problem « serialize « Java I/O Q&A

1. Java serialization problem

I have following code to serialize my data into a file:

out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
I read with the following:
in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
Chunk chunk = (Chunk) in.readObject();
The weird thing is, when ...

2. Tricky java serialization problem

I have a java server that has to communicate over a TCP socket to an external program written in C. They pass messages back and forth in a message protocol that ...

3. Java serialization problem

I have two classes X and Y, like this:

class X implements Serializable
  int val1;
  Y val2;

class Y implements Serializable
  int val;
I want to transmit an object of type ...

4. How to avoid GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor problems?

We have a Java App that receives SOAP requests, and after a lot of requests we notice that the GC stops the world to unload a lot of GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor classes. This ...

5. Problem with serializability

How can I pass a non-serializable object over a network?

6. Problems converting between serialization output and BigInteger

I'm in the middle of a school project, where I have to demonstrate RSA. I'm serializing objects using the fairly basic ObjectOutputStream and returning it as a byte array. The RSA method I'm ...

7. Serialization Problem

Hi all, I am not understanding Serialization.When we say Serialization of objects,we mean writing the object in bytes format in streams.But in case of RMI ,we do not write the serializable object into streams.Is it handled by JVM internally or there is something else.Please express your views. I also want to know that whenever we serialize an object,every time its our ...

8. serialization problem

Dear friends, I got a problem about java object serialization. the server resides in tomcat, sending the serialized object to the client which locates the same machine, using the same java version(1.5.02). the server side serialization code snippet is as following: //writting the binary data to a file to compare with client side try { FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream( "/tmp/object.Server"); ...

9. Problem to serialize using XMLSerializer

Hi, I am getting exception while exucuting the following code: private void printToFile(Document dom, String filePath) { try { logger.debug("printToFile(): " + filePath); File file = new File(filePath); logger.debug(1); OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(dom); logger.debug(2); format.setIndenting(true); // EncodingInfo encodingInfo=new EncodingInfo(); format.setEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); //format.setEncoding(encodingInfo); //format.setIndent(100); //format.setIndenting(false); logger.debug(33); // to generate a file output use fileoutputstream XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(new FileOutputStream( file), format); ...

10. Serialization problem

I am unable to run the following gives me a compile time error.please help me solve this.i guess i am making a basic mistake but cannot figure it out. Thanks in advance import*; class base { int x=8; } class base1 extends base implements Serializable { private transient base b=new base(); } public class sirhir { base b; public ...

11. Serialization problem !!!

Hi, I want to serialize a number of objects in a file. I'm persisting them in a file using the following code: package serialization; import; import; import; public class FlattenTime { public static void main(String[] args) { try { FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream( "C:\\time.ser", true); ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream( fileOutputStream); objectOutputStream.writeObject(new PersistentTime()); objectOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ...

12. Problem with Serializable

Here I have a class "Car". This contains several static variables & other primitives. When i'm running my app call "CollectCars",i want save a Car object (ex: honda_civic) in to a File (Say as Honda_Civic.txt) and i want load this saved object "honda_civic" back in to another application by loading that Honda_Civic.txt. I thought this may possible when i use ObjectOutputStream ...

13. problem in Serialization

14. problem in serialization

The code you're showing is not serializing anything. It's deserializing. If you're not writing anything to the file, then of course it doesn't have a proper header. If you're using this code for encrypting (and decrypting), there are better options. Check out javax.crypto.Cipher. An example of encrypting, using Blowfish and a known encryption key: // encrypt String myKey = "abc123$%^"; // ...

15. Problem in Serialization?

Here I want to store objects of "User Class " in a text file called "users.txt". But I'm facing a small problem at the moment .That is when Im'm writing object to the file the existing objects get replaced by new ones .So finally my file contains only one object which i entered last .How to get rid of this case ...

16. Problem in Serialization?

There is a ArrayList which contains user objects .And I serialize those objects to a file called "Users.txt". static void saveToFile(File file) { try { for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) { User user=(User)(users.get(i)); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); oos.writeObject(user); oos.flush(); oos.close(); fos.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } But I think ...

17. Serializable problem

Hi, I need some help with Serializable, I can't seem to get it to work properly! I want to save my HashMap and be able to load it, but so far without success. By the looks of the code it seems correct, maybe the problem could be related to the HashMap which I want to save/load? I have implemented and imported ...

18. Weird Serialization Problem

Hey guys, I'm messing around with Serialization a little and came across a problem with the following piece of test code. private class GIO implements GenericInventoryObserver { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8056416342828974810L; @Override public void elementHinzugefuegt(Film element) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void elementEntfernt(Film element) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } ...

19. Serialization problem

Hello Everyone. I have made this simple program on Serialization When it runs it throws an Exception however i want it to give the values of x,y and z in output.Please suggest a way .I don't want to make class B serializable as i want to see the working of transient variables. I will be really thankful of u.Reply soon. import ...

20. Serialization problem

For a class to be serializable, its super class must a) be serializable too, or b) it must have a no-argument constructor. Unfortunately for you, BufferedImage does not meet these criteria. Therefore, you can't (easily) serialize / deserialize your class. There is good news though. Class ImageIO allows you to read a BufferedImage from any InputStream, and write a BufferedImage with ...

21. Serialization Problem

This is an attempt to make a code snippet from kathy sierra's scjp book into a fully working program. First an overview of the problem : Dog class implements Serializable and has : a size - an int a Collar - an object Collar class should not implement Serializable. I want to serialize and then de-serialize a "dog" object inside SerialTransient ...

22. Problem with serialization

I am having a problem with serialization. I am serializing to a string a CachedRowSetImpl object in a server. private String serialize(CachedRowSetImpl cachedRowSet) { MyOutputStream myOutputStream = new MyOutputStream(); try { ObjectOutputStream serializer = new ObjectOutputStream(myOutputStream); serializer.writeObject(cachedRowSet); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } return myOutputStream.getString(); } private static class MyOutputStream extends OutputStream { private StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); ...

23. Problem to serialize using XMLSerializer

private void printToFile(Document dom, String filePath) { try { logger.debug("printToFile(): " + filePath); File file = new File(filePath); logger.debug(1); OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(dom); logger.debug(2); format.setIndenting(true); // EncodingInfo encodingInfo=new EncodingInfo(); format.setEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); //format.setEncoding(encodingInfo); //format.setIndent(100); //format.setIndenting(false); logger.debug(33); // to generate a file output use fileoutputstream XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(new FileOutputStream( file), format); logger.debug(44); serializer.serialize(dom); logger.debug(5); if (format != null) format = null; ...

24. Serialization Problems?

25. Custom serialization NullPointerException problem

If you declare writeObject() methods in both places you will see that ForSerialization.writeObject() is called before ForSerializationChild.writeObject(). In other words the base class is completely serialized before the child class. This implies that out.defaultWriteObject() doesn't traverse the base classes - Serialization has already done that. So the only place to put those particular methods that play with members of the ForSerializable ...

26. Java Serialization Problem

I'm doing the senior project about Genomic Code Searching by using Suffix Tree. I write program by using arraylist to keep the tree and then I use serialization to write object into file for disk based version.(Note: I've already done for memory based version) The problem is that the file is so huge when I need to read the file and ...

27. Serialization problem

} /** * saves itself to a file * @throws IOException */ public void save() throws IOException { // Use a FileOutputStream to send data to a file // called FileOutputStream f_out = null; f_out = new FileOutputStream(""); // Use an ObjectOutputStream to send object data to the // FileOutputStream for writing to disk. ObjectOutputStream obj_out = new ObjectOutputStream(f_out); // ...

28. Day Light Savings Problem or serialization

When creating a customer in my java application, specifying date of birth and saving the info, the date of birth gets reduced by 1 day from the actual input. From random testing it looks like this error is produced when the year is between 1976-1979 and the months are between April to September. This happens when the data is being passed ...

29. Day Light Savings Problem or serialization problem?

When creating a customer in my java application, specifying date of birth and saving the info, the date of birth gets reduced by 1 day from the actual input. From random testing it looks like this error is produced when the year is between 1976-1979 and the months are between April to September. This happens when the data is being passed ...

30. serialization problems..

Hi. I am trying to implement serialization into my program but am having problems... Basically, i think my data is serializing, but the reason that it is not deserializing is because of the following reason: I have a class called Students, and it has a static variable called studentCount, and in my main method if I call the method viewAllStudents(), it ...

31. Serialization problem