editor « text file « Java I/O Q&A

1. How to get file name from active text editor using User32 JNI?    stackoverflow.com

How to get file name from active text editor using User32 JNI? example: I'm editing text in some text editor (win32) and I have another java app that needs to know ...

2. Open a text file in the default text editor... via Java?    stackoverflow.com

OK. Simple question. Maybe not so simple answer, though: I have a file I downloaded in Java, and I know that it's a text file. Is there any way that I can ...

3. how to open a .class file ? can not open with text editors!    coderanch.com

 - V  com/maneesh/calc/Calculator  javax/microedition/midlet/MIDlet  ()V Code    LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this Lcom/maneesh/calc/Calculator; destroyApp (Z)V Exceptions  4javax/microedition/midlet/MIDletStateChangeException arg0 Z pauseApp startApp    com/sun/lwuit/Display   init (Ljava/lang/Object;)V  /businessTheme.res " ! com/sun/lwuit/util/Resources # $ open 2(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/sun/lwuit/util/Resources; & ( ' com/sun/lwuit/plaf/UIManager ) * getInstance ()Lcom/sun/lwuit/plaf/UIManager; , businessTheme . / 0 getTheme )(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Hashtable; & 2 ...

4. Opening a text file on client machine editor    coderanch.com

hi, I have this requirement where user will click on link to open text file and file will be opened in text editor. I thought of first downloading file in a folder but again i need to have that folder on client machine.I cant even create folder on client machine from server. 1 . Is there any way i can create ...