Save « text file « Java I/O Q&A

1. How do I save a String to a text file using Java?

I am a beginner Java programmer attempting to make a simple text editor. I have the text from the text field in a String variable called "text". How can I save the ...

2. writing text in textfile and saving it using saveDialog

I want to write a string in a text file which should be dynamically saved by the save dialog. I have done this task statically, meaning the file with the specified file ...

3. Save gcc compile status to a text file for Java

I'm making a C Assessment Program through Java, which has a bunch of programming questions for C, and it lets the user input an answer in the form of C code, ...

4. Can we save data from the textarea into a text file?

I am developing a web application using Adobe Flex. I would like to retrieve the data entered in the text area and save them into a new text file. Can anyone please ...

5. Java save multiline string to text file

I am new to Java and trying to save a multi line string to a text file. Right now, it does work within my application. Like, if I save the file ...

6. what is the difference and when to use Save in java as Text file or as an Object?

I need to save a graph in order to load it and apply algorithms on it ... so what is best to do save the graph as text file or as an ...

7. How to restrict raw data to save in text file

I am developing a small application in Java. At certain point i need to save the object of my custom class to a text file for this i override toString() method ...

8. Save User Data in a Text File or a Serialized Object

I need to save bookmarks for a program I am making. The bookmarks are Xposition, Yposition, and zoom. Should I just read and write all of the bookmarks to a text ...

9. Saving to a text file!

10. Save data into textfile

I need to store the data from the Jtextfield into a textfile and retrieve it when necessary.. i am able to save the data into the textfile but whenever i saved a new data, the old data in the textfile will be overwrite by the new data. how i can manage to solve this problem.. thanks..

11. Cant save a text file

Hi masters, I'm trying to get some text from a JTextArea and save it to a text file using JFileChooser. Here is my code: jfc = new JFileChooser() ; int retValue = jfc.showSaveDialog(jDesktopPane1) ; if(retValue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File target = jfc.getSelectedFile() ; try { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(target)) ; pw.println(jTextArea1.getText()) ; } catch(IOException e) { jTextArea1.append("An Exception occured") ...

12. saving over existing .txt files

hey guys, I have an app that saves a new .txt file, it works fine, but it overwrites any .txt that is already in that folder with the same name (as it should) What I would like to know is if there is a way that I can make it so that the name of the new .txt file that I ...

13. saving chinese data to text file

Hi all, I am sending some "chinese" data through form post from jsp file to some servlet. This as fine I an sending proper UTF8 enconing formant. But my problem is in the servlet how can I fetch this form data and save it to text file on my file system. when I am saving it to file system it is ...

14. data save into txt file.

i have some input from user, and will save into a text file. Title : "will go for cousin wedding" Date : "9/9/06" Note : "borrow car from uncle" all string data from user. which class i should use? FileOutputStream, BufferedOutputStream, StringWriter etc.... and i want every record in text file in new line , such as: abc.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- will go ...

15. Problem saving data to text file correctly

Hi, When a user inputs data via a keyboard in the test main class, and subsequently saves this data to a text file, an extra space is added before the string data. The text file is saved in the following format, integer integer string Each subsequent addition and saving of data to the file, adds a further space before the string ...

16. Saving to a txt file

Ive got my program, it works exactly how I want it to, I just need to save my results into a text file, and ive tried a few different ways that I found on the internet and my book but none worked correctly. This is my code: import java.util.*; import*; import java.lang.*; public class LuckyNumbers2 { private static LinkedList list; ...

17. How to save a text file without boxes for newline character?

Hi, I have a program that opens a text file and displays it's contents in a textfield. When I load the file I use the following statement to add the contents to the textfield: for(int x = 0; x < content.size(); x++) { inputArea.append(content.get(x) + "\n"); } The content in the textfield is exactly like the input text file. When I ...

18. A question regarding saving jpgs into text files.

I have an application that saves all its data to a text file. It can then load the textfile and reinstate the data. That works great. But my problem is I'm not actually saving all the data I want to yet; my program uses jpegs I am not saving. During runtime my program stores paths to the jpgs and loads them ...

20. Saving to text file

Hello everyone! I have been messing around with this code I have been trying to get to work correctly all night. Basically I was just wanted it to read all the files in one folder, and save the titles to a text file. I have gotten everything else working, but when I attempt to save it to a text file it ...

21. Save the text into a file

Hi All, I need help with the Javascript this time, where if the user types in a msg in the textArea box, the text has to be stored in the file without prompting the user. Currently, with my approach, the text will saved into a text file by prompting the user. Here's the part of my code: ==========