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1. Java File I/O - Text File - How to check for content?

I was wondering, If i had a java class, that wanted to consult a txt file with say a list of names like

how could i open the text file in the ...

2. Printing the exact content of a text file in Java

I want to print the content of a simple text file in Java exactly the way the text appears in the text file. The print out has the same content as the ...

3. How to write content on a text file using java?

i am having a program in java.which system.out some strings,i need to save each of them in a text file
it is showing in a format
ruo1 row2 row3
i want it in
how ...

4. Iterating over the content of a text file line by line - is there a best practice? (vs. PMD's AssignmentInOperand)

We have a Java Application that has a few modules that know to read text files. They do it quite simply with a code like this:

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); ...

5. Putting the content of a .txt into a String

I don't like to ask questions that have been answered a lot, but I kinda need to right now. I'd like to have a method for a project to extract the content ...

6. How to treat file contents as String

I am creating a Scrabble game that uses a dictionary. For efficiency, instead of loading the entire dictionary (via txt file) to a Data Structure (Set, List etc.) is there any ...

7. how can I display the contents of a text file?

If you use a JTextArea, JTextPane, TextArea, JEditorPane, look for the Java API documentation on the setText method All these JTextComponents even have a read() method that can read the content ...

8. Reading thousands of txt file in loop and processing it's content.

Hi All there, Can you pls help me out of following problem. Scenario-- I have to read some thousand of log (txt) files and retrieve information from each of those files. I am going to do the reading in a loop & saving the complete contents of the file as a String. Then applying StringTokenizer to seperate the strings and process ...

9. How to output in italics and underline parts of a text file content.

My idea: I want to write a simple flat text database that spits content in APA style. It will store the names of all the books I've/will read and other information such as author, publication year, and so on. Then I do a search that author, and then the program spits it out in a formatted APA style reference. example: . ...

10. Getting tagged content (headings) from rich text files

I have rich text files (Word docs saved as rtf) that are structured using heading styles for a table of contents. I need code to get the text that's tagged as the first "heading 1" in each file. I've downloaded a description of RTF from, but haven't really dug into it yet. I took a quick pass at some Java ...

11. Where did the contents of my .txt. file go?

Hi. The following is some code I got off of sun's website that shuffles the contents of whatever file you tell it to. I modified the code so instead of going to std out, it puts the contents back into the file I read it from. My problem is, I had a .txt file with a little over 3000 lines in ...

12. writing to textfile without overwriting contents

Hi all! I have the following problem: I wrote a small game. Now I want to print the winner and his scores to a text file called "highscore.bla". However, I dont want to overwrite existing lines in the file. Unfortunately the following code does overwrite the file. public static void highscore(Spieler [] spieler) throws IOException { File highscore = new File("highscore.bla"); ...

14. Issue while erasing text file content

Hi, I am working on a Swing app. In my app I am writing some data to the text files. I want to clear these text files (erase all data in it) in one operation when I again run this app. But I guess I am not able to do so since, these files get open in an read only mode ...

15. how to write to text files without overwriting the original contents

hi i am writing a program(gui based),on clicking on a button,the values in the gui are retrieved and stored to a text problem is that when ever i refill the gui form with new values and click the button,the former values in the files are overwritten.How can i stop this because i need to read all the values of the ...

16. Tokenizing textfile content into several Tables (Float[])

Hi, I have a file (selected via JFileChooser), where content is ...... A B C 0.004 0.344 0.124 5.003 0.412 8.299 1.993 0.234 5.3333 0.234 ...... ...... ..... ..... Number of whitespaces between various "numbers" (tokens) is NOT fixed but in each line I have 3 tokens. I want to create 2 tables: - Float[] tblA - ...

18. Content Changing to many Text files

Our team of web designers (3 high school kids XD) made our own website "" (no its not what you really think it is) and we are constantly changing layouts, colors and the size of everything. The text files we use are basiclly divided in to two, the top half being the design and layout and the bottom half being the ...

19. Reading a text file and creating a String from contents

//Directory String path = "C:\\Home_Directories\\" + gradYear + "\\" + username + "\\" + username + ".dat"; File f = new File(path); FileReader fr = new FileReader(f); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String eachLine = br.readLine(); while (eachLine != null) { sb.append(eachLine); sb.append("\n"); eachLine = br.readLine(); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); } }

21. Clear contents of a text file before writing to it?

I'm using BufferedWriter/FileWriter combo to write the contents of an ArrayList to a text file. The program is able to update the contents of the Array, and then writes automatically when the file closes. It needs to write to the same file it read from when the program opens. Could anyone explain how to clear the file without deleting it, so ...

22. Help on writing contents to a text file based on X and Y cordinates

Dear raychen Actually I get data to be written to txt file from database. Thereafter based on specific lines and columns I need to write. If I use the seek() of RandomAccessFile, it keeps the file pointer counting right from the beginning of the file and not from the starting of the line. Else, please could you be more specific on ...

23. Check .txt file content