give ...

25. How to search text in all types of files?

Hi, I need to find files which contain a text inside a directory, like unix command "grep -l someText *" . The directory contains both ascii files and binary files. I believe the classes in java.util.regex and java.nio.channels are all for ascii files. Is there a way that I can do it for both ascii and binary files? I think I ...

26. search a text in a text file.Each text is seperated with comma

hi all I am working on a log search application project.the project comprise of when a user selects from the page either IP,UserID,Website and clicks on the submit button.the next page generates result in the format that this particular user has visited this particular website with this IP on particular date. I have been provided with the text file and its ...

27. Searching for a text in the file.

How big are the files? Any 'API' you will use will ultimately read characters in the file trying to match with the search string. That is how searching will always work. You can only influence the start position and the direction to take when a match fails but you can't have a method that just lands at the right place by ...

28. Searching a .txt file

Hello all, I'm having a small problem with searching through a .txt file. The txt file contains a location, service, and name for different restaurants so the format looks like this: location service name I'm trying to create a program that will allow the user to search for a location, the program will return all of the services and names under ...

29. Help Searching Text File....

30. Search inside text file

Hi , I am exporting files from my application. Files those are not supposed to be exported are of two types : 1.) Blank with Zero bytes 2.) Other one is in a format # #Mon Aug 13 14:33:02 IST 2007 if there is any data that will be appended after this format for example ... # #Mon Aug 13 14:33:02 ...

31. Searching for strings in a txt file

Thats just 2 lines! what the program will do is take in a name (from a gui) of an actor/actress and find the smallest connection to a famous actor. So first things first, my idea of thinking is to search the file for K.E.V.I.N. B.A.C.O.N and all his films, and safe them into an array. Then do another search for films ...

32. How to search a string in a Text file

Hi All I am writing a code to find a string in a text file . I am reading the same text file and forming certain words from the existing lines in the text file. Now i have to search the new formed words in the same file. How can I go for this?Any help will be appriciated. Thanks Yogsma