remove « text file « Java I/O Q&A

1. How to remove a line from text file based on "studentId"?

Hi there I am really interested to have a method that can remove a line from text file based on "id number", but i don't know how to achieve this any ...

2. Java: How to remove strings having the same prefix from a text file?

I need to replace some string from a text file such as "upcoming:event=123982". The strings always start with "upcoming:event=". How can I remove them (including the digits) ? (I'm processing the text ...

3. How to remove commas from a text file?

I got this far, but it seems that buffer won't take arrays, because first I had it this way

while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null)   
  // Print the ...

4. Remove extra lines in a text file

I would like to remove an extra line at the front of the text file that's being created for some reason. Here's the code for what I'm doing:

String line;
while ((line = ...

5. Remove HTML tags from a text file?

6. How to remove carriage returns when writing to a text file

Do you mean your code is replacing new lines, but not carriage returns? That's probably because your system line.separator is just a new line, but your Strings have both carriage return and new line. Try changing to: private String separator = "\r\n"; and see if that works. Even better would be to come up with a regular expression that would match ...

7. removing the last blank line from txt file

FileReader frStream = new FileReader( "alpha.txt" ); BufferedReader brStream = new BufferedReader( frStream ); FileWriter fwStream = new FileWriter( "a.txt" ); BufferedWriter bwStream = new BufferedWriter( fwStream ); FileWriter fwStream2 = new FileWriter("b.txt"); BufferedWriter bwStream2 = new BufferedWriter (fwStream2); String aString = brStream.readLine(); while ( aString != null ) { if ( aString=='a'){ bwStream.write(aString); bwStream.newLine(); } else if(aString == 'b' ) ...

9. how to remove word words from txt file?

Hello , I have txt file containing alot of lines , each line contains of name and email address so I want to write program that removes all the names but remain the addresses as it is . The probleml is my program is deleting every thing at the file . It is in NetBeans environment as the following : public ...

10. Removing a word from a txt file

Okay so I'm making a program in which I need to remove one word from a .txt file by using a button and text box (Swing). But the problem is I have no idea how to remove a single line/word from the .txt file that my program is using. Basic idea of twhat im doing: [Add name] (Mitchell) [Remove Name] (Kyle) ...

11. Searching Text Files Then Removing (My First Post!)

I am having a problem with deleting people from the list, to do this I was trying to make an array for every line in the file, then delete the file, and remake it excluding the name that was deleted. But what's happening is the file is either not being deleted at all, or being remade with the same lines as ...

12. Help with program to remove comments from chess(pgn) text files

//============================================================ createActions /** Utility function to define actions. */ private void createActions() { mOpenAction = new AbstractAction("Open...") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int retval = mFileChooser.showOpenDialog(CleanCBpgnPad.this); if (retval == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File f = mFileChooser.getSelectedFile(); try { FileReader reader = new FileReader(f);, ""); // Use TextComponent read } catch (IOException ioex) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(1); } } } };

14. How to remove 2 last lines in a text file?

15. Removing characters from a Text File

OP, it would help you if you just experimented with the String in question. I know your subject line says Removing characters from a Text File, but I suggest go simpler... especially if you don't understand the ideas, hints and pointers already given to you. Simpler would be to remove characters from any String, then you can remove them from a ...

16. Remove specific parantheses from text file

Hello everyone, I am working on a program to be able to remove specific parentheses from the text file. The text file contains specific logic formulas with lot of brackets and parentheses where i would like to remove some of them. The following is an example of the information in the text file: ( (O(pay)) ^ ) ) Now considering above ...

17. Remove line from a text file

I think I'd try: 1. rename $file to $file.orig // fails up-front if $file can't be changed, like $file open elsewhere 2. copy $file.orig to $file omitting the unwanted lines 3. delete $file.orig only if all is well. This is called pessimistic programming... general ethos: If it could fail, make it fail early, before it does anything... something unrecoverable, like deleting ...

18. Removing Words from a Text File

It seems to work properly, in that, the appropriate words are removed from the story. However, I'd like to keep the story in order, as it was before any manipulation took place (just with the words removed). Currently, I am presented with a column of words with the order of words seemingly random. Thanks.

19. Remove duplicate lines from a text file and split a reference number

Hi, This is my first post. I am trying to remove duplicate lines from a text file. To make things difficult the lines contain non unique timestamps but a unique reference number. Some of the duplicates amount to 10 lines whereas others can only be 2 lines. 1. Here are some examples of duplicates lines: ,, 08:47:22,95847170050,Problem inputting data. 08:53:28, ...

20. How to remove empty line from text files

21. remove dublicate value from text file