Jar 8 « jar « Java I/O Q&A

2. how to create jar file with the help of java code    forums.oracle.com

following is part of my code for creating JAR File at /home/g.pol/projects/practice/binaryTransfer/classes i have all my class files in package struture public class JarFileManager { /** * */ public JarFileManager() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public static JarOutputStream getJarOutPutStream(String fileLocation){ JarOutputStream jarOutPutStream=null; try{ jarOutPutStream=new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileLocation)); }catch(IOException ioException){ ioException.printStackTrace(); } return jarOutPutStream; } public static void createJarFile()throws Exception{ ...

3. Jar file    forums.oracle.com

4. java jar file    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I am developing web based application using apache as a webserver. I have one application which is located in the folder apache/webapps/foo/foo2/myapp.jar . This application must access the class which is located in the apache/webapps/foo/WEB-INF/classes. My question is what is the class-path should i put in the jar manifest file for my application to access the class in the ...

5. Retrieving remote file from jar    forums.oracle.com

6. JAR FILE    forums.oracle.com

7. jar files    forums.oracle.com

i have a unix server where i have to put my code then the client will run it from my acctn folder, he will not give classpath variable javac classpath .:$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/classes12.zip:$ORACLE_HOME/md/lib/sdoapi.zip myCode.java this is how the code is supposed to work, the 2 zip files mentioned only will be run & then myCode, so now how can i access any other ...

8. help having trouble creating a jar file    forums.oracle.com

I managed to create the jar file but when I try to run it I get the message "Could not find the main class.Program will exit". Here are the comands i used from dos, with the results. C:\Documents and Settings\Levybee\My Documents\Greenwich_University\PROJECT\Tac_ 3D>echo Main-Class: Tac3D >manifest.txt C:\Documents and Settings\Levybee\My Documents\Greenwich_University\PROJECT\Tac_ 3D>jar -cvmf manifest.txt Tac3D.jar *.class redball.png redball2.png tac3d.png G ameOver.png ...

9. how to create obfuscated JAR file    forums.oracle.com

Proguard is a very nice Open Source obfuscation tool hosted on source forge. It comes with an ant task too.... And the number 1 obfuscation tool is Zelix Klass Master if I am right, but this is a commercial product. But it is suppose to provide the strongest obfuscation among all the others. Google these two names, you will get plenty ...

10. Jar Files    forums.oracle.com

well you can do a byte by byte compare, but then you dont know what you are looking at. or maybe you can write a small program that extracts both files, and then walks each extracted directory, and compares the files, and prints which ones are different? i think this program would be easy to write in under 2 hours

11. To execuete another jar file.    forums.oracle.com

12. Seeking help the usage of jar files    forums.oracle.com

Please kindly assist me on how to unzip a jar file that contains a source program. I was working on a tutorial entitled "Introduction to Swing" by Micheal Abernethy and in the said tutorial he referred to Swing1.jar file that contains the source. I know how to use Eclipse to produce a jar file, but I have not come accross the ...

13. Jar files to app files    forums.oracle.com

My program is consists of more than one jar file and then a few other files with that. I would like to put them together into a .app file. make that a .dmg file, and then place that on the website so that it is available for download. I know how to make a .app a .dmg file, that is not ...

14. jar file needed    forums.oracle.com

15. JAR file    forums.oracle.com

16. importing jar files?    forums.oracle.com

i need to reach a couple of classes in a jar file that's located in the same folder as the program i'm running. let's call the jar file files.jar i am able to run the program with the files inside extracted i need to be able to run it without the extraction HOW????? i'm so frustrated i've tried: import files.jar; import ...

17. Creating Jar Files    forums.oracle.com

18. How to write file from excutable jar?    forums.oracle.com

If it's possible to write a file into a jar on the fly, it's not easy. That's not really what it's for, and I think generally it would be a bad idea. Think about deployment units. If you create a resource for deployment (e.g., a jar file) the last thing you want is for that resource to change at run time. ...

19. jar file    forums.oracle.com

20. muliple jar files    forums.oracle.com

Hi I have a jar file which contains relavent libraries inside its lib folder. for one jar file I have set the manifest file like this Class-Path: log4j-1.2.13.jar to keep multiple jar file in classpath what should i do or any other idea like jar dependency while creating jar. (dont know how to create this jar dependcy) regards

21. Using web start to view jar file    forums.oracle.com

Hi.. Im new to web start. I have developed a Java Help and now I need to attach that to my application which run's on Browser. My help file is in the application server and it is in a form of a .jar file. Now i need to invoke the jar file into my client browsers by clicking on Help button. ...

22. how to list all filename in excuteable jar file?    forums.oracle.com

Hi there, i've been googling around for hours, but found no good answer i want listing all file name in my excuteable jar file Firstly, i use File f = new File("/sounds"); String[] filenames = f.list(); and use these filenames to load some resouces from url //ex URL url = getClass().getResource("/sounds/"+filenames); No problem occurs when i run it normally but when ...

23. Which jar files to use for WSIF    forums.oracle.com

24. How do i protect my jar file    forums.oracle.com

I'm not sure I understand your question. Do you want to protect it as "not allowing untrusted code to be added to the jar"? Then read the Java tutorial chapter about signing jars: http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/security/toolsign/index.html Do you want to protect it such as "not allowing anyone else but me to see its contents"? Then for SE and EE applications at least, forget ...

25. java.lang.NoSuchMethodException encountered when using jar file    forums.oracle.com

Hi Friends I am getting this peculiar exception for some time now and not able to figure out why i get it. I searched the net but seem to not find any proper solution. Here is what i am trying to do. I am using Eclipse(Latest version) and jdk 1.6. I have a Java project in my workspace which was previously ...

26. java ini jar file    forums.oracle.com

27. archiving a java application into jar file    forums.oracle.com

hello, I have a java application and I want to archive it into jar executable file. in the manifest file there is classpath attribute for designing all jar file required by the application but there is no attribute for designing sourcepath required ( for example my application use swing components like JFrame,JButton,...) and I have exported the jdk into the application ...

28. Making a jar file    forums.oracle.com

What your trying to do should work. Try adding the following to the first line of the main class: +System.out.println("user.dir:" + System.getProperty("user.dir", "error"));+ Rerun your program in netbeans, and look at the console output. The sysout above will tell you the current directory while your programming is running. Compare that directory to the top level jar directory. Are the listings the ...

29. Passing Virtual Machine Arguments while calling a .jar file.    forums.oracle.com

Here are the exception details. ExceptionBegin======================================================================================= stack Trace isAxisFault faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: java.net.SocketException: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Error constructing implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class: com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.DefaultSSLContextImpl) faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}stackTrace:java.net.SocketException: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Error constructing implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class: com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.DefaultSSLContextImpl) at javax.net.ssl.DefaultSSLSocketFactory.throwException(Unknown Source) at javax.net.ssl.DefaultSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(Unknown Source) at org.apache.axis.components.net.JSSESocketFactory.create(JSSESocketFactory.java:92) at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.getSocket(HTTPSender.java:191) at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.writeToSocket(HTTPSender.java:404) at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.invoke(HTTPSender.java:138) at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit(InvocationStrategy.java:32) at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(SimpleChain.java:118) at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(SimpleChain.java:83) at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(AxisClient.java:165) at ...

30. Jar file: log file is not created!    forums.oracle.com

31. Play WAV files into the .jar    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I'm doing small application Java with Netbeans. I need is to play .wav file sounds are incorporated into the jar. I do not want to use external libraries or external sound files, etc.. I want to go with my .JAR to the office, home, etc ... just need the JAR to hear the sounds. I've created a folder "Sounds" in ...

32. What are these jar files for?    forums.oracle.com