manifest « jar « Java I/O Q&A

1. Using tools that the JDK and/or JRE provide, is there a way to view the Manifest file for a given JAR?

I'm able to read the Manifest file inside of my Java code, but I would also like to know if it's possible, and if it is, how to open up a ...

2. Get manifest-file from executed JAR

Let's say I have:
client.jar (contains main-method) (uses core.jar)
super_mega_client.jar (uses core.jar, client.jar) To run my program I use "java -jar super_mega_client.jar"
How could I get the manifest-file from "super_mega_client.jar" knowing nothing about ...

3. Manifest vs Properties file format

After some searching on Google and here, I still haven't found any answer to the following: Is there a reason that JAR manifests don't just use the properties format? I am guessing this ...

4. Why it's failed to load main-class manifest attribute from jar-file?

I have created a jar file in this way jar cf jar-file input-files. Now I try to run it. This does not work: jre -cp app.jar MainClass (jre command is not ...

5. Question regarding Manifest in Java jar file

Is is mandatory to have classpath inside a Manifest file inside the java jar file? can we do work without having the classpath inside it? The reason why I am asking this ...

6. Loading jar file using JCL(JarClassLoader ) : classpath in manifest is ignored

I am trying to load jar file using JCL using following code

FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File( "C:\\Users\\sunils\\glassfish-tests\\working\\test.jar") );
        JarClassLoader jc = ...

7. Java - edit to have .class and .java files in a JAR

I would like to have .class and .java files in a JAR. Thus, I have "bin" and "src" pastes in that JAR. How should I edit the MANIFEST.MF?

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8. too long line in manifest file while trying to create jar

I am getting a too long line error while trying to build a jar. the long line in the manifest file is the Class-Path line as the application uses a ...

9. reading MANIFEST.MF file from jar file using JAVA

Is there any way i can read the contents of a jar file. like i want to read the manifest file in order to find the creator of the jar file ...

10. XML files in java classpath not being found

I've been trying to get some config files added into a JAR manifests class-path. Things like Spring, Log4j files etc... when I run the jar, it picks up other jars on ...

11. When is the Class-Path attribute in a Jar file examined and used

I have an academic question for which I don't find the appropriated documentatino from Sun/Oracle. I have a set of Jar files and the java vm is started like this:

java -cp one.jar:two.jar:helper.jar ...

12. jar -uf is deleting the file inside the jar

I am using jar -uf to update my MANIFEST.MF file like this: a. jar xf jarfile.jar META-INF\MANIFEST.MF b. edit the file c. jar uf jarfile.jar META-INF\MANIFEST.MF But the 'uf' command is removing MANIFEST.MF from within ...

13. Conventions for additional content of the file?

Are there any conventions for the MANIFEST.MF file in a Java JAR beyond the JAR specification? Interesting information I might want to include are: Build date and other build ...

14. Jar file MANIFEST.MF question.

In the file of a jar file. There is a Class-Path attribute. Is it mandatory to enumerate each and every jar in the value of the Class-Path attribute. I cannot do a Class-Path: mylib/*.jar but have to instead Class-Path: mylib/1.jar mylib/2.jar mylib/3.jar and so on.. This is tedious. Is there an ant task that will generate the classpath attribute?

15. Jar files and manifest classpath

I posted this in the beginner section, but have had no responses at all. I've posted again here incase different people read different forum areas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi all. Here's what i want to do... Have my entire program contained in an executable jar file. Have the external library jars referenced in the manifest's classpath. Have configuration files, referenced in the manifest ...

16. Jar Files in another jar file (MANIFEST.MF Question)

Hey All, I have a simple soap client written using xfire. It has several jars that it references to other jars. I can run it fine when the directory structure is like this Directory | +- start.bat | +- MyJarFile.jar | +- lib | +- All the referenced jar files and i use the batch job to add all the jars ...

17. JARS and Manifest files

Hello. I have created a JAR file with some class files in it. Now I need to update the Manifest file to tell it the main class. I have tried running the following command: jar umf mainInfo.txt OrderMainMenu.jar The command works, but when I look at the manifest file it doesn't show that it entered it into the file. I am ...

18. jar file manifest

I have added the Main-Class heading to the manifest of my jar file. I am not using packages. When I try to run the jar file I get a NoClassDefFound error. I have verified that the class is in the jar. When I run the class outside of the jar it works. My classpath appears to be ok. Does anyone have ...

19. can't add Main-Class to jar file manifest

I created a jar file as follows: jar cvf food.jar food "food" is a directory containing "" and "Fruit.class" just has an empty main method I created a file "": Main-Class: food/Fruit I then updated the manifest: jar uvmf food.jar Java responded: updated manifest But when I extracted the manifest, it did not have the Main-Class entry. Where did ...

21. Manifest file to jar

22. runnable jar manifest file problem

24. changing the manifest file of a jar

hi, i created jar file using eclipse. the problem is that it doesn't recognize a jar file that the class use. i need this jar to recognize and use the other jar. i got an advice of changing the manifest. well, i opened the manifest with notepad and i don't know how i have to write in it the reference to ...

25. Jar File Not Accepting my Classpath As specified in the

Actually the Tutorials clarified something which I had been unclear for a long long time. Note: The Class-Path header points to classes or JAR files on the local network, not JAR files within the JAR file or classes accessible over internet protocols. To load classes in JAR files within a JAR file into the class path, you must write custom code ...

26. Manifest problem in creating a jar file (CLI)

You specify the entry point of the program (the main class) with a Main-Class attribute (not a Name attribute). I'm not sure if Name is a valid attribute in a manifest file. Also, put a space between the : and the value of the attribute. Make sure that the manifest ends with an empty line; there's a known problem where Java ...

27. Multiple jar declaration in Class-Path attribute in jar's Manifest file

Hi all, My Class-Path: attribute in manifest file looks like below - Class-Path: activation-1.1.jar activemq-all-5.3.0.jar commons-codec-1.3.jar commons-httpclient-3.1.jar commons-logging-1.1.1.jar commons-pool-1.5.6.jar jdom-0.7.jar json.jar log4j.jar looksdemo-2.3.1.jar mail.jar openrdf-sesame-2.3.1-onejar.jar slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar slf4j-nop-1.5.8.jar xercesImpl.jar All the mentioned jar files resides in the same directory (Windows) along with my custom jar. Is there a simple way to specify the Class-Path: attribute to look into a single folder or ...

29. Modifying manifest in jar files.

I occasionally write java applications and deploy them as executable jar files, modifying the manifest to include the Main-Class attribute I use a text editor, no Ides'. I had no difficulties with jdk 1.4.2 installed on Windows 2000. With jdk1.5.0_06 installed on Windows XP the jar file is being created with the jar cvf command.But when I try to add the ...

30. Problem reading the manifest of a JAR file

InputStream is = getClass( ).getResourceAsStream("/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); which returned a stream of only 68 bytes. When I read the stream, it returned something distinctly different from the actual contents. The manifest starts with Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.1 X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build Created-By: 1.6.0-b105 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) But returns only Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 1.6.0 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) ...

31. class-path not being read when executing jar file.

I know I've used this in the past, but no I can't seem to get it to work. I have an executable JAR file that has a in it with the following entries: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0 Created-By: 14.3-b01 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Built-By: field Main-Class: com.ims.survey.SurveyMain Class-Path: lib/ What I am trying to do is have the classpath ...

32. problem with jar file & loading manifest file

Hi Friends i developing one application using java Swing i deploying the whole application using the jar Utility. but while installing & deploying this application on my machine & on the another machine error occured which showing that failed to load manifestfile from main module Or Main class. why this is happen? any other Java settings OR changing in java settings ...

33. How to set classpath in manifest file in executable jar file

I have developed java application in eclipse and for connecting to sql sever database, I am using jtds type-4 driver. I have dropped the jtds.jar file under the project and added into the class path. It works fine in the eclipse work space. Now I have to run this program in a production server and this program should run every day ...

34. Referencing to .jar files in a manifest file

35. Problem is when iam exporting the jar file the manifest file chaning iam running the site scope program ,program is running fine i add the mail.jar and activation.jar when iam Exporting the JAR file ,the Manifest files is changing with out classpath only showing the like this Manifest-Version: 1.0 Sealed: true Main-Class: p1.TestMiniBrowser Actually i created the manifest files like this .. Manifest-Version: 1.0 Sealed: true Class-Path: mail.jar activation.jar ...

36. Adding a Manifest to a JAR file

1) figure out the format for the manifest file. It is not exactly higher science, a simple google query will get you all the info you need 2) skip JarOutputStream and use ZipOutputStream to build your jar, add the manifest manually. That is one way of doing it. The other would be to use ANT like the previous poster is trying ...

37. Edit manifest file inside jar

38. Modify Manifest file in JAR, with code.

I need to add / update a value in manifest file, inside a jar. May I know how can I do it, with code? Is it possible to do it without extracting the jar? Or can someone tell me which jar in java lib that actually does it? I know the task can be done easily using command "jar umf Textfile.txt ...

39. [HELP] More on JAR and Manifest File Question...

I need to create a manifest file or an executable jar file that can be run by (double clicking) and will contain all the files needed for it to run (JAR files, text input files, manifest file, java and class files, etc.) I want the jar file to run anywhere it will be saved. The current setting I created still gets ...

40. Problems with Manifest building jar file

41. help regarding manifest file of .jars

hi , i need to store information about the other files that are packaged in the archive. i.e, i have some .class files of which few are bean classes and other are logic classes. i need to mention that a class is a bean or not in the manifest do i give the class description there. thanks

42. Is it possible to have more than MANIFEST file in JAR?

Hi , In my manifest file i am going to have some custom attributes like request name, response name.,etc..and i gonna read that manifest file. Since i have more modules in my JAR file,it would be fine if i have more than one manifest file. Kindly clarify Edited by: user13474707 on Dec 14, 2010 1:58 AM