final « serialize « Java I/O Q&A

1. Serialising and immutable objects

I have a class which is intended for immutable use, hence I would like to label all the fields final. However the class is serialized and deserialized to send over the network. ...

2. What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?

I have the warning message given in the title. I would like to understand and remove it. I found already some answers on this question but I do not understand these ...

3. java serialization and final fields

I have an class defining an immutable value type that I now need to serialize. The immutability comes from the final fields which are set in the constructor. I've tried serializing, ...

4. final transient fields and serialization

Is it possible to have final transient fields that are set to any non-default value after serialization in Java? My usecase is a cache variable — that's why it is ...

5. What is the difference of declaring private static final long serialVersionUID = xxxxxxxxL in classes that implements Serializable

What is the effect of declaring a private static final long serialVersionUID = 1945670924947820279L; in a class that implements Serializable? I remember that one may implement the class without specifying the long, ...

6. compiler optimizes away a final field added to a serialized class

This is a strange one, am wondering if this is by design or a compiler bug. Am using Sun Java 6 on a PC, but also seen with Sun Java ...

7. Serialisation of public final fields

I'm using a simple struct where I store readonly values (like properties with no setter in C#). To achieve this I'm using public final int test=42;. For some reasons I want to ...

8. The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field

If you explicitly put such a field into a serializable class, then you can use it to provide versioning for serialized data files containing this class. Class versions with the same SerialVersionUID have compatible serialized data, by definition, even if the class changes. But if this doesn't matter to you, then just ignore the warning.

9. The serializable class does not declare a static final...

I am working on code that is just supposed to come up with a menu screen, with a new game button that does nothing yet, as well as an exit button. I can't figure out what this error that eclipse is giving me means, anyone have any idea? Code and error below, the line in the code (the class declaration) that ...

10. help for serialization with final member

I've got a class that I'm trying to write manual serialization code. I can't figure out how to handle the "final Person" member. I can't do a set in the readObject function, since its final public class SmartList implements Serializable { /** the User or Person */ protected final Person ourPerson; protected ArrayList theList; I don't want to let ...

12. The serializable class...does not declare a static final serialVersionUI

I get this warning all the time in Eclipse. Recently I have had it auto fix for me by generating a serialVersion long. But someone told me I should just have Eclipse ignore that error through setting the preferences. Can someone tell me more about this warning and if I should disable it?