commandline « jar « Java I/O Q&A

1. Java Command Line Jar File

I've created a few .jar files (using Eclipse's export feature), but they were all GUIs. I want to create a .jar file that is strictly command-line; is this possible?

2. Is there a way to know if a Java program was started from the command line or from a jar file?

I want to either display a message in the console or a pop up, so in case a parameter is not specified, I want to know to which should I display Something ...

3. Problem when creating Jar file using Command Line

I have tried to create Jar file using Command Line. My Manifest file:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.6.0 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
My Files and Location of that files: Location : D:\Application Files :

4. Creating a jar file from the command line

I have a swing based application in a package called moiveJava2. My moment interval class, WindowGUIMI, has one main method which instantiates the rest of the application from another class called WindowGUI. I have created a manifest file called MovieJava2.MF which has one line equal to: Main-Class: WindowGUIMI //plus a carriage return My dos command lines thus far have been: C:\java_programs\MovieJava>jar ...

5. NoClassDefFoundError running a jar file from the command line

Hi, I made a jar file I want to execute on the command line. It has jar dependanies, so the other jars are packaged inside my main jar file in the \lib directory. So I try to execute like this...>java -jar mainjar.jar and I get a NoClassDefFoundError on all the depedancy jars. I edit the to add the class path ...

6. Running a jar file from command line

I thought I was past classpath/compilation issues but I guess not. I am trying to run an SFTP program that requires the SFTP jar from JCraft. All the necessary files are in the same directory and include: sendSftp.class, jsch-0.1.40.jar, and The class file was created by explicitly listing the path for all files that were needed and it was successful. ...

7. Creating a jar file with command line option

Hello, I can create a simple jar file as : jar cmf manifest.txt MyJarName.jar test\*.class My requirement is create a jar file MyJarName.jar file such that it can take command line arguments and can pass it to class with main method. example: java -jar MyJarName.jar arg1 arg2 and will pass arg1 arg2 to my class ( that contains main method on ...

8. typing *jar on command line changes args[] to contain jar files

Hi, I am typing in "java filename jar *jar normal" in order to search something by jars and to search thru all jars (using *jar) but when i type that in i get a bunch of jar files back. args[0] is supposed to be the search type, args[1] is the search criteria and args[2] is irrelevant... the problem is that when ...