path « jar « Java I/O Q&A

1. Can an executable .jar file be called without having to use its full path?

I have a .jar file that I would like to be able to call without having to use a full file path to its location. For example, if the .jar file ...

2. How to get a path to a resource in a Java JAR file

I am trying to get a path to a Resource but I have had no luck. This works (both in IDE and with the JAR) but this way I can't get ...

3. Reading properties file from JAR directory

I’m creating an executable JAR that will read in a set of properties at runtime from a file. The directory structure will be something like:

Is there a way of setting the ...

4. Handling resource file paths in JAR's and development

I have a keystore file that I want available to several classes in my application. I made a .config file that points the name of the keystore file, it's password, ...

5. How to get the path of executed .jar file?

How do I get the path of a an executed .jar file, in Java? I tried using System.getProperty("user.dir"); but this only gave me the current working directory which is wrong, I need ...

6. Using the plus sign (+) in a file path exported to a jar file

The title might not be entirely clear, but I'll try to explain. I'm trying to access a file with a path like /net/blm50+hmm/synlist/, which works fine when I don't export to a ...

7. Loading a file relative to the executing jar file

The question says it all. The specialty in my case is that the current working directory is not the location of the jar file but c:\Windows\system32 (My jar file is started by ...

8. How to get a path to a resource/file out of a Java JAR file

I'm trying to get the path to a file that it is located out of the java jar and I don't want to use an absolute path. An exampel: lets say ...

9. How to resolve path of a static file in Java?

How can I find path of a xml (static myXml.xml) file that is embedded into jar? Obviously not by absolute path but I am facing same kind of problem with relative ...

10. Problem with path in .jar file

I want to call a compiler (nonstandard) located in a folder inside my Java application. So I wrote this code:

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("closures/bin/javac " + filename);
It worked! But now I want to ...

11. Problems to access a report in a jar file

I have a jar aplication that contains several reports(files .jasper) and the way that i get the path of the report is: getClass().getResource("/reportes/mireporte.jasper").toString(); but when i execute i get the next error: FileNotFoundException although ...

12. locating jar file in $PATH enviroment variable for java -jar command

I want to run a simple executable jar like this:

java -jar /path/to/my/jar/myjar.jar
However, i have to put that absolute path everytime I want to run it. Is there a way to tell ...

13. problem with setting the class path in within jar file

I have created the jar file,and I run it using command:-

java -jar /usr/local/bin/niidle.jar arguments...
then I got this error---- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: me/prettyprint/hector/api/Serializer ...

14. Get path of execution - from where I start jar file

Can I in my Java app find current path where I start that jar file ?
Path of execution ( example: C:\test\test_one> java -jar test.jar to get C:\test\test_one ) ?

15. Reading File In JAR using Relative Path

I have some text configuration file that need to be read by my program. My current code is:

protected File getConfigFile() {
    URL url = getClass().getResource("wof.txt");

16. How to specify relative file path in Java file so that it can still work after the file is put in jar file?

Suppose I have a Java class that needs to access a file with absolute path /home/gem/projects/bar/resources/test.csv:

package com.example
class Foo {
String filePath = ????? // path to test.csv
String lines = FileInputStream(new File(filePath).readAllLines();

Where the path ...

17. why i have to set the rt.jar file class path explicitly?

public class welCome  

public static void main( String args[] )
  System.out.println( "Welcome to the World Of Java!" );

I have to explicitly set the environment variable CLASSPATH to the ...

18. Path of properties file in java

I have a property file which is inside a default package and the class in which I am using the properties file is also in the same default package. If I ...

19. How to refer to reasources/files in the same jar?

I have a jar file that contains two files in the root
I've tried to access them with:
and I also tried:
but neither works. ...

20. How to get Jar File Path

I have an Verification.jar file which is checking some conditions in excel file. I want ot create a folder called Log at the same level where that Verification.jar is present. Thanks in ...

21. Adding properties file entry to the class path entry of the manifest file in java

I have a properties file in the resources folder in my project. I have created a JAR file by excluding this properties file, so that any changes made to the properties ...

22. How to _directly_ get a list of files from a sub-directory in a .JAR - JAVA

I'm looking for a way to directly get a list of all files within a specified sub-directory within a .jar. This is similar: List files inside a JAR file But unfortunately the ...

23. Unable to execute jar file despite having PATH and CLASSPATH set

My question is regarding including jar files in path. It has 2 parts. 1) I am trying to execute weka.jar jar file located in /home/andy/software/weka/weka.jar PATH variable points to this jar file ...

24. How to Find path of a file inside a jar file????

Hi, I have a jar file which contains an xml file. How to find out the path of the xml file since one of my class (which is also inside the jar) will read the content of the jar. And the jar file can be put in any directory and will be included to the client application either through the IDE ...

26. HowTo resolve relative path to file when packaged to jar

Hello, I doing some mail stuff where I have to include some attachments. The java programm which does this is packaged into a jar which has roughly this structure. notify.jar |att | | | | |----------notification.class So the java classes reside on the top level whereas the foo zip is in the folder att. When I try to get a ...

27. Adding .jar file to class path

28. JAR Files and Class Path

Hi, I am compiling the JAVA File which has to have classpath reference for the file servlet-api.jar. I have this file in c:\program files\tomcat\lib\servlet-api.jar So I am compiling like C:\javaexample> javac -classpath c:\program files\tomcat\lib\servlet-api.jar When I execute the above statement I am getting any error "ClassNotFoundException" But when I put the jar file in a folder which is not having ...

31. reading path read inside jar file

Hi, I need to read a file specified in a particular path inside a jar file. this jar file will be in the classpath of the application(EAR). I need some thing like struts2 where the struts.xml will be automatically picked by the jar file. so i need my .xml file path which will be parsed in my jar file. when i ...

32. Determine the absolute path of a jar file in classpath

Officially you can't, but a few hacks can help you out. One of them uses ProtectionDomain, search for the article. The other one uses the fact that with most class loaders you can use the .class file itself as a resource. For instance, try this: URL url = String.class.getResource("String.class"); System.out.println(url);If the class file is located in a JAR file cut ...

33. Relative path with JAR files

So I'm not sure quite where to put this, so I chose general. But the gist of my problem is, I have a program that I package in a JAR file, and I want to be able to access a configuration .ini file outside of the JAR file - so the user can configure it themselves easily. But I can't get ...

34. JAR file paths

Hi, I have some classes and text files in the same directory contained in a package. I ultimately want to run my program from a jar but right now I cannot seem to access the text files from inside the package. My classes can't find the text files when I use FileReader even though they are in the same directory. I ...

35. What will the relitive path to a .jpg file within .jar file be???

Hi this is going to sound stupid but, consider the following: I have a group of images(jpg) inside a folder This folder and all my Packages.classes get packaged into a .jar file I have never done this sort of thing before (never needed to) but I thought it would look cool if I change the icons in my JTree. Eg: (for ...

36. Setting path to the jar files

37. how to set path to jar file (classes)?

hi, i have a java program which uses a jar file (lots of classes). so, i run them all in eclipse but i want to run it on a command line, like through cmd from run. the classes are found in a different folder, and the code snippet is found in another folder. so where or how to set the path ...

38. jar files and class path

I have a small swing application which connects to an external database and queries something and creates a small report on the local machine. Running from the command line calling the == java MyClass works good. I would like to deploy this to two other machines. I dont want the use to run from the command line solution. I want to ...

39. to get file path without the jar filename

I am trying to first check if the path contains jar file. If so, then I need to retrieve just the path without the jar file name. On second reading this just doesn't make sense. How can you "check the path" unless you know the path. And if you know the path there's nothing to retrieve. Perhaps "foo.jar" is a resource ...

40. problem in setting path for lingpipe.jar file. can any one help????

i tried to set the path for lingpipe4.0.0.jar file and tried to execute the .java files I found the following error. Plez can any one explain and hep me how to do it.... Error C:\codes>javac cannot find symbol symbol : class Classifier location: package com.aliasi.classify import com.aliasi.classify.Classifier; ^ readFromFile(,java.lang.String) in com.aliasi .util.Files cannot be applied to ( String ...

41. How to load a Jar file in the class path?

43. How to add jar file in class path ?

44. JMF is not getting build path in executable jar file

I have a problem with JMF .I m working on capturing of image from webcam. When I build path of JMF lib files by adding 'Add Jar ' from eclipse IDE , my application run but capture function of webcam doesn't work means it doesn't get path of JMF lib file . But if JMF lib file added directly from C:\Program ...

45. what path name do I use for a file in an executable jar

In eclipse I can create an executable jar from a java project. The project runs fine in eclipse. The project contains some .jpg and .wav files. These files are directly under the project. When I export the jar to my desktop it will run but it can not find the files. If I add the files to the desktop then the ...

46. How to create a jar file which is using other jars in its build path.

I've been able to create project jar files in Eclipse by selecting Export from the File menu, then choose Java - Jar file - and provide the required information, name, destination folder etc. But when I do this, I do not export other jars on the build path this way nor do I expect to do this. I am only concerned ...

47. Two CLass path variables for a JAR file problem??

Making a jar file from SWT project, in Eclipse: 1. Create one manifest file in project with following contents: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Class-path: swt.jar Main-class: package.MainClass 2. Export jar file with this manifest file a) Right-click on project b) Selection Export c) Select Java and Jar file d) Select the project, classpath and file project e) In jar file textbox enter the ...

48. Accessing Files from a Same JAR without using PATHS

A resource in a JAR isn't a file. It's just a resource. So don't try to treat it like it's a file, because it isn't. Regardless of whether the resource is in a JAR, or whether it is a standalone file on the disk somewhere, you can and should use the same mechanism to get a stream to it: InputStream fontStream ...

49. HOw to get Path of Running Jar file

50. how to run a jar file which needs another jar to be in the class path

so, currently I am doing like this In the manifest file i have given like Main-Class: Class-Path: then it is running fine. But, if I want to change the jar location again I need to changed the manifest file. Is there any way to do this? Pls help me.