marker « serialize « Java I/O Q&A

1. Is this possible to write a Marker interface

I have gone through the following tutorial : And after reading the above article, I feel, that it is not possible to write a Marker interface, because, how can you instruct compiler, ...

2. Why is it necessary to use a marker interface to serialize an object?

Why can't just avoid this if I want all objects in my app to be serializable ? Update: I know that some class cannot be serialized like thread but the java system ...

3. Has the design of marker interfaces like Java's Serializable or Cloneable evolved in C#?

Java provides and java.lang.Cloneable in his standard library (and special support for it in the language and the JVM) for tasks around deserializing/serializing/cloning. Has C# chosen a different path to provide ...

4. Serializable marker interface

Your question is not very clear (is your space-bar broken?!), but I suspect it does not belong in Advanced forum. Are you just asking how to create a marker interface? If so, that's just a question of creating an interface with no members. Identifying whether an object supports a marker interface is a trivial application of "instanceof" operator. It sounds as ...

5. Serializable marker interface