serialize 2 « serialize « Java I/O Q&A

1. Serialization issue

ByteArrayOutputStream byteOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream out = null; MySerializableObject object = new MySerializableObject(); try { out = new ObjectOutputStream(byteOut); out.writeObject(object); out.close(); byte[] rawBytes = byteOut.toByteArray(); str = new String(rawBytes,"UTF-8"); byte[] rawBytesFromString = str.getBytes("UTF-8"); ByteArrayInputStream byteIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(rawBytesFromString); ObjectInputStream oin = new ObjectInputStream(byteIn); object = (MySerializableObject )oin.readObject(); } catch ( Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; }

2. Serialization details reqd.

Hi All, 1.Consider a case where we are serializing an object on one machine and transporting to some other machine.On the other side besides class files,what all information do we need? 2.Another case lets suppose we are serializing an object and transporting to some other machine.But there class file does not conatin one method which that serialized object has.So in this ...

3. serializing solution for org.w3c.Node

i had a try to pass Node through a remote interface. it worked. so it seems that the (passed) implementation of the Node implements the Serializable interface (i get an DeferredDocumentImpl). but still i want to rely on the interface type Node (could be that someone passes a non Serializable object). that means i do not expect a Serializable type. that's ...

4. Serializable

I have an object I created that i will eventually want to save to disk and send to a server, and I'm trying to find out how to extend the serializable interface. I went to the Sun website that gives descriptions of classes and such, but it didn't really tell how to use the serializable interface. From what I read, it ...

5. Serialization and ClassCastExcpetion

I have written and complied the following code to practice serialization. When I run it I get a ClassCastException. Thanks in advance for your assistance. import*; import; import java.util.*; public class Test implements Serializable { String str = "Hey now!!!"; int[] ints = {1, -3, -10, 4, 15}; char chars = 'a'; Integer integer = new Integer(10); public void ...

6. what does do ???

i can implement and i cannot see any diffrence when my class is executed. i know you are supposed to implement this interface when you want to retain information a object might have but to retain the information you must write the data to an output stream and this can be done without ever implementing this serializable interface. can anybody ...

7. Serialization

Hi Guy's !!! Wanted to pass formatted text in a Chat Appl. Have created the following files : import java.text.*; import*; public class FlashAttributedString extends AttributedString implements Serializable { public FlashAttributedString(String text) { super(text); } } This class extends the class AttributedString and implements the Serializable interface.This class is then used in the following code : import*; public class ...

8. Serialization

Put simply, serialization is the process of converting an entire Java object and all it's data and attributes into a serial form: a form that can be transmitted over a stream. Typically, Java objects are serialized and passed around using ObjectInput/Output Streams. The serialization is done automatically as part of the writeObject() method. Serialized Java objects can be deserialized as well. ...

9. What and why can't be serialized?

10. serialization how does it work

please clear this for me... 1.I have serialized an object and written it to a text file. 2.The object that i have serialized implements an interface other than that of serializable. in a different jvm instance where i can import only the interface and not the implementation( that i have serialized ) ,I say InterfaceName ii=(InterfaceName)ois.readObject(); i invloke ii.interfaceMethod(); ...

11. java 1.4 serializable incompatibilities

Hi, I'm having a problem moving to java 1.4 from 1.3. We have an app that I wrote in 1.3 thats saves stuff to file via an ObjectStreamField like this... private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = { new ObjectStreamField("version",Float.TYPE), new ObjectStreamField("jobletsToSave",Array.class), new ObjectStreamField("jobName",String.class), new ObjectStreamField("jobSerialNumber",String.class), new ObjectStreamField("rotView",Integer.TYPE), new ObjectStreamField("rotMult",Integer.TYPE), new ObjectStreamField("timeInt",Long.TYPE), new ObjectStreamField("spdInt",Integer.TYPE), new ObjectStreamField("spdPoints",DefaultListModel.class) }; Then I use the writeObject ...

12. Serialization

you're screwed as far as I know just like I am. If you read the java docs on AbstractDocument (which you are using in some way) it says: Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of ...

13. StackOverflowError with serialization

Hi all, I am trying to serialize large graph of objects and I am getting the StackOverflowError (trace is on the bottom). It appears to me that there is no infinite recursion. Has anyone seen this? Thank you, Alex java.lang.StackOverflowError at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor13.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at at at at at ...

14. Serialization help

15. serialization aspects for plattform independent transmission

Hello. As it's known, when one wants to transmit binary data over a media that can only handle pure text, this binaries have to be transformed to pseudo 7-bit characters in order to make the transmission, e.g. of an e-mail including non-textual data over the Internet, possible. For the following, please assume that one wants to serialize binary data to a ...

16. serialization help!!!!!!

17. About Serialization doubt

18. serialization issue....

I have a class B that extends class A, both class B and Class A contain few attributes. I want to serialize object of class B but I have a specific requirement that need that after unmarshalling only attributes of class A should be available to the client. Use of transient is not permitted because there are many situations when attribute ...

19. Serialization w/o using Serializable

Hi All This is an interview question which I had to face. I was a bit baffled by it. Can some one throw some light on this. If possible it would be better if someone gave a small example Here is teh question How can serialization be implemented without using the serializable interface ? Rgrds Vishal

20. Serialization

21. Doubts in serialization

22. serialization tracking and inspection tool

hi folks, i have a problem.(so i m here).. this is logic i have a class referring to many others few of them are transient and others not. everything is running fine too. i m loading and unloading them properly too. i just want to know whether there is some tool by which i can track down what all classes can ...

23. Using Serializable

Hey there everyone, As I get back into the groove of programming, I'm trying to use all the new things my book talks about and Serializable happens to be one of them. So let me get started on what I'm trying to do. I have these objects of my own data type that implement serializable (do I need to do anything ...

24. java.lang.StackOverflowError during Serialization

ok.... i tried to increase the stack size by using both java -Xss128m file && java -Xoss128m file However the file written to writes upto a particular size( in my case 3,189kb) and gives the Exception. java.lang.StackOverflowError at sun.misc.SoftCache.get( at at at ( at ( at ( at The last 4 lines get repeated all ...

25. Serialization with ignore

When I try to write object and some of parent objects are not serializable, then the operation fails. In my case I do not care about restoring object which are not serializable, however I do not have much control to make them transient. Does somebody has an example of serialization object with ignoring not serializable parts? Generally I need that for ...

26. Serializing Boolean?

Hi guys, I encountered a strange problem recently. I was serializing a Vector of HashMaps. Each HashMap contained String[], int[], Object[] and one Boolean Object. Now, I was always getting EOFException. Could not figure out what was causing it, and then by trial-error found out that it was Boolean Object. The moment I represented Boolean as primitive and put it into ...

27. DTO must implements Serializable?

I'm thinking if it doesn't need to be serializable it doesn't need to exist. DTOs exist only to Transfer data between components that can't share "real" objects. (I define DTO as equivalent to C structs, data only, no behavior, not much of an object.) If your web-to-business call is a perfectly ordinary java method call, can't you just pass a perfectly ...

28. Serialization !!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me out

Hi Everybody ! Can any body please help me to understand the serialization . I have some questions 1. What is need of writeObject and readObject in Serializable ? 2. If a class contains the other class(not implementating the serializable interface ) as attributes , can automatically Serialization process also serialized other class object or it will throw exception ? 3. ...

29. Serializable

In basic terms, serialiazation means converting a java Object into a series of bytes, which can be persisted and/or transported over the wire to have the Object reconstructed later on. JDK provides the easy way of serializing a Java object and that is implementing the interface. By implemetning the interface, you are approving jvm that this object can be persisted. ...

30. How do I serialize?

The fact that it is not serializable should give you pause. Maybe passing it to an EJB method is not the best approach. In fact, EJBs should not concern themselves with implementation details like whether some piece of data goes to a servlet or to /dev/null. It should just return the business data, and let the client facade handle the rest. ...

31. What is serialization

I read somewhere that if you serialize an object, its converted into XML and sent across the network OR stored on harddisk. And vice-versa i.e. XML is converted back to object OR read from harddisk. Is this the way Serialization OR Deserialization works? I am a bit confused about Serialization, Will someone please elaborate on this.

32. Serialization issue

Hi...I've been trying to implement serialization. Here is the code: Server Code and Message code: import*; import*; class Message implements Serializable{ int type; int id; Message (int i, int j) { type = i; id = j; } String toString2() { String s = new String(); s=s+type; s=s+id; return s; } } class tester { public static void main ...

33. serialization

Serializing in Java has a specific meaning used with ObjectOutputStream and such. As a generic term, serialize means convert an in-memory structure into another format that can be sent between software components, usually into bytes that can be sent one at a time - serially - over a wire. RMI certainly counts as an example of that. Other examples include converting ...

34. few doubts on serialization

Hi, I have read about serialization (saving the state of object on persistant store(network, file etc..)). I want to have a deeper understanding of few concepts which work behind Serialization. I understand we implement serializable interface to achieve serialization. I appreciate if any one could help me in understanding this. Few questions about serialization. What assures us that the Object is ...

35. A doubt in serialization

Hii to all. I know that with serialization we can save state of an object to a persistent media with implementing interface , and in that interface there is no methods , how r the things working behind this implementations so that we are eligle for serializing that object.can anyone please explain this with full details... I will be really ...

36. Serializable, Do I really need it?

Hi guys, I'm reading and writing to files - the text size is normally 200-300 words when reading/writing to a file, it is in 'String' format. My question is, do I need to use serialization for such an i/o operation? Also when would I benefit from using serialization? Thanks in advance for your thoughts, Regards Zein

37. Serialization

Serializable is an interface. All the compiler does is to check that the class implements all methods declared in that interface. Since there are none, every class passes this test. Using Serializable is more like a promise by you -the author of the class- that the class is actually serializable, i.e. that it doesn't contain references to objects that can't be ...

38. Is Serialization like taking a picture of memory cells content?

Hi all, By saving an object to a file and looking to binary data in that file, it seems like it is the same as the data in the heap. can I say that data in this file is a copy of the binary data representing my objects and relationships between them in the memory? to what extent am I right? ...

39. Serialization of strings

I think I found the answer. Here is the code to test it: public class java { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create the objects ArrayList object1 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList object2 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList object3 = new ArrayList(); String string1 = "Test"; object2.add(string1); object3.add(string1); object1.add(object2); object1.add(object3); // Test that the string is the same object if(object1.get(0).get(0) == ...

40. Custom Serialization

Somebody please help me with this code . i am implementing readObject()/writeObject(). Trying to reading a String in ObjectInputStream. I tried different ObjectInputStream methods readLine()->depracated ,Gives my o/p string along wih cryptic characters. readLine() reads UTF so doesnt work,since i am readng plain file readObect()->then casting to String gives exception . import*; /// non serializable class ,Instance as transient in ...

41. Serialization

Serialization is preferred when you want to persist the state of the object. That means saving the state of the object into a permanent storage. Say, into a file in the disk. State of the Object means the values of instance variables of the object you are serializing excluding the variables which are declared as 'transient'. Serialization - process of storing ...

42. can a method can be serialized?

I am having beginner's knowledge but as far as my knowledge goes methods cant be serialized. "Serializable" is an interface which has to be implemented by the class whose object we wish to serialize. Serializing any object is nothing but storing it on secondary memory ( a hard disk) so that it can be retrieved later. I think applying serializable concept ...

43. chekpoint using serialization..Urgent

44. Serialization & data retrieval

Hello. I have written a program that saves JTextField values to a .ser file. As long as the program is still running, I can read those values back into eaxh JTextField. If I close the program, re-open it, and try to read them in again, the JTextFields remain blank. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!

45. doubt in serialization

I m new java. I came to know like static variables can't be serialized. but in a programme i m geting the values of static variable inside a file. .java file ----------- package com.lara; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TestSerialization implements Serializable { static int i=90; transient double ...

46. serialization

47. Regarding Serialization

Hi all, while serialization of an object we will store the object in to a file.this is ok. but while specifying the file path it will store in current folder or temp folder of the system.right? can anyone please tell me is there any way like writing the object in to the file which will store in the jar. Thanks & ...

48. Serialization

Please see the following code snippet. It is throwing an exception in the second try and catch block and prints Deserialization failed. It is however not throwing exception in the first try and catch block. Please reply as soon as you can. ============================================================================ import*; public class Save { public static void main(String args[]) { Car a = new Car(45,"Ford"); Car ...

49. paritial serialization

hello, i am facing problem in doing an example with partial serialization,iam unable to retrive the object even though i can store.I have 2 class parent and child in my application,where parent do not implement serialization and child implements serialization.In my child class i declare parent class object as transient and parent class has a constructor that takes arguments that i ...

50. Retrieving a ani-gif from serialized ImageIcon

Hi all, I have a small problem which I hope somebody can help me with. I am designing an iso-metric game application. One of the features is a Sprite design feature. The user selects an Image and other attributes such as transparency, a Polygon and name. The user saves an array that contains all the Sprites in that so-called Library. Some ...

51. Serialization

52. Serialization & encriptation

Here is my doubt: I want to make a call to a remote service wit the parameters encripted, but I want to keep the parameters type, I mean if the call is: callfunction_x(String parameterA, int parameterB, date Parameter_C), I want to make the call with an String, an int an a date parameers, but all of them encripted. Is it that ...

53. Serialization

Say an EJB has a method getResponseDTO() that returns an interface type, IResponseDTO. The method is called by a remote client. When the client gets the result, how does it know how to deserialize the IResponseDTO? There must be something in the serialized object that indicates what implementation the IResponseDTO should be implemented by, right? So that means that the remote ...

54. Serializable

Interesting... Let me see if I got this right. When you serialize an object, you serialize the object's non-static class-level properties? The object itself is just a pile of property data in memory. Methods are not stored in the object. That's why an object can be serialized, because its just property data? For instance, when a reference variable is declared as ...


Originally posted by Dan Pollitt: Implementing the interface but adding no additional methods means you are stating that the object can be serialized by Java's default mechanism. Precisely. First, you should be aware that one of the ways Interfaces could be defined is "Conformance to requirements". This means, the Java language says that "if your class conforms to ...

56. why Serialization has no methods

Implementing Serializable is just how you tell Java that it's OK to serialize a class. This kind of empty interface is called a "marker interface" and there are a handful of them in the Java APIs. Besides Serializable, Externalizable, and Remote, there's java.lang.Cloneable, which tells the default implementation of clone() that it's OK for it to be invoked.

57. is String[] Serializable?

i don't know of any difference between a String array and any other kind of array, so if arrays in general are serializable, so should a String[] be. but there's an easy way to find out: exploratory coding! i just wrote a little program a little like this one: import*; [I]stuff left out[/I] String[] foo = {"one", "two"}; System.out.println((foo instanceof ...

58. Serialization

For storing the state of an object into a stream we use serializable interface. It is marked interface i.e it is not having any methods. I am having a doubt, how java virtual machine deals the serialization technique ( as serializable interface is not having any methods and we are not implementing any methods).

59. Serializable

Hi, 'Serializable' is a marker interface. A marker interface is one that has no methods. By implimenting a marker interface, you're telling the JRE that your class has specific properties. For example, if your class implements Serializable, then the JRE knows that it doesn't have to do anything special to serialize it. (convert an object of your class into a byte ...

60. Serialization details

61. What does Serializable mean?

Have you read up on Serializable, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream? Those will give you good details on how it all works. You can implement the Serializable interface to indicate an object is willing to be serialized. Once an object is serializable you can use the transient keyword to indicate a variable is not to be serialized as part of the object. [ January ...

62. Java Serialization

63. need for serialization

If anybody knows of a website, please tell Rai Talari. There are bound to be lots, but I can't think of many at the moment. I can think of two major reasons for serializing objects: Storage. You can convert an object to a "series" of bytes, which are stored in a file (you can put any extension you like on it, ...

64. serialization and sizeof (again :-)

hi there! i would like to send objects over sockets, but would like to be able to determine the size of the serialized object so i can provide an estimate of how long it would take to send. i understand that there is no "straight forward" way of determining the size of an object, but is there a way of finding ...

65. Doubt on Serialization

66. Serializable

Hi, I want to know if byte[] is serializable. Also how to i check if the entire obejct is serializable? I have an object which implements serializable, but at run time am getting NotSerializableExceptionexception. This happens only when I tun the app in clustered mode using apache and tomcat. If I tun it in non clustered mode....everything looks fine. 2006-09-20 17:04:57,055 ...

67. doubt regarding serialization in java

Indeed, if a parent class implements Serializable, the subclass is-a serializable object. But remember, Serializable is as much a commitment as it is an implementable interface. Simply saying a class is Serializable isn't must live up to the associated commitment. Here's a snippet from the sun tutorial: Sun Tutorial on Serialization: The Serializable interface provides automatic serialization by using ...

68. serialization

hey, I have a class in which some methods are to be serialized and I don't want to serialze some of them. So what should I do. As far as I know TRANSIENT is for varialbles only. But I do not know, by making a methods STATIC We can stop it from being serialized. Regards, rahul.

69. how to serialize?

70. Is serialization still useful?

It seems like at some point in the future that serialization will be deprecated. Somebody told me that since serialization is binary and once you store it to persistent storage or if you're talking to another computer running Java with different versions of objects of the same class (such as using RMI), that this is problematic since once you start doing ...

71. Application needs to support serialization

Hi, We have web application that needs to support clustering i.e. persisted appserver sessions. Currently, a lot of the objects we store in the HTTP session are not Serializable and therefore any attempts to cluster the appserver fail. To solve this we obviously need to determine what objects need to be Serializable and perform any refactoring required to make them Serializable. ...

72. Serialization

We implement readObject(ObjectInputStream)/writeObject(ObjectOutputStream) in a class implementing Serializable interface to customize the serialization process. Now my question is: 1) Why are we supposed to provide implementation of these methods, when the Serializable interface is a marker interface. Where these methods come from ? Why the method signature should be like this. 2) When should we use serialization and Externalizable interface, when ...

73. Serialization in java

Is Serialization is handled by JVM or we have to handled it by using ObjectOutput Stream object.For Ex. import*; import java.util.*; class SerializeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { List la = new ArrayList(); la.add(32454); try{ ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("filename.ser")); out.writeObject(la); out.close(); }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);} } } In the above code i am using ObjectOutputStream object and inside ...

74. Serialization

There is really no performance hit if you implement Serializable, but you should implement it with care. Not everything should be Serializable. Remember if you make something Serializable, then its entire object tree must also be Serializable. So it could turn into a lot of extra work for no good reason. Also, you probably don't want to make everything Serializable because ...

75. About Serialization..?

76. What is the use of serialization?

Was it you sent the PM yesterday asking what happens if you try to snd an object across a network without serialising it? That sort of question should be asked on the open forum, so everybody can read it. I said, don't know but I think it would make a right mess!

77. Serialization

78. is enum type serializable by default?

Hi all, I am creating an enum type (public enum ApplicationEnum) and using it as a class member in a domain object. Is this ApplicationEnum (which is of type enum) is serializable by default or do i have to explicitly declare the enum ApplicationEnum as Serializable. Lastly, is enum involved in a Serialization mess? Thanks aton for all your help. Regards, ...

79. Use Serialization judicially

Serialization should not be used for any kind of long-term storage. One problem with serialization is that it works only as long as you don't change the classes that you serialize. Suppose you are building an application that saves its data by serializing a bunch of objects. And now suppose that you are developing a new version of the application. If ...

80. serialization content

81. Serialization

82. Disadvantgaes of serialization

By implementing Serializable your objects will not consume more memory than if the class did not. The implementation of the interface merely declares that you have defined the object to be serializable. The book Effective Java has an excellent section on creating objects that behave well when they declare that they follow the Serializable contract. hth, bear

83. Serialize and Serialization

Serialization refers to the idea that any object can be written (with its current state) to a file, a socket...any stream. You could take any object (not the class, but an actual instantiation) and blast it across the Internet if you wanted. Just make sure that the class from which the object is instantiated "implements Serializable". This is just a "marker" ...

84. extends Serializable

85. Serialization

86. Serializable

87. serializable

88. serialization

Hi Sandeep, Welcome to JavaRanch! To deseriallize an object, you need the .class file corresponding to the object's class -- whether you name the class in your deserialization source code or not. There are some versioning mechanisms that form part of the Serialization API, so that the .class file doesn't necessarily have to be the exact same one. But you do ...

89. serializable

I have written a class to integrate with someone else's code. I want the Vector it returns to be written out to a file so that she and I can get at the data. She's done that with a Vector in her code but I can't find where in the code she did it. It's a very large spaghetti-like project. Can ...

90. Serialization compiler error

91. Re: Serializable

92. what is serializable

93. Syncronized & serializable

Hi, I know diffrence between vector and arraylist. Vector is syncronized and arraylist is not syncronized. what is the meaning of syncronized related to vector and arraylist ? and more, when class implement serializable interface, what happen ? generaly bean class implement serializable interface, but what is it gain ? i can't understand. please help me. Thanks in anticipation. with rgds, ...

94. Serializable????

95. Date serialization and timezones

I have a Date object being serialized from a server to a client (located in two different timezones) and I noticed that the date gets auto-adjusted to reflect the local timezone. There are places in the client app where this is desired; however, there are places where I need to keep the date based on the server's timezone. Basically, I don't ...

96. Serializing/ Importing Packages/Classpath issues

I'm not exactly sure how to ask this question (which is probably why I can't figure out the answer), so here goes nothing. I have the following architecture in my application: ____ ____ _____________ user -----> DATA <----- administrator ---- ---- ------------- So basically, the user side is able to write data, update data, manipulate data, etc. The administrator side can ...

97. serialization

I'm going to nitpick about what Paul said - it depends on your definition of "object equality" and "serialization". If you're talking about the actual object instance (which is identical in the sense of "=="), then Paul is exactly right: you need to use Java object serialization, and only a Java client will be able to make sense out of it. ...

98. About serialization

99. What is Serialize

100. to serialize or not to serialize

Hey all, Im currently designing, and will then be coding, an address book program that stores and displays contact information (e.g. names, addresses, email addresses, etc). Im trying to decide on whether to serialize an Contact object or just write the data to an .xml file. Which approach is better? Is one prefered over the other? Is one method better/more efficient/or ...