Insert « text file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Inserting text into an existing file via Java

I would like to create a simple program (in Java) which edits text files - particularly one which performs inserting arbitrary pieces of text at random positions in a text file. ...

2. inserting data in the middle of a text file through java

I want to insert the data at some positions in the text file without actually overwriting on the existing data.I tried RandomAccessFile ....but that also overwrites it.... Is there any way to ...

3. reading a string from text file to be inserted into input

Lets say i has a file name "abc.txt" This file has three strings " how are you " I would like to read the strings as "how are you" and store it into a ...

4. Inserting text to a file

I want to insert text into a file at a specific location without overwriting the existing text . Is that possible and if yes , how? I am currently using RandomAccessFile class to achieve my objective.The snippet used by me is as follows but it overwrites which i dont want RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); String fLine = raf.readLine(); if(fLine.startsWith("

6. inserting text at some place in file

Hi All, I want to insert some text in a ".java" file at a specified location. How can i do it? I just want to open a ".java" file and insert the text at a specified location. I have tried to do so by using RandomAccessFile class but it is inserting text in the form of codes. Can anyone help me ...

7. How to insert new line a text file

Hi, I want to insert a new line in a text file which I generate from my code. Following is the code snippet. Please see the output below. Why spaces are also coming between every character /*****/ import*; public class LetterGeneration { public static void main(String[] args) { try { DataOutputStream fout = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream("Lines.Txt"))); fout.writeChars("This is ...

8. File I/O problem: Java program inserts ^M into text file

I wrote a Java program which looks like this: public class MyProg { private static String DATA_DIR = "C://work/myproject/dat/"; private static String TABBED = "\t"; public static void main(String args[]) { FileOutputStream dataFile = null; PrintStream p = null; String fileName = DATA_DIR + myfile + ".data"; try { DATA_DIR = new FileOutputStream(fileName); p = new PrintStream(dataFile); p.println(TABBED+"Hello"); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) ...

9. How to insert text into an existing(really big) file

Hi, I have a really big file. I want to search for a particular pattern within this file and replace that with another text. I tried the following: 1. Used StringBuffer to load file contents to do a replace. Causes out of memory error 2. Finding the filePointer for the pattern in a random access file and doing raf.writeChars . Overwrite ...

10. Insert text at the beginning of a file

Hi there! I need to add a declaration to an HTML file in order to get it work with JSF tag . The declaration is the following: ] > And my html has the classic structure:

17. How to insert data into .txt file?

I would like to perform something like this on a .txt file: Original file content: Java Data to insert: 123 Offset into file: 1 Updated file content: J123ava I've tried using RandomAccessFile but it would jus over-write the contents. Is there a way to do this without have to read the whole file because the file could be potentially huge? Thanks ...

19. how to insert new line in a text file

hi all, i wnat to know how can i insert a new line in a text file using java. for example i want the formate of the text like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 until now i know only how to insert data but not new line. Thanks in advandce