delimiter « text file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Best approach to parse text files that contain multiple types of delimiters?

I need to parse some text files that have different types of delimiters (tildes, spaces, commas, pipes, caret characters). There is also a different order of elements depending on what the delimiter ...

2. How can I filter out non letters from a text file using the scanner delimiter including the single quote or apostrophe in Java

Pls I want to keep a count of every word from a file, and this count should not include non letters like the apostrophe, comma, fullstop, question mark, exclamation mark, e.t.c. ...

3. Converting/reformatting data from text file(with delimiters)

Hello ppl, here's a question for u guys to figure out. I have a text file which i want to read from. I will name it as input.txt, and I want to convert the delimiters in it to a user specified output delimiter. The input delimiters are specified by the user. How would i go about implementing a program to do ...

4. reading a text file that has field positions(without delimiters)and insert into table

Welcome to the Ranch! Have you looked at the Javadoc for java.lang.String? There are some nice methods there that returns a portion of a String. Now all you need to do is read the file line by line (wrap your FileReader in a BufferedReader or a LineNumberReader, then use readLine()) and then take out the right portions of each line.

5. Setting txt file columns delimiter

public void importToArray(){ int rows = 0; bin = new String[numberOfLines()][6]; try { FileReader fr = new FileReader(fileToImport); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line = null; while((line = br.readLine())!= null){ StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); while(stk.hasMoreTokens()){ for (int cls = 0;cls<6; cls++){ bin[rows][cls]= stk.nextToken(); } rows++; }//end inner while loop }//end outer while loop br.close(); }//end try catch(Exception e){ ...

6. How to read text after delimiter in textfile ?

I just realised your misconception. Using the delimeter does not automagically ignore text before and give you the text afterwards. What it does, it uses the delimeter as the break point instead of a line break. If the text was "one,two,three". Using a comma as a delimeter you would get three values "one" "two" and "three". Without the delimeter you would ...

8. Multiple Delimiters from a Text File

10. Read words from text file by delimiter as columns and rows

Hi All, I need your help as i have a problem with reading string by delimiter. i have used various tech in java, but i can not get the result as expected. Please help me to get the string from text file and write into excel . i have used a text file. problem get the below as string by delimiter ...