ascii « text file « Java I/O Q&A

1. How Can I read a file with both ASCII and another encoding in Java cleanly?

I have a custom image file where the first block of data is ASCII meta data. I need to be able to read this ASCII meta-data part of the file with ...

2. Inconsistencies in ASCII conversion of UTF-8 in Properties files

Does anyone know why native2ascii generates lower-case hex codes, while produces upper-case hex? Example: ?? is encoded as \u4FDD\u5B58 when using, but is encoded as \u4fdd\u5b58 when using native2ascii Is there any ...

3. Opening and Analyzing ASCII files

How do I open and read an ASCII file? I'm working on opening and retrieving contents of the file and analying it with graphs.

4. How to deal with UTF-16LE encoded text file using Java? or convert it to ASCII?

I am sorry if it has been asked before. I am trying to process a text file using Java. The text file is exported from MS SQLServer. When I open it ...

5. Java protocol buffers Ascii serialization

It is probably a stupid question, sorry. I recently started using protobufs and I do not seem to figure out how would I parse an ascii file in the protocol buffer ...

6. Converting MS Word document to ASCII text

I need to convert MS Word documents to straight ascii text documents in a java program. Does anyone know a quick easy way of doing this, I know it is possible to open MS Word document from within a program, so I was wondering if it would be possible to save the document as a .txt file within the program (as ...

7. Convert Ascii to Ebcdic

8. stupid I/O question---"8 bit US ASCII"?

I don't have much expericence with low level I/O files and I just want to make sure that I'm not assuming something that isn't correct. I'm assuming that 8 bit US ASCII is just plain text that you could view in any text editor such as notepad or vi. Am I correct?

9. (FUNDAMENTALS)which use 8 bit US Ascii??

I'm not an expert, but here is what I know from the work that I've been trying to do: The basic ASCII Character set has 128 characters. A byte, as defined by Java as a primitive data type, has a size of 8 bits, and it's range is from -128 to 127. Most programs should use readers and writers to read ...

10. file bin or ASCII

Hi, I need to check if a file is a binnary or ASCII. Only if te file is ASCII i need to process it. Is there any API by which i can check the file type?? I also need to list the file by modification dates. Is there any way i can get the list ordered by the modification date. by ...

11. How to read ASCII char (0-31) from file?

I'm trying to read some character (e.g. "^[", "^M", "^L") from a file on Unix platform. However, all those character disappered in the BufferedReader stated in the following code _____________________________________________________________ BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String bufferLine; while ((bufferLine = in.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(bufferLine); } in.close(); _____________________________________________________________ How can I successfully read the char. from the file?

13. How to input big big ascii files

14. How to speed up in reading big big ascii files

I used memory-mapped file to read a very big ascii file(600m), I find it runs very slowly. MappedByteBuffer only can read byte by byte!!!(Can it read more?) Can anybody help me make it faster. Here is my code, is there any problem? Thanks in advance!!! FileChannel filecn = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel(); MappedByteBuffer mappedByteBuffer =, memoMapPosition, memoMapLength); while (mappedByteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { charLine[i] = ...

15. does OS matter for ASCII file ?

Hi, A conceptual question. If I want to read data from a ASCII text file, does it matter which OS the file was created on i.e. will there be problems with line termination, etc. Also, when I read the file, what is advisable: open it in binary mode or text mode ? What is the default mode in java ? Tks ...

16. hi plz help regarding ASCII values

17. Packed decimal to normal Ascii integer conversion

Please help me. How can i convert a packed decimal into normal ascii value. Please give me a code sample. I am getting the packed decimal in EBCDIC File, i have to convert it into normal readable integer value. [ April 04, 2008: Message edited by: Ad Rajesh ] [ April 04, 2008: Message edited by: Ad Rajesh ] [ April ...

18. Saving ASCII symbols to datase

Hi everyone i have a project that uses and java webservices in storing to a ms sql server database......basically the needs to send a .dat file containing something like this.. 0$1p 2Ra b,00@,PaefwwwwwxxV`Lvm/P{=JW?$ Vd:, Abh,;.D3^sQ=j0R*5&c#hiqU*? NEDi!Fo>O*K9[f^347@eNoj7wx]i Qsi8lgD5)wT And i need to send this to a java webservice that should accept this and store it in the database. And during ...

19. ASCII TO EBCDIC conversion preserving COMP-3

Hi All, I need to convert an ASCII file to an EBCDIC file (mainframe compatible). The conversion is possible. But I want to maintain the packed decimal requirement also. The mainframe file has COMP-3 fields. i.e computational. Comp-3 fields (packed decimal) are compressed while converting from ASCII to EBCDIC. I tried using oracle convert,unix iconv and dd I dont know whether ...

20. Best way to process 500MB ASCII file

21. write file in ASCII

22. Bytearray to ascii string? Remove padding?

I'm sure this is simple but after a Google I can't find the answer. I'm also sure I'm being quite thick. byte[] b3 = new byte[20];, 0, 20); String SerialNumber = removePadding(b3); public static String removePadding(byte[] b) { String rs = null; try { rs = new String(b,"US-ASCII"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rs; } This produces ...

23. Encoding - UTF-8 cannot display Extended ASCII Character ?

I have 2 web application and found one funny case which is in Admin the character display fine but it displays blank/question_mark for the character in User Web. 1 - Admin 2 - User Web In Admin application, in web.xml encoding is iso-8859-1. and all the JSPs i put this tag: <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" %> In UserWeb app, in web.xml encoding ...

24. File encoding ASCII & UTF8 && ISO

Hello ranch guy's, I've got a big encoding problems and this is cost me a lot of times for nothing. Here my problems : I've got an application that create a report. The report has some french accent like : When I test the file in eclipse the repor (witch is an .txt file ) t is encoded in utf-8. ...

25. File Transfer in ASCII mode.

Using Oracle Application Framework, I am trying to get a file from local machine and move to server(/tmp). The following code works well and transfer the file in bimary format. But I would like to transfer in 'ASCII' format. An abstract of code is produced below. Appreciate if anyone can help me on this. Thanks DataObject fileUploadData =(DataObject)pageContext.getNamedDataObject("fileNameTF"); String fileName = ...

26. Reading text file in ASCII or UTF-8 or UTF-16 or UTF-32?

The following code will include the UTF-8 byte-order-mark (EF BB BF) in the first line from the source file: BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(sourceFile)); String firstLine = reader.readLine(); This isn't desirable. I don't want to get the UTF-8 BOM in the text contents that I get from the IO API. Now, I can do something like this: InputStreamReader reader = ...

28. Making ascii file

29. Find the encoding of file (e.g ASCII or ANSI)

30. How to change file format from UTF8 to ASCII?

ASCII doesn't include any encodings for Chinese characters. What you are asking for is, therefore, impossible. It may well be that you want to do whatever UltraEdit is doing, but whatever that is it's not translating into an ASCII encoding. So you're going to have to define more precisely what it is that you do actually want to do.