scanner « text file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Having issues reading Long types from a textfile using Java scanner

I'm trying to read a long type from a text file using Scanner in Java. I get the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException
at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(
at java.util.Scanner.nextLong(
at java.util.Scanner.nextLong(
at Project.main(
Which correlates to ...

2. how to read a text file using scanner in Java?

This is my code to read a text file. When I run this code, the output keeps saying "File not found.", which is the message of FileNotFoundException. I'm not sure what ...

3. Java - Use Scanner to read big text files

I have a very big text file with customer information. I would like to read all the customer information from the text file. This is how my text file is organized:

Costomer ...

4. Java scanner class, reading from a txt file

I have a txt file called search.txt, i am using the java scanner class to search this file. but if for instance, i have a query such as search yellow and red, ...

5. Use of Scanner and Text files

Have you been through the Scanner class in the API? It is described as a "simple text scanner;" it is simple, but in the circumstances where it works, very effective. You can use it with text files, the standard input stream, etc. In the API there are several constructors, some taking a File object, but I couldn't find one with a ...

6. Reading from a text file in Java using scanner

input file "employee.txt" 234 Brian Robertson 678.00 566 Chris Robson 678.00 567 Miltion Small 567.00 0 Code: import*; import java.util.*; class Employee{ private int idnum; private String fname; private String lname; private double salary; Employee(int id, String fn, String ln, double sal){ idnum = id; fname = fn; lname = ln; salary = sal; } public void setId(int id){ idnum ...

7. Need help with scanner class(using text file as source)

aanginOut wrote: For a project I'm currently working on in one of my classes, I had a whole bunch of print statements (It's a text based game). My professor told me that it would be better if I put those chunks of text into text files and used the scanner class to print out all the lines of each file. He's ...

8. How can I read only a line of text from a file, line by line using Scanner?

Your description does not seem to match the code you have. You say you want to write out the entire file if the keyword is located at any part of the file on any line of it. For this you will need to read the file 2X. At any rate, to read through to the next line, try: String nextLine(); ~Bill ...

9. reading from txt files with scanner

Let's say that all I want to do is read a file, "C:\testfolder\testfile.txt", and print exactly what is written there to the system output. Furthermore, instead of using BufferedReader, I would rather use Scanner. I have tried to do this myself and have searched the internet for help, both to no avail. Help is appreciated. I am very new to java, ...

10. Scanner cant find the text file??

Hello guys, I have a java program that is designed to generate maze out of text files. So basically it takes a text file and uses the info to set up a maze through GUI. The program was written by my professor and i cant get it to run the text files. When i run the program a gui pops up ...

11. Using a scanner to parse a text file

Hi, I'm running into some difficulties using a pattern for my scanner (java.util.Scanner). I need to scan a text file which consists of records. Each record has a keyword and a value (like property files): Example: FACILITY=TEST LOT=1234567 DEVICE=abcdefg Normally, every record will be ended by a carriage return and line feed. So what I did was using a scanner with ...